Everyone returned to the place of experience, and it was almost evening.

Obviously, because of Huang Junlong, the time anchor of the special scene has changed.

Zhang Ping looked at Liu Sishan, Zhang Shouzhong and the others, opening the mouth and said: "The next scene, I hope someone can stay, to prevent Zhu Family people from entering the special scene again."

"Well, this is really necessary." Feng Laixian agreed.

At this time, if Zhang Ping did not happen to restrain the metal virus, everyone present would die in the Zhu Family conspiracy. This has to be prevented.

"The next level is the rare beast island, who can enter?" Bai De looked at everyone and asked.

Cheng Xuejie raised her hand and said: "I can enter the rare beast island."

"Zhang Ping, Senior Sister, fatty and me will enter the special scene this time." Liu Sishan said lightly.

Zhang Ping hesitated and refused: "I don't need so many people, this time I can be with Senior Sister."

"Are you sure?" Liu Sishan looked at Zhang Ping asked.

Zhang Ping nodded and said: "Yes!"

"Well, this time, Senior Sister will take Zhang Ping into the special scene. We stay in the place of experience and beware of Zhu Family Stroke from it again." Liu Sishan agreed.

Everyone present knows that Zhang Ping's strength is not what it used to be.

In terms of combat, they are already very difficult to help, so instead of entering a special scene to make trouble, it is better to stay in the place of experience to check for Zhang Ping.

"It's not too late, let's go!"

Zhang Ping saw that everyone had no objection, so he looked at Cheng Xuejie and said.

The two hold hands and enter the special scene again.

The picture of all around changed and they appeared on a beach.

This is a very large island. The specific size is temporarily unclear, but the woods behind the beach and the majestic mountains beyond can prove that the area of ​​this island is definitely not small.


Cheng Xuejie looked at the beach ahead and said in a low voice.

On the beach, a little crab ran away in a panic, leaving a line crookedly: Kill all the rare beasts on the island.

"Kill all rare beasts?" Zhang Ping muttered to himself.

Cheng Xuejie looked at Zhang Ping and asked: "Zhang Ping, are you sure?"

"A piece of cake!"

Zhang Ping scans the island Surrounding, then slightly smiled, give the answer.

He did not swell due to the sudden gain of huge power, mainly because the monster on this island is definitely not big. If there is a monster about the size of his giant, then they should be able to stand on the beach. see.

But now they have not seen any monsters.

Then we can infer a conclusion from this, the monster here is not big compared to his giant form!

next moment, layer after layer of metal coating quickly appeared on his body.

"Senior Sister, stand firm!"

In an instant, he grabbed Cheng Xuejie, and Cheng Xuejie's body was covered with a layer of metal coating. He held Cheng Xuejie in his palm , The body continues to grow rapidly.

On the island, densely packed'huge' rare beasts have felt Zhang Ping on the beach.

Some of these rare beasts resemble dinosaurs, but many of them are covered with colorful feathers and look nondescript.

"One, two, three, run!"

Zhang Ping half-squatted on the beach, the next moment leaped high.

The monsters all around saw the huge Zhang Ping in midair, and they fled frantically. Some monsters who had no time to escape were trampled to death on the spot when Zhang Ping fell, leaving a huge bloody footprint on the ground.

This footprint is very terrifying, even the cracks on the edge are huge canyons and abysses in the eyes of ordinary creatures!

The monster on the island is only sixty to seventy meters tall, which is roughly equivalent to the super giant in Attack on Titan.

The problem is that after Zhang Ping swallowed the mother emperor, his size soared from 900 meters to 1,200 meters, and his weight increased from 1.3 million tons of breakthrough to 2.15 million. Ton!

The entire island was like a Level 10 earthquake when he ran at full speed. The cliffs on the edge of the island were even collapsed by the earthquake, and countless animals were instantly buried in the sea.

Some monsters with bursting temperament and not very clever mind tried to block his footsteps, but as soon as they stopped, they saw the soles of the feet that looked like the sky, and then they were trampled to death.

No matter how powerful these monsters are, none of them are as powerful as Zhang Ping. No matter how fast they are, none of them can match the speed of Zhang Ping.

Monsters flee in despair. After being overtaken, they will launch a counterattack before they die, but flames, lightning, frost, etc., falling on the metal coating, all have no effect.

There is only one ending for these monsters, that is, being trampled into flesh by Zhang Ping.

Half an hour later, the entire island was trampled on the ground by him, and all the monsters were trampled to death by him.

"This level is too simple!"

Zhang Ping took back the metal coating and landed on the ground and said to the stunned Cheng Xuejie.


Cheng Xuejie glanced at Zhang Ping speechlessly.

This level is just too simple for Zhang Ping. For others, it is actually more difficult than a snowy field with wolves.

Those huge rare beasts of sixty to seventy meters, she can make the most basic judgments through the biological force field, all of them are not weaker than the high level alienated beasts, and some are even comparable to the top alienated beasts. .

The dying counterattacks of rare beasts are actually very terrifying. There is a dinosaur with a Seven Colored Feather, which directly self-destructs before death, forcibly blasting a flat land into one more than a hundred meters. The deep pit.

Although there is a factor of Zhang Ping's sole pressure, we can also see how terrifying the self-destruct's formidable power is.

The rare beast island is actually quite scary!

At this time, an exit appeared in front of them.

Zhang Ping said with a smile: "Let’s go, I hope the next level is as simple as that."

The two returned to the land of experience through the exit, Liu Sishan and The others were all taken aback.

Mainly Zhang Ping and Cheng Xuejie are too clean, and they feel like they were in the previous moment. If you spend a long time in the rare beast island, then you can use dressing up and so on. figure it out.

But now the two of them don't have the feeling of'have endured the hardships of a long journey' at all.

"Zhang Ping is too strong. It took half an hour to get into the rare beast and all the rare beasts in the island were killed, and he didn't take any action at all. He just trampled the rare beast to death with his feet. "Cheng Xuejie couldn't help but vomit when everyone looked surprised.

Zhang Ping said with a smile: "You can pass the level quickly, why do you want to be dill-dallying, what is the next level?"

"The next level is Lost Plains! "Bai De said.

Zhang Ping looked at the special scene and happily said: "This time it seems that I can go in by myself."

"Lost in the plain, just listening to the name is a bad thing It feels that it may be a plain that will cause people to lose their way. I think it's best to get a few more people in." Zhang Shouzhong analyzed.

But as soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Ping had entered the Lost Plains alone.

Others can only smile helplessly.

Now with their strength, it is dispensable for Zhang Ping. The only thing that can be done is probably to guard the place of experience!

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