The fog is permeated, and the dimly yellow moon occasionally casts dim light from the twisted clouds.

Zhang Ping walked into the silent town while blowing his whistle. He found that the town had already been empty, and many houses had actually collapsed and turned into ruins.

On the dead trees on both sides of the road, there were many dead bodies hanging, and crows pecking at the maggots on the dead bodies.

The arrival of Zhang Ping brought a bit of life to this dead town, but it also awakened many corpses sleeping underground.

Suddenly, a rotten arm came out of the ground. As it came out, more and more arms came out of the ground, and then all the living dead sat up from the soil. The eyes exude deep green rays of light.


Zhang Ping walked to a house that looked relatively intact and knocked on the door.

After waiting for a while, after confirming that there was no one inside, he opened the door and walked into the house. The nightwalker gave him night vision capabilities, so the dim room was as bright as day in his eyes.

This house used to live in a family of three, but unfortunately they are all hanging from the ceiling.

Zhang Ping walked around the corpse, checked the contents of the house, and finally found a diary in the master bedroom.

The contents of the diary are very running accounts. Zhang Ping quickly read through the three lines at a glance. After removing all the useless information, he roughly knows what happened in this town.

This town is called Wuyi Town, which was originally a town specializing in the production of shrouds.

About five years ago, an old man came to this town, and people all around began to undergo corpses. At first, some people tried to resist, but the rebels were all killed by the elderly. die.

Because of despair, this family committed suicide altogether.

"The old man... shouldn’t it be Zuo Xiangming?"

This family of three doesn’t understand what the old man is doing, but Zhang Ping can infer from the few words in the diary, The old man was obviously experimenting with people in the town.

Unfortunately, this family is only an ordinary person, and the information they know is too limited.

Zhang Ping cannot guess what experiments the old man is doing through his diary.

If the Lost Plain is really Zuo Xiangming’s lair, will Zuo Xiangming now hide in the mist, even...

Zhang Ping suddenly looked out the door, One by one, the living corpses came in swayingly from the door, their eyes exuding deep green rays of light. The moment they saw Zhang Ping, the green light suddenly brightened up a lot, and then they roared and rushed towards Zhang Ping.


Zhang Ping moved in his heart, and his mind directly fixed these living corpses.

Then he began to examine the bodies of these living corpses, and he found that the bodies of these living corpses had traces of stitches.

The living corpse struggled crazily, but couldn't shake Zhang Ping's mind at all, only the eyeballs were constantly shaking back and forth.

"Fortunately you are dead, so you don't have to suffer so many sins."

"Sorry, I may be a little rude next."

Zhang Ping look He looked at the living corpse, and then used his mind to disassemble the stitched parts of the living corpse. Then he saw the heart, liver and other organs being stitched together. These organs were obviously not a complete organ, but two organs were taken from each. Half, then stitched together.

For example, there are two hearts. Heart A and Heart B are each cut in half, and then halves of each are taken and stitched together to form a seemingly complete heart.

What is the purpose of this?

Zhang Ping uses Appraisal Technique on living corpses, but the information he gets is very ordinary.

This means that the test failed?

Zhang Ping was thinking about it in his heart, while taking apart the bodies of several living corpses.

He found that some living corpses and even their bodies were pieced together. The left and right legs were of different lengths, and even the heads were cut in half, and then the two heads were sewn together in half.

"Okay, rest in peace, everyone!"

Zhang Ping determined that he could not get more information from the living corpses, and then burned all the living corpses with the Inflammator. ashes.

He used his mind to bury the ashes of the living corpse under a tree, and then continued to search for other houses that were fairly intact.

Finally, he found another diary in a house. Through this diary, he knew that the old man’s last name was left. As for the name, it was not written in the diary, but he was 90% Be sure, the other party is probably Zuo Xiangming!

This is almost equivalent to a real hammer.

The Lost Plain may already have been infiltrated by Zuo Xiangming and become Zuo Xiangming's secret base.

It's just that Zuo Xiangming is still in Lost Plains, Zhang Ping doesn't know.

The tragedy of the small town is vivid, and it can be described as a hell on earth.

If there is an opportunity, he doesn't mind pinching Zuo Xiangming to death.

Before leaving the town, he decided to go to Zuo Xiangming’s house. When Zuo Xiangming first came to the town, everyone was very enthusiastic to build a house for him. At that time, the residents didn’t know. What he entertains is a demon.

Zuo Xiangming’s house was built on the west side of the town.

It was a quiet place slightly far away from the town and near the forest.

Zhang Ping came to the hut and found that there were a lot of remains of corpses all around the hut. He buried the remains with his mind, and then walked into the hut where Zuo Xiangming once lived.

In addition to a wooden bed, there is also a countertop in the cabin.

On the counter, a corpse has become moldy, and a lot of maggots have grown. Zhang Ping covered his nose and exited at the next moment. It took a while to relax. He removed the metal coating and transformed himself into body. In the pure water form, only then re-entered the hut.

Without any paper left in the house, Zhang Ping turned around and finally fixed his gaze on the counter.

He walked to the desk, sent the corpse out of the house with his thoughts, and then looked at the sign engraved on the desk on the left and fell into deep thought.


Circle, vertical line, square.

What does this mean?

These symbols are not words, at least the words of Pearl City are definitely not like this.

"Assuming the circle is a person, what is the square?"

Zhang Ping frowned, he gritted his teeth and walked outside the house to observe the extremely decomposed corpse.

"Hey, is this...animal organ?"

At this time, Zhang Ping finally made a new discovery. He found fish gills in the ears of the corpse. The problem is The gills were not owned by Innate, but were sewn up.

The question is that the dead body does not need to breathe. What is the point of stitching fish gills?

Suddenly, Zhang Ping's mind was divine light flashed. The living corpse he just saw and many clues were quickly connected together. He got up and looked at the corpse and muttered to himself: "So that's it, left Xiang Ming wants to use a living corpse as two!"

Assuming that there is a powerhouse corpse, if it is powerful because of its super power, can the corpse be chopped in half, and then used ordinary Filled the other half with his corpse, and finally got two powerhouse corpses?

This is definitely a breakthrough in the sky.

However, those living corpses whose organs were sutured in half showed that the left direction is clearly researching this aspect.

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