Wolves Snow Field, Baitie Town.

The original white snow field has completely turned into red.

Looking down from Great Snow Mountain, the scarlet snow is like the Yellow Springs Road in the hell full of Manjusawa, and the densely packed red monster climbing upward is the soul of a deceased has not yet dispersed.

Actually, monsters made of metal viruses are more terrifying than evil spirits. They do not fear or hesitate. Once they find their prey, they will swarm up until they tear the prey to pieces.

Dozens of monsters quickly crossed the roadblock.

They have smelled the human scent, and can’t wait to tear up humans to feed the metal virus mother strain.

Zhang Ping hovered over Baitie Town and yawned slightly. When the monster was about to enter Baitie Town, he stretched out one hand, and countless metal coatings quickly covered his arm. In the blink of an eye A huge arm appeared.

He grabbed a few monsters, and directly raised his hand to his mouth and took a breath. The monsters that were clenched all wailed and were swallowed.

"Fatty, why are superpowers so unscientific?"

Zhang Ping finished eating the monster made of metal viruses, and couldn't help falling to the side of Zhang Shouzhong, complaining to Zhang Shouzhong.


Zhang Shouzhong looked at Zhang Ping suspiciously.

Such a thoughtless sentence, the ghost knows what Zhang Ping means.

Zhang Ping's arms instantly turned into pure water form, and then when they returned to flesh and blood, there was an extra mouth in the palm of the palm.

He vomited to Zhang Shouzhong: "Obviously this is also a mouth, and it can still lead to the stomach, why can't you activate the gold swallower?"

"I don't know, you may be able to do it in the future Go to Hanhai Academy to check the information." Zhang Shouzhong shrugged and continued to study the monster paw in his hand.

At this time, more monsters rushed up from the mountain.

Zhang Ping flew up high, covered with countless layers of metal coating on his arms, and directly held all the monsters.

In fact, this action itself is quite unscientific, because his arm is only about 75 centimeters, and after covering it with a metal coating, it directly becomes more than 60 meters.

With his arm length, his hand equivalent to is at the very end of this huge arm.

But this does not affect his manipulation of this hand, and it can even be deformed through the special attribute of'superior reproduction' during the bending process. Otherwise, with the length of this arm, he would actually not be able to eat the hand. Monster in the house.

After swallowing all the monsters, before he relaxes, more monsters rush up.

Because the entire snowy field has no food, the monsters on the snowy field have begun to gather in Great Snow Mountain. They seem to have some means of communication, knowing that there are still prey in Baitie Town.

Next, a large number of monsters continued to attack Baitie Town from all directions. Zhang Ping kept grabbing monsters with both hands and devouring them. At first, he was still calculating how many monsters he had eaten, and then he simply opened his mouth. , His hands turned into countless phantoms, and all the monsters that appeared around Baitie Town were all eaten instantly.

Originally, all his metal elements could only be used to make two super-long arms, but then the metal elements increased crazily, and his body began to be covered with metal coating layer after layer.

At twelve o'clock in the evening, a red giant sat on the mountain peak with his feet just protecting the town of Baitie. He bends over, grabbing and eating the monsters around Baitie Town with both hands. If an unsuspecting person sees this scene, I'm afraid the SAN value will be instantly cleared.

The moonlight is dim and can't stop the monster's enthusiasm.

Even if countless people of the same kind have been killed in the mouth of the red giant, they still go forward, fierce and unafraid of death.

"Zhang Ping how much did he eat?"

In Baitie Town, Feng Laixian looked up at the scary red giant and couldn't help asking.

Zhang Shouzhong helplessly said: "I don't know, but a conservative estimate, it should be fifty thousand."

"No, it's more than one hundred thousand." Cheng Xuejie lightly saying.

Her biological force field can perceive creatures all around. Although monsters made of metal viruses disappear quickly every time they appear in her perception range, she still knows the approximate number.

"Zhang Ping is now Pearl City Number One Person, right?" Bai De couldn't help exclaiming.

He remembered what he said to Zhang Ping, and suddenly became a little embarrassed. After returning to Pearl City, does Zhang Ping need to learn the remaining moves of Beastmaster Fist?

Now Zhang Ping does not require any moves, and a random punch is not something that ordinary awakened can resist.

And the most terrifying thing is that the monster made of metal viruses is still coming in endlessly. Zhang Ping is still getting stronger!

"Fatty, give me some barbecue!"

Suddenly, Zhang Shouzhong's voice rang out in his mind.

He froze for a moment, then looked up at Zhang Ping, then looked at other people, and asked uncertainly: "Did you hear?"

"I heard What?" Cheng Xuejie asked.

Zhang Shouzhong blinked and replied: "Zhang Ping seems to be talking in my mind just now, and he asked me to barbecue for him."

"This should be an exercise of mental power Means, Zhang Ping is very busy now, probably hungry, so please prepare quickly." Feng Laixian was experienced and knowledgeable and said immediately.

Zhang Shouzhong said in disbelief: "He has eaten so much, can he still eat it?"

"That's superpower eating, not Zhang Ping eating, what is he actually doing? I didn't eat it." Bai De said ill-humoredly.

His ability is also a food-type ability, so he has studied a lot of this type of ability. Zhang Ping is obviously not a type that has been digested and absorbed. Otherwise, there are so many monsters, and Zhang Ping is basically impossible to digest. quick.

Everyone started to act, killing chickens and sheep, and preparing food quickly.

Zhang Ping hasn't eaten anything for one day and one night, and he must be very hungry now, so they have prepared a lot of food, and all of them are high-energy and high-calorie meats.

After the food was ready, Zhang Ping's leg suddenly cracked.

At the same time, Zhang Shouzhong heard Zhang Ping’s sound transmission, speechless saying: "Zhang Ping prepared a mouth on his lap to supplement his physical strength, so...put the food in."

Everyone wants to laugh and thinks they shouldn’t.

After all, Zhang Ping is actually very hard now. He has to constantly swallow the monster made of metal virus, and he doesn’t even have time to eat.

The problem is eating with legs, which is really funny.

Everyone smiled and put food into the soles of the metal coating. Through the openings in the metal coating, these foods will eventually lead to Zhang Ping's real stomach.

For a moment, Zhang Ping had something to eat, and his spirit was slightly shaken.

His mouth is always open now. In order to be able to swallow the monster better, he even modified his jaw. Not only can the mouth be opened like a snake, but it does not need to be closed.

Although this state is very uncomfortable, but thinking that every monster that swallows will become a part of his strength, he feels that all the efforts are worthwhile, and the pain can be endured a hundred times more.

Besides, he is actually not painful now, at best it is just a bit boring, but compared with the workers on the assembly line in the previous life, he is much better here, at least he is fighting for himself.

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