The lost plains, all around are filled with thick gray fog.

The sky here unexpectedly shows a large Celestial Phenomenon of Legendary Grade, a rough lenticular cloud!

The gray thick fog and the gray rough-faced lenticular cloud have caused the entire space to be suppressed to the extreme. Anyone who is in this situation will instinctively feel restless.

Zhang Ping stood in the thick fog, looking up at the sky, and saw the twisted clouds in the sky gradually showing a line: "Find and arrive at the shelter within a week!"

"At this level of Interesting, I don't know what dangers are hidden in the dense fog, and you must find an unknown destination within a limited time. In this case, people will involuntarily become nervous. Once the spirit is too tight, it is very All kinds of unexpected situations will easily occur."

Zhang Ping looked at the suppressed clouds in the sky, and instantly understood the most difficult part of this level.

If he didn't guess wrong, there should be some monsters hidden in this level that will cause people to fear, anxiety, and rage. These monsters can even lead to internal strife in the team. The worst case is cannibalism.

But he is only one person, so naturally he won't have any infighting with anyone.

Moreover, his mental resilience is extremely high. This kind of depressive scene makes him a little uncomfortable at best, but it is impossible to say fear or something.

"Okay, let's find a shelter in one breath!"

Zhang Ping felt that he should analyze it, so he warmed up a little bit, and the metal coating quickly covered Body surface.

In an instant, a red giant more than two hundred meters tall appeared out of thin air, and his head could even vaguely touch the clouds above the sky.



The huge giant ran wildly in the mist, and countless grotesquely shaped creatures were knocked out before they could react, and even the screams were too late.

There are still many swamps hidden on the plains, and these swamps hide cannibal monsters.

If someone accidentally steps into the swamp in the mist, they will disappear silently. When the companions react, there will be no one to disappear.

In this environment, the sudden disappearance of a companion will definitely cause unimaginable mental pressure on the team.

The problem is that Zhang Ping has no companions at all. He stepped on the swamp and the whole swamp exploded. The monster inside was trampled on the spot. The most pitiful thing was that after Zhang Ping's kick, he didn’t. Realize what I trampled to death.

There is also a kind of monster in the mist, called the one-legged horror. It only has a huge one-legged one more than a hundred meters. Through this one-legged, it scares other creatures, drives away other creatures, and waits for those After the creature is exhausted, it swallows the opponent in one fell swoop.

Imagine walking in the fog, and suddenly a huge thigh appears in front of you. Any creature will mistakenly think that this thigh has a bigger body, and naturally flees frantically.

But today the one-legged phobia was a bit unlucky. It was hit by something before it could react, and its body suddenly exploded, leaving only one sole of its foot on the ground.

Zhang Ping finally felt that he had hit something, he stopped and looked back, and then found the sole of the one-legged phobia.

"The soles of the feet? Where's the body?"

Zhang Ping bent over and picked up the bloody soles, then looked at all around in confusion.

If any monster is hit by him, it is impossible to leave only a sole.

He thought for a while, and simply threw the sole of his foot and continued to run forward.

If it were the past, he would definitely use Appraisal Technique on the soles of his feet, but now he doesn’t even bother to use Appraisal Technique. After all, these monsters can’t even stop the impact of his normal running state. What to care about?

"I don't know if I can beat Shanzu now?"

Zhang Ping thought while running, but recalled the scene of Shanzu devouring the Sun God bird , He felt no bottom in his heart.

The main reason is that the size of the Sun God bird is actually similar to that of Shanzu, but Shanzu swallowed it without a bulge.

This shows that Shanzu’s ability is likely to be similar to that of a gold swallower. In case Shanzu is targeting flesh and blood creatures, wouldn't it be a gift for him to provoke Shanzu.

Sometimes, superpowers are so unreasonable.

The creatures made up of metal viruses can't even beat Fenglaixian, but they all look like fast food in front of him.

The real power of infinite-level abilities is not strength, but the ability to slowly fill in their own weaknesses, and eventually become perfect and without blemish, and there is no superpower to target.

At this moment, Zhang Ping has more insights into his own abilities.

He smiled slightly, and the next moment rushed towards him until he exploded a mountain in front of him. The feeling of rampage was really cool.

However, as soon as he hit the mountain, his pupils shrank suddenly at the next moment.

There is a small town behind the mountain.

Behind him, countless huge rocks were flying around. He quickly twisted his body and knocked a huge boulder enough to smash the town into the air. Then he quickly slapped the surrounding rocks away. The eight-meter rock was fixed in the air by his mind.

"Huh, scared me to death!"

Zhang Ping was slightly relaxed, first put the rock down, and then looked at the town in the mist.

This town is not big.

In this state of Zhang Ping, if you want to disrupt, you can level the whole town in a few minutes.

He observed for a while and found that there were no pedestrians on the streets of the town, then he walked gently to the edge of the town, bent over and headed to the side of a small house, and went inside through the window. Look.

Three gray wraiths are sitting in the hut, their bodies exuding a faint black mist.

They feed on the fear of creatures and are waiting for their prey to come.

Suddenly, they felt peeped, their dark eye sockets looked at each other, and then slowly turned their heads to look at the window.

Outside the window, a huge red head is close to the ground. His eyes are several times larger than the window. No emotion can be seen in Red's pupils.

The three wraiths froze immediately, and then slowly turned their heads away from the giant.


For a moment, the huge head got closer, and a terrifying voice came from the giant's mouth.

The three wraiths wanted to stay calm, but their bodies trembled involuntarily, and even the sutures on their skin burst open.


Finally, the two female wraiths couldn't help screaming in horror, got up and jumped out frantically, and the male wraith hurriedly followed.

"Don't run!"

When Zhang Ping saw wraith, he immediately eyes shined and called out loudly.

His clean world can purify all suffering creatures. These wraiths have obviously suffered great pain during their lifetime, so they have become what they are now, so he wants to purify them at this moment.

But with his shout, all the houses around were scared to drill out wraiths of different shapes, and these wraiths were all scattered around.


Zhang Ping is dumbfounded, is he terrifying so much?

He looked at himself in the form of a giant, and he was actually pretty good-looking, nothing more than a little bit older.

"Learn the lesson, just maintain three 10th layers, so as not to scare these cuties!"

After a self-review, Zhang Ping put away the excess metal coating , It only maintains three 10th layer metal coatings on the body surface.

In fact, the defensive power of the metal coating, three layers are enough to resist the damage of overwhelming majority.

Even if it is Fenglaixian, it is impossible to break the three-layer defense without entering the form of the Great Sun Crimson Emperor.

So Zhang Ping maintains three 10th layer metal coatings, which is already quite cautious.

He then chased Wraith, who was the first to escape, and soon entered a forest, and after crossing the forest, another small town appeared in front of him.

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