There is still some time before dawn.

Furthermore, the morning sun is too mild, even if Fenglaixian wants to enter the form of the Great Sun Red Emperor, it will take longer.

Therefore, the current situation is very unfavorable for him.

He found that the strength of the three monsters is quite terrifying, except that the speed is similar to him, the strength and defense are stronger than him, and the opponent is like a perpetual motion machine, and there is no need for recovery and rest.

In this fast-paced battle, sooner or later, he will fall into a disadvantage because of his mistakes.

"Damn it, can anyone really pass this level?"

Feng Laixian blocked the monster's sharp claw with a long handle, and stepped back more than ten steps in a row, seeing The monster rushed forward, his heart tense, and at the same time he couldn't help cursing.

He was so unlucky if he didn't believe that he came out and met the strongest monster in this level.

If there are countless monsters of this level, let alone him, the entire Pearl City awakened can't beat these monsters.

The more he goes forward, his playing style becomes more and more conservative.

Now he has stopped the idea of ​​killing these three monsters.

Only when the sun comes out will he have a chance to fight back.

However, he doesn't know whether these monsters can be defeated in the form of the Red Emperor after the sun comes out.

On the Great Snow Mountain, everyone looked at the small black spots in the distance. Although Zhang Shouzhong and the others could not see the specific process of Fenglaixian and the monster fighting, they can infer from Fenglaixian's continuous retreat. Out, Feng Laixian is at a disadvantage.

"How could it be possible that the Feng Hall Master, who was defeated by the three monsters, retreated steadily. What if there are more monsters?" Zhang Shouzhong said in disbelief.

Cheng Xuejie solemnly said: "I'll help!"

"Wait, the monster that Feng Hall Master can't beat, you will add chaos when you go, wait for Zhang Ping to come back." Liu Sishan stopped.

Although Cheng Xuejie has mastered the biological force field, she is still only high level awakened, and there is still a big gap with the top awakened. If she rashly participates in the battle between Fenglaixian and those monsters, she may become weak spot.

Cheng Xuejie clenched her fists, worried: "I don't know where Zhang Ping went."



red snow, many monsters are gnawing on trees, and some people who have not had time to escape are also brutally killed. The snow is full of debris of trees and remains of corpses.

Suddenly, the snow vibrated slightly, and many monsters stopped their movements one after another, and then looked in the direction of the vibration.

A three-meter red giant came slowly...

Monsters gave up all their prey, and they rushed towards the giant with a roar.

"Too enthusiastic, are you so happy to see me?"

Zhang Ping his laughed extend the hand, grabbing the fastest monster to start and running, and then opened his mouth. Suck, the monster suddenly wailed and became a part of his body.

He is also interested in making a handsome look for himself at first.

But the monster formed by the metal virus is really kind and hard to come by. Whenever he encounters him, he will rush up, and he can only grab it and eat it with difficulty.

Because of eating too many monsters, the content of metal elements has increased crazily. As a result, his metal coating has been strengthened layer by layer. Now he is too lazy to calculate how many layers there are on his body. Metal coating, after all, there are so many metal coatings that turn him into a three-meter giant,

Because of the crazy increase in metal elements, he is too lazy to make styling. The armor of the previous moment has become obsolete at this moment. s things.

Now, he is just purely superimposing a metal coating.

Because the hair is also pressed down after the metal coating is too much, he is now in the form of a bald giant.

Furthermore, there are countless layers of metal coating on his body, but he doesn't feel any discomfort, but his power becomes more terrifying.

Like Ye Changchun, he can jump from extreme distances, spanning thousands of meters, and land where he wants to reach.

He didn't fly over just now, but took off directly and landed here from mid-air, which caused the earthquake.

To be honest, he was a little swollen at this moment, feeling that the King-level alienated beast fell into his hands and could not withstand his pinch.

If it is an ordinary person, I am afraid that he has been lost in the rapidly expanding power, but Zhang Ping once ordered himself not to be lost. Therefore, although he feels that his power is very terrifying, it is not inflated. To arrogant.

"Old Mister Situ, what is my current strength?"

After Zhang Ping swallowed a few monsters, he asked Situ Shibai while walking.

Situ Shibai replied: "This kind of opportunity is extremely rare. In my opinion, your current strength is about one percent of mine."

"Only one percent ?" Zhang Ping was taken aback, and then he couldn't believe it.

Situ Shibai said with a smile: "Hehe, your strength is indeed very strong, but your weaknesses are also obvious. After all, this metal virus is still metal, so it is restrained by your ability, and I There are also hundreds of metal-specific abilities, and your metal coating is not as invincible as you think."

In fact, it is like Vajra Wolf and Magneto.

No matter how Vajra Wolves can play, he is definitely not Magneto’s opponent.

The metal coating is very strong.

But as long as Situ Shibai has the ability to restrain his metal coating, Zhang Ping's metal coating is no good.

Of course, if you can’t restrain yourself, then the power of Zhang Ping will be terrifying. Now Zhang Ping is indeed the strongest awakened under Situ Shibai.

"Do you think I can beat Moon King?" Zhang Ping asked.

Situ Shibai was silent for a moment, and replied: "Not good said, I have never fought against Moon King."

He was directly restrained by Moon King, and he didn’t know if Moon King had it. How strong, Zhang Ping's current strength is indeed terrifying, without the corresponding ability to restrain, even he can hardly cause damage to Zhang Ping.

This is also the horror of infinite abilities.

Once the most primordial accumulation is completed, the development speed of those with infinite abilities will become faster and faster. Finally, before the enemy has reacted, he will directly ride wyvern on his face.

Situ Shibai came here in the same way, so I am not surprised at the speed at which Zhang Ping becomes stronger. Now he just sighed Zhang Ping's good luck, he happened to encounter so many metal viruses.

"Forget it, first hold your hand and get a weapon that can be used against King."

Zhang Ping listened to Situ Shibai's answer and decided to return to Pearl after a little consideration. The idea of ​​City.

In this state, he does have an omnipotent feeling, but his heart is very clear, understanding that this is just an illusion caused by the rapid expansion of power.

At present, he is the only hope that can save Pearl City.

So he can't afford to gamble. Once he loses, not only will he die, but the entire Pearl City will be buried with him.

So even if he expands, he will not take risks.

"Hey, Master Feng Hall is fighting monster?"

Zhang Ping suddenly heard the fighting sound from Wind Whisperer, then he turned and looked in the direction of the wind. .

He reduced the metal elements, and his body returned to its original shape in an instant, leaving only a metal coating on the surface of the skin.

In fact, a layer of defense is enough to withstand the attacks of overwhelming majority.

The reason for using the giant form is entirely because in the giant form, his strength and weight will be greatly increased, and it will be more convenient to eat creatures made of metal viruses.

But when flying, naturally the lighter the better.

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