When Zhang Ping arrived, Feng Laixian had lost one arm.

For a long time, you will lose.

One dozen three, after all, is too reluctant.

The front paws of these three monsters all have blades half a meter long.

Fenglaixian's fault tolerance rate is extremely low, just one mistake, the arm was cut off by the sword of the monster.

At this time, Feng Laixian held the Guan Knife in one hand and kept dealing with the three monsters, and the broken arm was quickly recovering.

The problem is that Feng Laixian himself does not want his arm to recover too quickly, because this recovery is not without any cost, but requires him to pay a lot of physical strength.

He even hopes to be able to endure until dawn, and then fight back with one breath after entering the form of the Great Sun Crimson Emperor.

But at this moment, his ears moved slightly, and he quickly moved back. Three monsters just wanted to chase, and a three-meter-high red giant fell from the sky, just blocking the middle.

"Not good!"

When Feng Laixian saw the red giant, his face suddenly sank, and he moved back quickly.

And the three monsters screamed at the red giant,

"Don’t worry, don’t worry, one by one!"

Zhang Ping reached out and pinched Staying on a monster's neck, the monster's front paws slashed his arm frantically, but they were all blocked by the thick metal coating, leaving no scratches.

He opened his mouth, swallowed the monster with a hiss, then grabbed the monster that was frantically scraping on his legs, and opened his mouth again to eat.

Feng Laixian watched this scene dumbfounded.

"Feng Hall Master, are you okay?"

After Zhang Ping finished eating the third monster, the metal coating on his body disappeared, and he turned around and asked.

"Zhang Ping?"

When Feng Laixian watched the red giant turn back to Zhang Ping, his spirit was shocked again.

It took him a long time to accept reality, the long exhales one breath saying, replied: "I'm fine, but didn't expect the red giant that fell from the sky to be you."

"Hey, this level is really great, and I didn't expect that my strength will improve so quickly." Zhang Ping said with a smile.

Feng Laixian didn't get too entangled with Zhang Ping's strength. After all, Zhang Ping is an infinite-level ability person. It will be a matter of time before he surpassed him. He just didn't expect this moment to come so soon.

Next, after the two discussed together, they returned to Baitie Town.

The main reason is that Fenglaixian can't beat these monsters. Liu Sishan and the others are even more difficult to deal with. If Zhang Ping runs around, if the monster attacks Baitie Town, he will probably not have time to rescue him.

Once Baitie Town is captured, it means that the mission has failed.

Zhang Ping will not bet on this probability, so he would rather stand on the sidelines than accidents.

Actually, metal viruses are expanding very fast. Just after noon, monsters composed of a large number of metal viruses begin to besiege the creatures in Great Snow Mountain.

Scattered monsters also appeared around Baitiezhen, but Zhang Ping solved it easily before attacking Baitiezhen.

Zhang Ping wrapped himself with thought power and floated directly above Baitie Town.

No matter from which angle the monster initiates an attack, he can appear in front of the monster as quickly as possible and eat the monster.

In fact, not only a large number of humans fled to Great Snow Mountain, but also many animals fled to Great Snow Mountain. On a hillside away from Baitie Town’s several hundred meters, there were dozens of snow wolves. Finally fell into a desperate situation.

A large number of monsters surrounded the hillside all around, gradually climbing up, the snow wolves roared menacingly, but it had no effect at all.

In the end, all these snow wolves were torn apart by the monster and turned into a pile of minced meat.

In fact, monsters do not need to eat. They tear up the creatures just to feed the metal virus mother strain on the ground.

They are like ants hunting outside, and the metal virus mother strain is the queen. Through the'metal virus blanket' spreading on the snow, these shredded flesh and blood will eventually be transmitted to The body of the metal virus mother strain.

"These monsters are too terrifying."

Zhang Shouzhong sat at the highest point of the town with a sniper rifle in his hand. After watching this scene through the scope, he couldn't help but sigh. .

"impervious to sword and spear, strong as an ox, and the speed is not worse than Feng Hall Master, it is indeed too terrifying." Bai De, sitting next to Zhang Shouzhong, also exclaimed.

If there is no Zhang Ping in this level, they are absolutely impossible to pass, and they may even die in this level.

"Fatty, these monsters are actually made of a special material, so you can study it!" Zhang Ping fell from mid-air and threw his leftover monster paws to Zhang Shouzhong.

Zhang Shouzhong nodded and said: "Okay."

He doesn't want to be a dragger. Special scenes are more difficult than each one. Originally, he thought the Yan Scorpion Desert was outrageous enough, who Knowing that the snowfield of wolves is even more outrageous, any monster is an existence that cannot be defeated by the Phoenix.

He doesn't even know whether he should enter the next level.

Therefore, he must seize every opportunity to become stronger.


Zhu Family base, research institute.

Zhu Zhaotian calculates the time. The special scene of the place of experience is very special. It is a place of inversion of cause and effect. As long as Zhang Ping and others have not come out, he will correct the time anchor every time he enters the special scene. .

"If nothing happens, Pearl City's second person with unlimited abilities will die without a burial site tonight. Unfortunately, we can’t witness the death of each other with our own eyes." Zhu Zhaotian drew a cigarette and sat on a chair. Looking at the huge pieces of meat in the nutrition tank, lightly saying.

Although he is a scientific research talent, he actually has a warrior's heart. In his early years, he led the team to capture several villages. His eyes were blinded by a wild man at that time.

"I still don't think it is safe enough." Zhu Shi frowned.

Zhu Zhaotian said with a smile: "Then you can take out some practical benefits. If you are not insured enough, you want me to take out the good things from the trump card. How can it be so cheap."

"All this is for the family!" Zhu Shi said seriously.

Zhu Zhaotian suddenly laughed heartily, and stopped after a while, saying: "It’s boring to say this. If you are really worried, you might as well go into the wolves snow field for yourself. You may not be able to see it now. It's a good show!"

"A drop of King's blood!" Zhu Shi gritted his teeth.

He hates failure, especially if he could have succeeded, but because of various reasons he almost failed.

In his opinion, just investing in a metal virus does not guarantee 100% that Zhang Ping will die in the snowy wolves. If he falls short because of this, he will be very upset.

To kill, then the lion must fight the rabbit with all its strength!

Zhu Zhaotian said with a smile: "It would be fine to say that earlier."

After speaking, he got up and walked to a safe, entered the password to open it, and took out the other one. Elixirs.

"What is this?" Zhu Shi looked at the medicine in the test tube, frowned.

Zhu Zhaotian said with a slight smile: "Mother Emperor Potion, it can make the morphology of the virus mother strain on the wolves snowy field secondary evolve, forming a huge metal mother emperor, with its existence, Zhang Ping and the Others must die!"

"It's not worth a drop of King's blood!" Zhu Shi frowned.

Zhu Zhaotian was patted, and a scientific researcher in a white coat walked in. Zhu Zhaotian introduced: "He is Huang Junlong, and one of the few research institutes in our laboratory that knows how to manipulate the mother emperor. He assists the mother emperor. , Foolproof!"

While speaking, he took out the remote control and pressed the red button, a piece of light appeared out of thin air, and the picture of the mother emperor was raging on the screen.

The overall shape of the mother emperor is similar to that of a spider, but the upper body is similar to a giant ape.

It is about three hundred meters high, and its thick metal shell gives it a strong defense. Even a mountain that is countless times larger than it can't stop it might of a single fist.

"Okay, then I'll wait and see!"

Zhu Shi looked at the powerful figure of the mother emperor crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood in the picture, gritted his teeth and took it out of his wrist A huge round metal, directly handed the round metal to Zhu Zhaotian with thought force.

"Happy cooperation!"

Zhu Zhaotian took the round metal and said with a slight smile at a glance.

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