The entrance to the wolves snow field.

Huang Junlong appeared suddenly, wearing an airtight protective suit, and holding a weapon specially designed to target metal viruses in his hand.

But the scene of countless monsters surging as expected did not appear.

He blinked, before putting down the weapon for a while, then he took out the mother emperor's potion and poured it directly on the snowy ground of red.

In the blink of an eye, the metal viruses on the ground expanded one after another, and then all directions all metal viruses began to shrink in this direction.

A huge red sphere formed quickly and expanded at a speed visible to naked eye.

Huang Junlong took off his gloves, then cut open his palm, dripped his blood on the red sphere, and took out an energy spar with the other hand and put it into the swelling sphere.

In this way, the matrix will be under his control after it is formed.


After a long period of darkness, dawn will eventually come.

Zhang Ping swallowed all the monsters made of metal viruses before dawn.

The coverage area of ​​the metal coating is larger than that of one layer, and the more metal elements are needed. Therefore, the further Zhang Ping's body shape is, the harder it is to expand.

After eating the monster composed of all metal viruses, his height is about 900 meters, and his weight is about 1.3 million tons.

Only the ability of the Gold Swallower allowed Zhang Ping to sit firmly on the throne of the second person in Pearl City. Apart from Situ Shibai, no one can beat him.


The words can't be so full.

After all, Situ Shibai's abilities come from other awakened.

Zhang Ping feels he should be more humble, so let's be the third person in Pearl City.

In case the awakened who provided Situ Shibai with the ability to restrain his gold swallowers is not dead yet.

"At last it's over, I have to get a good night's sleep!"

Zhang Ping stretched out, then the metal coating on his body quickly disappeared, and he fell on the ground and followed Everyone said hello, then went back to the room and fell asleep.

He slept for most of the day. After waking up, he walked out of the room, and those who had fled to Baitie Town worshipped him when they saw him.

Because the residents of Baitie Town were tied up indoors, they did not see the scene where he showed great divine might last night, but these refugees who fled from the country were not detained, so most people saw it. Last night Zhang Ping had a stalwart body like a Spiritual God.

"Thank you, my lord, thank you for avenging Big Brother Bai and the cattle!"


"Thank you, my life-saving grace!"


"Thank you, my lord, for avenging my that woman!"


"My lord, This is my heirloom, you must accept it!"


"My lord, can I kiss your toes? If it doesn't work, shoes will be good too!"


"My lord, I like you, and I want to marry you."


A simple face, all With gratitude and gratitude.

The girls are bold enough to lean on Zhang Ping, their eyes sparkling with admiration and passionate love.

The snowy field is bitter and cold. There are not so many winds and flowers, and not so much reserved and hypocritical. Women are bold and enthusiastic, and they will take the initiative if they like it.

Zhang Ping didn't know whether to cry or laugh, while letting the kneeling people get up, while resisting the passionate girls whipping oil, in the end, there was really no way, he used Nethermist to escape from the crowd Surrounded by.

He fled into the largest house in Baitie Town, Zhang Shouzhong smiled and asked: "How does it feel to be a great hero?"

"Too enthusiastic." Zhang Ping said with lingering fear. .

Especially one of the girls, who just pulled his pants, almost took off his pants.

"Is this level over?"

Zhang Ping sat down, took a sip of water and was shocked, then asked.

Zhang Shouzhong shrugged and said: "I don't know, but in the battle last night, the number of people in Pearl City was not more than one hand. Both Sisi and Lu Han senior think things are a bit weird."


"Indeed, these monsters are actually very strong, but they happen to be restrained by my ability." Zhang Ping nodded agreed.

He looked at the bracelet and asked: "Old Mister Situ, what do you think?"

"The test of the wolves snow field should be to resist the attacks of the wolves. There are many lives here. Snow wolves, these snow wolves will swell to two meters high on the night of the full moon. The strength of ordinary snow wolves is equivalent to primary level awakened, while the strength of Wolf King is about the same as that of intermediate awakened."

"One week. , There will probably be four waves of attacks, even if it’s blocked, it’s a pass."

"I haven’t seen the current situation either. Maybe something went wrong with the wolves snowfield, or it may be left by the investigation team. Down the problem." Situ Shibai slowly said.

Zhang Shouzhong gnashing teeth said: "In my opinion, it must be a problem left by the investigation team. They must be doing evil experiments here that caused the creatures to mutate."

Residents hate them because the investigation team stole the white iron, so in Zhang Shouzhong's view, the investigation team is very suspicious.

"I will discuss the supervision of the investigation team with the new City Lord in the future. It is true that the supervision is not in place, and so many disturbances have occurred." Situ Shibai sighed.

Cheng Xuejie came out of the kitchen with tea, she walked to Zhang Ping, first poured a cup of tea for Zhang Ping, and then worriedly said: "Captain, now there are no snow wolves in the entire snowy field, then our test Is it passed or not?"

"This...I'm not quite clear, please wait a week and then check it out." Situ Shibai said tiredly.

Zhang Shouzhong looked at Zhang Ping and pondered: "Captain, in fact, with Zhang Ping's current strength, Heavenly Fox shouldn't be afraid of it. Even if it is King, is Zhang Ping really strong?"

Only when you have seen Zhang Ping's giant form, can you feel the terrifying power.

Not to mention King, no overwhelming majority creature can stop a punch in the giant form of Zhang Ping.

Liu Sishan put a small dish in front of Zhang Ping, turned around to look at Zhang Shouzhong, and asked, "What if?"

"What in case?" Zhang Shouzhong was puzzled. Asked.

Liu Sishan said indifferently: "What if the King-level Heavenly Fox is better than Zhang Ping?"


Zhang Shouzhong is Zhang Zhang Open your mouth and finally have nothing to say.

He also thought of it.

If Zhang Ping still fails to beat Moon King, Pearl City is really over.

"Think about our mission at this time. The lives of everyone in Pearl City are on our shoulders. We must be fully prepared before we take action. No mistakes are allowed!" Liu Sishan looked at everyone and said solemnly.

Although she said this remark to Zhang Shouzhong, everyone present couldn't help but reflect on themselves.

Especially Zhang Ping. Thinking of the scene of Heavenly Fox eating people back then, he couldn't help clenching his fists, and his heart swelled by strength gradually calmed down.

At this time, Zhao Yanhu ran in, cry out in surprise: "Not good, there is a big spider monster rushing towards us."

"Go, go and see Look!" Liu Sishan said decisively.

Zhang Ping walked out of the house and flew directly into the air.

He immediately saw a super huge red spider sprinting towards Great Snow Mountain in the distance.

At its speed, if it hits Snow Mountain, Baitie Town would be destroyed instantly.

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