In the evening, Zhang Ping and Zhang Shouzhong came out of the mine filthy.

Both of them are smiling, and they have the pleasure of stealing chickens. It is difficult for ordinary persons to dig white iron, but for their kind of awakened, mining is too simple.

Zhang Ping used his mind to dig several tons of mines in just over ten hours. Zhang Shouzhong also digs a lot, all of which are temporarily stored in the yellow cheat bracelet.

This is definitely not stealing.

The white iron ore is the feedback of nature. The residents of Baitie Town can dig it, and of course they can also dig it.

The two returned to their temporary room, and after taking a bath, they went to the hall to meet everyone.

"Senior Sister, what are you eating tonight?"

Zhang Shouzhong sat down on the sofa he made and asked loudly.

In the kitchen, Cheng Xuejie came out with a dish, and after putting it out, opened the mouth and said: "Tonight is fried radish with snow rabbit meat, and stewed three treasure soup with frigate bird meat, and fried sprouts. Fried rice with Mingzhu."

"I love green vegetables, I love green vegetables very much. I have eaten too much meat recently, and my shit is sticky." Zhang Shouzhong immediately happily said.

Cheng Xuejie squinted angrily and said: "Don't say shit before eating."

"Sorry, I do my homework!"

Zhang Shouzhong quickly covered Shut up.

Next, he used fat energy to create a table, took out a pen and paper, and began to copy the team rules.

"Fatty, did he commit another crime?" Bai De took a look and asked Zhang Ping funny.

Zhang Ping took the white iron ore and listened to said with a smile: "I didn’t handle it, I should be punished!"

He looked up at the hall and said strangely: "Quickly After dinner, where is Lu Han senior?"

"I didn't see him, he seemed to fly away early this morning." Bai De said.

Feng Laixian frowned: "He didn't seem to be back at noon."

"It broke, maybe something went wrong, right?" Zhang Shouzhong stopped his movements immediately, worried. Said.

Zhang Ping also felt a little uneasy, and stood up and said, "I'll fly all around and take a look."

He walked out of the hall and immediately flew into the air.

Looking down from the sky, the snow is scarlet in the distance.

Tens of thousands of meters away from Baitie Town, Lu Han is using his body's psychic energy to resist the erosion of metal viruses.

He wants to pass the information to Zhang Ping. The problem is that Zhang Ping’s Wang Xue is a one-way contact. Unless Zhang Ping takes the initiative to contact him, he will not be able to contact Zhang Ping.

At this time, his skin has become red, and the entire arm of the right hand has become incomparable gigantic. The virus has spread to his eyes, and everything in one of the eyeballs is red.

"No, I can't die yet, I must tell everyone the news."

Lu Han clenched his teeth and used his psychic energy to fight the virus, but his feet never moved. step.

It's not that he doesn't want to move, but that he has actually lost the ability to move.

At this moment, he dimly saw Zhang Ping falling from the sky.

"Danger, run!"

Lu Han was shouting in his heart, but he couldn't speak, so he could only scream at Zhang Ping.

"This virus..."

Zhang Ping fell on the ground and did not immediately touch Lu Han. Instead, he used his mind to quickly analyze the structure of the metal virus.

Then he was surprised to find that this virus seemed to be edible.

His body was instantly covered by a metal coating, and then he grabbed the metal virus on the ground and stuffed it into his mouth. The metal virus is extremely corrosive, and he feels his organs being attacked in an instant.

I have to say that the metal virus is extremely overbearing. It can invade all living things, transform all living things into a predatory form, and breed more metal viruses crazily.

But metal viruses are still a type of biometal. When Zhang Ping's organs were about to be replaced by metal viruses, all metal viruses suddenly stopped reproducing and were then sucked into the stomach by a strong suction.

Zhang Ping took a deep breath, and then pressed his hand on Lu Han's shoulder, his metal coating spread to Lu Han's body and began to fight the metal virus.

This is one of the three characteristics he got from the metal virus.

The metal virus has three characteristics, namely, extraordinary reproduction, extraordinary power, and extraordinary defense.

Now he uses the extraordinary reproduction of the metal coating to fight against the extraordinary reproduction of the metal virus, and finally drives the metal virus out of Lu Han's body.

In fact, even if the metal virus is expelled from Lu Han’s body, Lu Han will die because of the damage to his organs and other organs, but Zhang Ping can change into the form of king blood to repair his body damage, so it is fatal. It becomes less deadly.

In fact, Zhang Ping is the real big nanny in the team, with almost invincible healing ability.

With the spread of the metal coating, the metal virus receded steadily, and finally completely separated from Lu Han's body. Zhang Ping grabbed Lu Han's shoulder and directly lifted it up with his mind, and quickly flew high into the sky.

"Stop talking, you are not out of danger!" Zhang Ping said quickly.

Then the metal coating on one hand faded, and he quickly transformed into the form of king blood, and began to treat Lu Han's internal injuries. Lu Han now has a terrifying appearance. Not only did he lose his lower body, but he also lost one arm. The internal organs were almost hollowed out by the metal virus, and even one eye was missing.

Those parts eaten by the metal virus will not be restored due to the withdrawal of the metal virus.

So if there is no strong healing ability, in fact, Lu Han will definitely die this time.

Zhang Ping is treating Lu Han while observing the situation of the metal virus. The one third snow field in this snowfield has become red, and you can even see many huge monsters in the red snowfield. Running, these monsters were very powerful, hitting the rock, the rock was blown up on the spot, and they continued to run forward unscathed.

"This task... can the investigation team really clear the level?"

Zhang Ping finally saw the wolves, but the wolves were not ordinary wolves at all, but a large number of werewolves. exist.

Most of them are almost three meters tall. Their whole body is covered by a red metal virus, and their body exudes metallic luster. The largest werewolf is estimated to be over three meters tall, and his stout arms are almost as big as Zhang Ping's body. Crude.

Zhang Ping can determine that the power of these werewolves is very terrifying by analyzing the metal virus. The larger the size, the more terrifying. The werewolves above three meters, I am afraid that Feng Laixian will not be able to stop the opponent's punch.

"No, I must go back and notify everyone as soon as possible!"

Zhang Ping clenched the teeth, while he was treating Lu Han, he flew back quickly.

The metal virus will never stop the pace of erosion, and it is even possible that the entire snowy creatures will eventually become their enemies. You must prepare before this.

But good and evil depend on each other.

Although this test was difficult, it was a rare opportunity for him.

The defensive power of the metal coating formed by the gold swallower depends on two factors, one is the special attribute of the special metal that has been swallowed, and the other is the amount of elemental metal transformed from the metal.

The more elemental metals, the stronger the defensive power of the metal coating. Coupled with the special attributes of various special metals, the ultimate is the defensive power of the Zhang Ping metal coating.

Metal viruses are also metal.

If so many metal viruses eat, he will definitely be able to accumulate a large amount of elemental metals. The defense of the metal coating when the time comes will definitely accumulate to an unimaginable height.

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