second day, three o’clock in the morning.

A group of men and women are walking hard on the vast snowy field with their luggage on their backs. They are hunters on the snowy field with wolves. They specialize in hunting snow rabbits, snow foxes, and snow wolves for a living.

The food on the snowy field of the wolves is very well preserved.

Sometimes when hunters hunt prey, they will find a place to bury it after bleeding, and then dig it out when needed.

The purpose of their trip is to dig out a large elk that they hunted a month ago.

"Father, look ahead, what is that?" a girl whispered at this moment.

Everyone looked in the direction the girl was looking at, and then they saw something moving on the dark red ground in the distance.

next moment The old man in the hunter complexion changed, and whispered: "Let’s go and keep up!"

After finishing, he turned around and ran away without saying anything, and the others were a bit at a loss. , But they all keep up.

Probably out of curiosity, several youngsters ran and looked back, and then they saw huge red werewolves rushing from a distance.

"After I stay off, you run!"

A burly hunter glanced back and immediately judged that his entire group would soon be overtaken by these monsters, so Stopped and shouted.

Several youngsters also stopped, loudly said: "We will stay too."

The werewolf struck in an instant, the burly hunter drew out the knife loudly roared, and was then by the werewolf Blast the brain with one punch.

The fate of several other youngsters is similar.

In front of the werewolves, they have no resistance at all.

Even if one of the youngsters was more flexible and escaped the first wave of attacks through anticipation, the next moment was kicked by the werewolf behind, and his body was cut in half in the air, giving off painful misery. Call.

"Big Brother Bai!"

"Bull uncle!!!"

Those hunters who were still running away heard the screams behind them and saw them when they looked back A terrible scene.

The girl couldn't help feeling sad, she shed tears, covered her mouth, and did not dare to make any noise.

The werewolf killed the broken man and pursued again. Although these hunters had rushed with all their strength, the distance was still being kept closer.

"Men stay, women...flee, flee to Baitie Town!"

The leader realized that the whole army would be wiped out if this went on, so he stopped, right Everyone said.

In fact, they now only have seven people left, three women and four men.

The four male hunters knew that they would die if they stayed, but in the end they pulled out their weapons one after another, preparing for the final fight.

When the three female hunters saw this, they could only hold back their tears and continue to run forward.

The werewolf was getting closer and closer, and it was only at this moment that a few male hunters understood why the previous hunters died so soon.

Because these werewolves are too strong.

Furthermore, their bodies glowed with metal under the moonlight. Just by looking at them, they knew that the weapons in their hands might not even be able to break through the defenses of these monsters.

"Can't beat it, how can it be possible to beat this kind of monster!" A male hunter said tremblingly.

The hunter boss gritted his teeth and said: "If you can't fight, you can only fight. You can't escape..."

When the werewolves approached, the four male hunters shouted. Initiating a death charge.

But just as they were about to fight at close quarters with werewolves, these werewolves were suddenly knocked into the air by an invisible force.

The male hunter was taken aback for a moment, and then he saw a silver man wearing a red windbreaker falling from the sky.

The whole body of the man seemed to be sprayed with silver paint, except that the windbreaker he was wearing was red. On the back of the windbreaker, there was a golden pattern, which constituted a word they didn't recognize.

"Leave quickly and go to Baitie Town, there is the only safe place!"

Zhang Ping fell on the snow and saw several hunters looking at him dumbfounded, so he spoke Said.

The hunters reacted, turned around and ran away, forgetting to say thank you.

Zhang Ping didn't expect the other party to thank him either, he looked at the monster in front of him again.

In his eyes, these monsters are all food for him to become stronger.

After sending Lu Han back to Baitie Town yesterday evening, he started hunting monsters everywhere.

These monsters are all made of metal viruses, and each one can provide him with a large amount of metal elements. The windbreaker on his body is actually part of the metal coating.

In fact, the metal coating is not pure silver, but the deep-cold frigate bird feathers that he started to swallow are silver, so his metal coating is silver.

When he swallowed a large amount of metal viruses, his metal coating had an extra color, which was red.

Even if there is an extra color, he is also impossible to change the metal coating into its current form. The problem is that the metal virus has a reproductive function, so using the special attribute of the metal virus, he can freely choose the metal The shape of the coating can even split part of the metal coating and give it to others.

The practical thing he saved Lu Han was this move, when his metal coating entered Lu Han's body.

However, once the metal coating is detached from his body, it will gradually be consumed, and finally disappear completely, so under normal circumstances, he will not give the metal coating to others.

After all, there is no consumption of the metal coating on him, and it can be changed back to the metal element after use, and the gift to others will not only gradually consume, and the metal element that constitutes the metal coating will not be returned to he.

At this moment, the werewolves who were repelled by the power of thought rose from the ground.

Their red eyes locked Zhang Ping instantly, and then attacked Zhang Ping from different directions.

In fact, Zhang Ping just took a coincidence. He knocked the werewolves into the air at the moment when they exerted their strength. That is to say, the werewolves had just started at the time, and only their toes had not left the ground.

At that time, their center of gravity was unstable. Zhang Ping first pushed the werewolf's back and waited for their center of gravity to become unbalanced before hitting vigorously, so the wolf was easily knocked into the air.

Now that these werewolves are prepared, it will be difficult to do that anymore.

Zhang Ping repeated the old tricks. As expected, the werewolves landed on all fours, and their thoughts fell on them. They were directly freed by them. Then one of the werewolves walked around behind Zhang Ping and grabbed Zhang Ping’s front paws. neck.

However, Zhang Ping's body has always been wrapped in a layer of thought power, so facing this grasp, his toes fluttered and avoided, without the slightest intention of contacting the werewolf.

The monster formed by the metal virus is amazingly powerful.

Although Zhang Ping's metal coating also has this special attribute, it is just as powerful as a werewolf.

Once caught by a werewolf, other werewolves will definitely swarm up, and he will be in danger at that time.

So Zhang Ping never thought about meeting force with force with these werewolves. After avoiding the attack, he flew into the air in an instant, and then Nethermist gushed out of his body and turned into a huge sickle from top to bottom. Cut off sharply.

The werewolf's arm was cut by Nethermist, and immediately rubbed against Nethermist violently, causing a lot of sparks to splash.

Nethermist has a lethality beyond the same level, but it is still not enough to see in front of metal viruses. From this, we can see that the defense of metal viruses is abnormal.

Zhang Ping cut more than ten knives in a row, feeling like he was scraping Gu Sha.

"It's really hard."

Zhang Ping retracted Nethermist, the next moment's thought power turned into a fist and blasted out from top to bottom, and the werewolf was immediately knocked into the snow.

The other werewolves took the opportunity to jump up high at this time, but they couldn’t take advantage of the force in the air. Zhang Ping broke their balance easily with the power of thought, and then he flew quickly when a werewolf fell. Behind the werewolf, he opened his mouth and took a bite at the werewolf's neck.

Even Nethermist couldn't break through the defense, but he easily bit through it. The werewolf's neck was missing a large piece, and suddenly his body began to twitch unnaturally.


Zhang Ping was slightly sighed, the next moment the mouth of the werewolf's head was sucked, and the werewolf's body was deformed like jelly, and in the end it was all sucked by him Into the mouth.

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