There should be two experiments on the left.

One is to stitch the awakened body and the ordinary person in half, and finally get two awakened.

Another experiment is the combination of human living corpses and animal living corpses, and finally a human living corpse with powerful animal abilities is obtained. Although this kind of living corpse is not awakened, its strength will be infinitely close to awakened. .

Zhang Ping has to admit that if Zuo Xiangming's experiment is successful, then Zuo Xiangming's strength will explode in a short time.

After he burned the rotting corpse to bury it, he then simply started searching around Wuyi Town. If Zuo Xiangming is still in the Lost Plains, he will teach him a lesson he will never forget.

"By the way, I seem to have forgotten something."

Zhang Ping was flying in the air, suddenly remembering what I did when I first entered Wuyi Town?

Forget it.

He thought for a moment but didn't think about it, and finally he didn't bother to think about it anymore. The most important thing now is to find Zuo Xiangming, everything else is trivial.


Underground in Wuyi Town.

The three wraiths felt that Zhang Ping was gone, and they relaxed.


In the valley somewhere in the Lost Plain, Zuo Xiangming suddenly felt something.

He looked up in the direction of Wuyi Town and said to himself: "The old man’s self-disciplined living corpse has been solved?"

As far as he knows, the lost plain The creature has no interest in the living corpse, because the living corpse carries his corpse poison and cannot be used as food at all.

As long as his living corpses do not actively attack those monsters, those monsters are impossible to destroy the living corpses for no reason.

In other words, someone has entered the Lost Plains?

Left Xiangming was puzzled and muttered to himself: "Under the situation of Pearl City, there are still people entering the Lost Plains...what is the other party's purpose?"

"Forget it, no matter what the other party's purpose is, now that I have found my living corpse, it is possible to guess my identity and must move quickly."

Now is the critical moment of the experiment, he I don't want my experiment to be interrupted.

He knows very well that Pearl City overwhelming majority awakened will not support his research, and will even be very angry after seeing his experiment.

Therefore, once you meet with the opponent, there is a high possibility of battle.

He quickly took control of the other living corpses in the ravine to pack up, planning to find a more secret place, and then continue his research.

Sometimes, the most dangerous place is often the safest place. After thinking carefully, he decides to return to Wuyi town secretly, and after confirming that the newly arrived awakened has left, he hides in Wuyi town for research , I believe the other party would never expect that he would return to Wuyi Town.

Half an hour later, a palace appeared quietly in Wuyi Town.

Zuo Xiangming walked out of the palace, and soon the living corpses he controlled found the living corpses solved by Zhang Ping.

"Fire Element awakened?"

Zuo Xiangming looked at the pit dug by the living corpse and said to himself.

If it is burned with wood fire, then the ashes will definitely be mixed with charcoal ashes, but these ashes are very pure, so it can be speculated that the other party burned these corpses with super powers.

After knowing the enemy's details, Zuo Xiangming ordered the living corpse to hide. If the Fire Element awakened ran back, he would kill it.

Although he doesn't want to be extravagant, he is not afraid of any enemies.

It's just a critical period of experimentation, and he really doesn't want to be distracted by it.


"Ah, I remember it!"

Zhang Ping flew dozens of kilometers, suddenly remembering his purpose of entering the town.

He followed the suspected family of three evil spirits before entering Wuyi Town. Because of Zuo Xiangming's experiment, he almost forgot that there were three evil spirits hiding in the town.

No, you must go back to purify the other party.

These wronged souls are actually very pitiful. They suffered a lot during their lifetime, which distorted their spirits and became what they are now.

Zhang Ping is very aware of their pain, so he hopes that the other party's spirit will be at peace.

He simply turned back and flew back towards Wuyi Town.

Although he also wanted to find Zuo Xiangming as soon as possible to prevent him from harming more people, the Lost Plain was vast, and under the fog he didn't know how vast it was.

Instead of looking for Zuo Xiangming like a lucky day, it is better to save the soul that needs to be saved.

He knows which one is lighter and heavier, so there is no need to hesitate at all.

A few minutes later, the dilapidated Wuyi Town was faintly visible, and then he saw three evil spirits creeping out of the ground quietly, the other side watching sneakily, and then heading towards Zuo Xiangming’s hut. .

"What do they want to do?"

Zhang Ping saw this scene from a distance in the air, wondering in his heart.

next moment, two living corpses jumped out of the window of the hut. One of the living corpses burned with green flames in their palms, and the other opened its mouth and made strange sound waves.

The three wronged souls suddenly squatted on the ground in pain, their faces distorted into the expressions of the portraits in "The Scream".

When Zhang Ping saw this scene, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he reacted.

Zuo Xiangming usually takes this kind of living corpse with him. Could it be that Zuo Xiangming is back again?

Is there such a coincidence?

Don't dare to write like this in novels.

Zhang Ping thought in disbelief, but next moment made a decisive move. After all, if he didn't make a move, those three souls would die in the hands of the living corpses.

In an instant, the metal coating quickly covered his body. In order not to scare Zuo Xiangming away, he only covered tens of thousands of layers this time, and his body swelled from a normal body to a height of six meters.

For an instant, he fell from the sky and directly trampled the living corpse holding the green flame in his hand to death.

Then another fist blasted another living corpse out.

He blasted the wall made of wood cleanly and directly into the house.

Zuo Xiangming’s reaction was not unpleasant. At the moment when the two living corpses died, he had already activated his abilities, and the three living corpses instantly blocked him, and then the living corpses were caught by Zhang Ping. Punched.

"I caught you!"

Zhang Ping pinched Zuo Xiangming's neck in the blink of an eye, and said with a smile.

He squeezed hard, Zuo Xiangming was not squeezed to death, and the damage was borne by other living corpses.

Then two living corpses appear out of thin air, one on the left and the right to activate the ability, Zhang Ping's position appeared in the corner, and it happened to be caught by the heater, while the left Xiangming was taken by another living corpse. go.

"Don't even want to go!"

Zhang Ping applied fiercely, and the whole house fell apart suddenly, and at the next moment he saw Zuo Xiangming's palace appearing not far away.

"Boy, I remember you!"

Zuo Xiangming stood at the gate of the palace, staring at Zhang Ping gloomily, and roared hoarsely.

His experiment has reached a critical moment, and he was interrupted by Zhang Ping. What is even more hateful is that Zhang Ping's experimental body was blown up in the battle just now.

"Remember me? Then stay and don't go!"

Zhang Ping's body quickly grew bigger, and he slapped the palace with a palm.


The entire Wuyi Town violently shakes.

Unfortunately, this palm is still empty, Zuo Xiangming has already ran away.

Zhang Ping's body is still getting bigger. After reaching one thousand and two hundred meters, he immediately glanced all around condescendingly.

Farther, Zuo Xiangming hid in the shadow of the woods, looking at the huge red giant in the distance in horror. Fortunately, the opponent at first did not attack in this form, otherwise he was on his way to escape. How many corpses do you have to die?

What's more terrifying is being caught by the other party. Is there really a chance to escape?

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