"Go on, crush everything!"

Huang Junlong stood on the shoulders of the mother emperor, his face flushed and roared.

The largest female emperor produced by their research is only more than three hundred meters, but the female emperor’s size has reached more than 666 meters, and the weight is more than three hundred meters. It even reached 900,000 tons!

The size of this mother emperor broke the record!

Huang Junlong is very excited at this moment. He knows better than anyone that the larger the size of the creatures made of metal viruses, the greater the power. He controls this mother emperor means that he can become the core of the Zhu Family Personnel, you can even choose an Eldest Young Lady from Zhu Family as your wife!

"heaven helps me, after today, I will be renamed Zhu Junlong!"

Huang Junlong looked at the approaching Great Snow Mountain, and he couldn't help the plot with both hands, sending out a fanatical high call.

At this time, he noticed a small black spot in the sky. Before he could react in the next second, the giant with the small black spot turned into red fell from the sky.


With a loud noise, the mother emperor’s head was stepped directly into the snow. As soon as Huang Junlong wanted to use the instrument to escape, his body was held down by an invisible force.

"Not good, it's the power of mind!"

Huang Junlong's face is flushed, but his left hand is always tens of centimeters away from the right hand wrist.

He has equipment that can escape special scenes on his wrist. He can escape the danger by just pressing a button, but he can't do it. The other party's thought power is too strong.

Then he suddenly felt a violent vibration, his attention shifted to the front, his eyes suddenly widened.

There's no resistance when a red giant stepped on the mother emperor's foot.

This is a record-breaking super queen!


Huang Junlong suddenly realized one thing. Compared with the red giant, the mother emperor seemed to be a lot younger.

How old is this giant?

Is this giant also a mutant version of the metal virus?

Huang Junlong watched the red giant with both fear and excitement. The red giant punched the mother emperor's face with fist after fist. Finally, the giant opened his mouth and took a sharp breath at the mother emperor.

A scene of horror appeared.

The mother emperor struggled madly, but it had no effect at all. Its body deformed like jelly, and was finally sucked into the mouth by the giant.

"Am I crazy? How is this possible, how is this possible!!!"

Huang Junlong's eyes were so wide that he even began to doubt everything he saw.

"Have I hit the Illusion Technique?"

Huang Junlong wanted to slap himself, but his body was held by his mind, and he couldn't even slap himself.

At this time, the giant's body size grew again, becoming more massive and majestic. He sat cross-legged on the ground, with Red's eyes looking at Huang Junlong.

Huang Junlong's buttocks suddenly tightened, and he felt like have one's hair stand on end.

He opened the mouth and said of his trembling with fear: "A stalwart existence, I am Huang Junlong of Zhu Family, I am useful, please spare my life!"

"Disaster, From Zhu Family?"

In the next second, a loud but deep voice sounded in Huang Junlong's mind.

Huang Junlong is not afraid of giants communicating with him, he is afraid that giants will pinch him to death without saying a word. Hearing questions from giants, he quickly opened the mouth and said: "Reporting back to the existence of the stalwart, these metal viruses All were released by Zhu Zhaotian, the director of our research institute!"

Zhu Zhaotian?

Among the countless layers of metal coating, Zhang Ping is slightly frowned. He originally thought that the disaster in the wolves snowfield was a test or a problem left by the investigation team. Who knew that Zhu Family was secretly involved.

He looked at Huang Junlong, and asked again with his thoughts: "Your purpose?"

"Reporting back to the existence of the stalwart, we have no intention of offending, just to kill a man named Zhang Ping's little bastard, he is the enemy of our Zhu Family!" Huang Junlong lowered his head to truthfully replied.

Zhang Ping took back the metal coating and said lightly: "lifts the head!"

"Great shore...It's...it's you!"

Huang Junlong Originally wanted to shoot flattery, who knew that he would see his target of this action when he raised his head, his eyes immediately widened, and he stammered.

He really didn't expect the red giant to be Zhang Ping, because there is so much difference between the two.

In his mind, Zhang Ping can only be regarded as a poisonous snake that will threaten the Zhu Family in the future, and the red giant is an extremely powerful Titan python.

"How is it possible!"

Thousands of words, in the end there were only four words left in Huang Junlong's head.

Zhang Ping looked at Huang Junlong indifferently, and asked: "Where is the Zhu Family base?"

"Forget it, I'm afraid I don't know if I ask you, goodbye!"

Huang Junlong is constantly struggling. Although he doesn't know where the Zhu Family base is, he has many Zhu Family secrets. If you betray Zhu Family, can you get a glimmer of survival in Zhang Ping's hands?

But before he made up his mind, Zhang Ping's voice sounded faintly.


Huang Junlong's face changed drastically, and when he wanted to surrender, he saw a huge red fist.


With a punch, Huang Jun’s dragon body burst directly into blood mist.

Actually, Zhang Ping just felt so soft for a second. He didn’t want to kill Huang Junlong, but he thought that Huang Junlong’s purpose was to kill himself this time, and he killed him with the entire Baitie Town. It hardened immediately.

Guys of Zhu Family, damn it!

At the moment he got the answer, Zhu Zhaotian was added to the small book in his heart.

The snowy wolves are vast and vast, and there are countless people scattered everywhere. After all, only a few people can escape to Baitie Town, and more people die at the hands of the metal virus.

The blood debt must be paid in blood!

Yu Beast Zhu Family releases a metal virus in order to kill him.

Though those people were not killed by Zhang Ping, Zhang Ping has the responsibility to avenge them.

This is also the reason why he decided not to use the contract gem to subdue Huang Junlong, but instead made a punch.

Huang Junlong, damn it!

After the punch, Zhang Ping took a long breath.

He looked at the devastated snowfield, feeling a little sad in his heart.

Especially thinking of the people who survived in Baitie Town, their gratitude and admiration made him feel ashamed and unable to show one's face.

He slowly returned to Baitie Town, and sure enough, the survivors in Baitie Town were cheering excitedly again because of the defeat of the "Giant Spider Monster". There were even many people calling his name, he was dingy Hidden in the room, completely afraid to show up.

In the next few days, Zhang Ping avoided the survivors in Baitie Town. After Zhang Shouzhong and the others knew the cause and effect of the incident, they decided to rebuild their homes for the survivors.

Everyone worked together to mine rocks to build a city. In just a few days, a magnificent city was added to Great Snow Mountain.

Of course, only a few of them can't complete such a huge project. The real main force is actually the green forest heroes of Zhou Qingbai and Long Fubo in conjunction with Summon.

These green forest heroes can not only be used in combat, but in fact they are also good at construction.

Finally, under the grateful gaze of the survivors, everyone left the wolves snowfield in a complicated mood.

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