Actually, Zhang Ping doesn't like this way of eating.

The main reason is that the werewolf still struggles when he is eaten by him, which gives him the feeling of eating raw animals.

The problem is that none of his other abilities can break the defense of the metal virus. Only the gold swallower can have an effect on the metal virus.

Because of the effect of the gold swallower's ability, the werewolf whose body is composed of metal viruses almost has no resistance in his mouth, so in theory, as long as he eats fast enough, the creature composed of metal viruses is really just one Poon Choi.

Next, he began to repeat the old tricks, constantly provoking the werewolves to jump up, and then taking advantage of their inability to leverage in the air, he easily swallowed the werewolves one after another.

After eating more than a dozen werewolves, he closed his eyes, and the shape of the metal coating on the next moment changed from a windbreaker to a red, gold and white three-color armor.

In fact, the metal coating is very thin, about the same thickness as aluminum foil.

Zhang Ping is superimposed by layer after layer of metal coating, and then passes through the metal virus. The reproductive capacity forms water chestnuts, and finally forms the appearance of armor.

"Five hundred layers of metal coating, I wonder if it can block the attack of the King-class alienated beast?"

Zhang Ping felt the armor protects him in all directions, and held it. After making sure that the armor would not affect his flexibility, he couldn't help thinking to himself.

A layer of metal coating, defensive power is actually very exaggerated, equivalent to metal virus deepens the defense of frigate bird feathers.

Five hundred layers of defense.

Zhang Ping stood and let Feng Laixian fight, now it is difficult for Feng Laixian to break his defense.

And the metal virus comes with the attribute of'extraordinary power'.

The five hundred layers of huge power directly blessed his power to an exaggerated point.

Unfortunately, this kind of blessing does not really increase his strength, but is similar to wearing equipment, so the impossible instantly adapts perfectly, and he needs to gradually become familiar with and exercise himself in order to fully grasp this power.

"Okay, continue hunting!"

Zhang Ping fell to the ground, first moved his fists, and then set off again.


Baitie Town.

No one slept this night.

At the intersection down the mountain, hundreds of green forest heroes are erecting roadblocks and digging deep trenches at the same time.

Fenglaixian and the others are all gathered on the cliff. Looking down from a high place, you can clearly see that the snowfield in the distance is turning red.

Through some people who have fled, they know that there are a lot of monsters in the red snow, and these monsters will hit Baitie Town sooner or later.

Just now they sent a green forest hero to test the red snow field. The experiment proved that no matter what kind of creatures enter the red snow field, they will be corroded by metal viruses and eventually become a red-skinned monster.

Fortunately, the metal virus seems to only spread in the snow, and dirt and rocks can stop it.

Baitie Town is built on the mountain instead of worrying about being eroded by the red snow. The real threat should be the creatures that are transformed into monsters.

"By the way, this level is too difficult."

Zhang Shouzhong said with some worry as he looked at the picture of "A Thousand Miles of Red Land" in the distance.

The wolves snowfield is endless. No one knows how vast it is and how many creatures it has. If all creatures are transformed into monsters and besieged Baitie Town, can they really be able to stop them?

Feng Laixian raised his eyebrows: "I will test the monster's strength. As long as I don't step into the red snow, there should be a way to lure the monster out."

After that, He just left with the knife in his hand.

Liu Sishan did not stop, she sighed: "Bai De senior, please take care of Feng Hall Master."


Bai De nodded agreed, and then followed Fenglaixian.

In the beginning, they thought it was not difficult, but judging from the current situation, it is the most difficult one.

They really don't have much confidence to pass.

In a short while, Liu Sishan and the others saw Feng Laixian and Bai De descend from the mountain.

The distance of several kilometers is actually a few steps for awakened. Gradually, the two of them are getting closer and closer to the red snowfield.

Zhang Shouzhong was a little worried: "Sisi, Master Feng Hall, will they get too close?"

"I don’t know, they should have their judgment. I can watch the changes quietly." Liu Sishan said helplessly.

Feng Lai Xian and Bai De walked around the edge of the red snowfield, and soon attracted three monsters. These three monsters were transformed from unknown creatures, not only the monkey gills, but also the front paws. The blade is half a meter long.

"Stay back!"

When Feng Laixian saw the monster appear, he immediately shouted Bai De.

The two retreated while observing the monster.

The height of these three monsters is almost between two meters, and they should be monsters transformed from the same species.

"Fox? Or monkey?"

Feng Laixian guessed in his heart that he stopped when the distance was almost reached.

When the three monsters approached, he immediately slashed with the sword in his hand, but the monster on the left immediately raised his hand to block the attack.


Bai De's eyes widened, shocked.

You must know that Fenglai’s immortal strength is actually very large, coupled with the Azure Dragon Falling Moon Blade made of deep-cold frigate bird feathers, if most monsters dare to block this blade with their body, the result must be Kill two kills.

But the monster in front of him actually blocked the attack with his body, and it didn't even sway.


The feeling of Feng Laixian at this moment is the same as that of Bai De. Only when he really fights can he understand the terrifying of this monster.

He backed quickly, avoiding the attack of the other two monsters, saying solemnly: "Bai De, keep backing, I'm afraid I won't care about you anymore!"


Bai De complied, immediately turned around and ran.

At this time, a monster stared at Bai De and simply gave up Feng Laixian to chase Bai De.

Feng Laixian's body has already begun to smoke, he appeared in front of the monster instantly, with a slightly reddish sword slashing at the monster's body, and the two sides took a step back and stared at each other in unison.

Fenglai Xianxian said with a smile: "Your opponent is me!"

The other two monsters attacked again, he avoided the attack of one of the monsters, and then Turn off the knife and slash at the other monster.

In fact, wolves and snowfields have a great impact on him. In a low temperature environment, he needs more physical energy to keep his body high. Once a fight occurs, the consumption is 1.5 times that of other environments.

Fortunately, some time ago, he ate a lot of Yan Scorpion meat.

The flesh of Yan Scorpion fits him best, so he is not only physically strong now, but also a lot better than in the past, so he won't be crushed by monster at first.

Next, three to one.

In just a few minutes, the two sides have fought for dozens of rounds.

Suddenly, Feng Laixian retreated fiercely, moved away from the monster, exhaled a breath of white mist from his mouth, and stared solemnly at the three monsters with knives in both hands.

Monsters didn't need to breathe. They didn't give Feng Laixian a chance to regain his breath, and immediately attacked from three directions.

Feng Laixian has no choice but to parry again, and at the same time look for a chance to fight back.

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