I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [016] Windtalkers

Zhang Ping gained a lot from sparring with Zhou Jielin.

When the class was over, Zhang Ping found that Wang Jieming had a bruised nose and face.

It can be seen that the adventurer who was sparring with Wang Jieming had a bad temper.

But this is normal.

People pay high tuition fees to study, so that they can have a better chance of survival when they venture out of Pearl City in the future.

Who doesn't want to practice with geniuses and improve together.

It would be strange not to be annoyed when meeting a partner like Wang Jieming.

Zhang Ping and Zhou Jielin get along well, that's because Zhang Ping's Ape King style is higher than Zhou Jielin's, and there is a lot for Zhou Jielin to learn from.

Therefore, Zhou Jielin was willing to teach Zhang Ping some basic knowledge that experienced adventurers would have.

The last thing anyone wants is to meet a partner who cannot improve themselves or even becomes the opponent's sparring partner.

"Are you okay?" Zhang Ping looked at Wang Jieming and asked.

Wang Jieming shook his head slightly, then smiled reluctantly: "It's okay, but I didn't learn much. I don't know if I can learn it in five days."

He had thought there would be a teaching session today as well.

But from beginning to end, Bai De had no interest in telling it again. He only stepped forward to correct some apprentices' mistakes while everyone was practicing.

The most important thing is that Bai De did not teach Wang Jieming anymore.

This is like some teachers in Zhang Ping's previous life who only paid attention to the students who were good at studying, turned a blind eye to the poor students, and completely ignored these students.

If this happens in the next few days, it is absolutely impossible for Wang Jieming to learn the Ape King pose.

Zhang Ping thought for a while and asked, "Are you usually free at noon?"

"Noon? Yes, yes." Wang Jieming was stunned and then replied.

Zhang Ping invited: "Then you can come to me. Do you know Iron Soul? You can come to Iron Soul, and I will teach you the Ape King Style. But whether you can get started depends on you."

"Iron Soul? I haven't heard of it, but I can look for it when the time comes." Wang Jieming said immediately.

Zhang Ping nodded and said: "Well, then you come to me tomorrow."

Iron Soul and Wang Jieming live across the street, which is not difficult to find.

After agreeing, the two returned along the way.

the next day.

At noon, Zhang Ping and Liu Tiefeng were eating, and Wang Jieming came over.

When Liu Tiefeng went back to the second floor to take a nap, Zhang Ping began to teach Wang Jieming. Wang Jieming's learning ability was very poor. Zhang Ping simply broke the ape king's movements into several small movements and taught them one movement at a time. In the end, he found that he still couldn't learn it. Simply let him do nothing for an hour and just practice one of the movements.

He found that this teaching method was actually useful. At least an hour later, Wang Jieming actually learned one of the movements.

"That's right, watch me do the next move, and then you follow suit." Zhang Ping said with a smile when he saw that Wang Jieming had already learned the first move.

The teaching lasted until night. Wang Jieming went home for dinner first and made an appointment to go to the martial arts gym together in the evening.

Most martial arts gyms start classes at eight o'clock and end at eleven o'clock. Although there are martial arts gyms that start classes at six o'clock and end at ten o'clock in the evening, the class time of the Beast King Boxing Gym is the former.

Although the former has one hour less teaching time, the fee is more expensive.

Zhang Ping has not experienced courses in other martial arts schools, so he is not sure about the teaching level of other martial arts schools, but at least Bai De's teaching level is not bad. Except for Wang Jieming, most apprentices can get started quickly.

For the next two days, basically nothing major happened.

The cleaning team became more cautious in their actions against the Tianchang Fox. At least Zhang Ping only found that one Tianchang Fox was missing, and he was not even sure whether the Tianchang Fox had been killed or had gone somewhere else by itself.

He did not ask Liu Sishan, but just identified the newly discovered Tianchang Fox as usual.

He gave it to the other party and re-identified the previously identified Tianchang Fox, but nothing was found.

This made him unsure whether it was Tian Changhu's trap or an accident.

It's the weekend.

Pearl City does not have weekends, but it usually has weekends off.

The Beast King Boxing Gym is also on holiday on this day, so students do not need to go to the boxing gym for classes.

In the morning, Zhang Ping did not make noodles, but tried to forge the Pearl Sword again. This time he successfully forged a qualified Pearl Sword, at least he felt that it should be a success.

He took the Pearl Knife, walked to Liu Tiefeng who was smoking, and asked, "Grandpa Liu, am I successful?"

"Ah? What did you say, where is the mountain?" Liu Tiefeng raised his head and asked with a confused look on his face.

Zhang Ping was stunned, then looked up at the door of the store. After a while, Qiu Qiang appeared carrying large and small bags.

"Brother Zhang Ping, I'm back." Qiu Qiang said with a smile.

Then he put down the package on the counter, sat down next to Liu Tiefeng, and said to himself: "Damn, I almost failed this time. I don't know what happened. There are a lot less wild beasts and alienated beasts outside. We have to go deep into the north." In the mountains and forests, I finally encountered a pack of wolves, and they were all fucking alien beasts.”

"Uncle Qiang, are you okay?" Zhang Ping looked at Qiu Qiang and found no obvious wounds.

Qiu Qiang gritted his teeth and lifted up his sleeves. There were several hideous wounds on his arms. He sneered and said: "The wolves are biting us and won't let go. There is really no other way. I have to let the others go first and leave behind.

When encountering wolves, especially alienated beasts, you must not be surrounded by them, otherwise it will be over.

I fought and retreated, but met another group of bastard savages in the woods. As soon as they met, I was hit by a wind blade, which almost cut off my waist. Fortunately, I had a disposable ground-breaking shovel. I didn't care about the pain, so I had to use it.

It just so happened that the wolves couldn't find prey, so they attacked the savages. I took the opportunity to fish in troubled waters. In the end, not only did I evacuate safely, I also got a good thing. "

As he spoke, he took out a green gem.

"Isn't this the Wind Gem?"

Zhang Ping looked at the gem and said with some surprise.

The Wind Gem is not a real gem.

Rather, it is a very rare and rare biological crystal.

Almost all alienated beasts that contain the energy of the wind element may form wind gems in their bodies, and even some awakened ones who have awakened the wind talent will also form similar gems in their bodies.

The Wind Gem can be used to store wind element energy. Through spiritual guidance, the wind element energy in the Wind Gem can be released to form attacks such as wind blades and storms.

In fact, other elements also have corresponding elemental gems.

For example, Liu Sishan is very likely to have water gems in her body, because her advanced talent is energy compression, and energy compression talents are the easiest to form elemental gems.

However, there are elemental gems in the body, which does not mean that they can be easily taken out.

Generally, after the death of alienated beasts and awakened ones, elemental gems will dissipate along with the elements, with only a very small chance of surviving.

Since elemental gems are equivalent to giving people one more ability, they have always been available in the Pearl City, and are ultra-rare equipment that cannot be bought.

"I picked this off from one of the savage weapons, so I got my revenge." Qiu Qiang said proudly.

With that said, he handed the Wind Gem to Zhang Ping and said with a generous smile: "Come on, get your hands on it. It's rare to see genuine items like this. There are a lot of fakes in the city. It's best not to get them easily if you haven't seen the genuine ones. Especially Easily deceived.”

Zhang Ping carefully took the Wind Gem,

Part of his knowledge of elemental gems came from school, and part of it came from Liu Tiefeng's teachings.

But even the Iron Soul doesn't have the Wind Gem, only some fakes that were picked up through the eyes.

Just bought the gem.

Zhang Ping felt his palms were a little cold.

If you feel it carefully, you will find a weak wind coming from the Wind Gem.

The wind was very, very weak, as if you were holding your hand against the water, you could faintly feel the cool fluctuations.

"The energy of the wind element is invisible in the living body. Once it is released outside the body, it will evolve into wind. Its energy form can only be seen in the elemental gem. Look carefully at the center of the gem to see if there is a mass of milky white energy. That is the wind element. Energy." Qiu Qiang stepped forward and explained seriously.

Zhang Ping nodded, he indeed saw the milky white energy.

"This thing pays attention to the feel first and secondly to eyesight. You can tell the fake when you see the real thing. Remember the feeling at this moment to avoid being blinded in the future." Qiu Qiang said with a smile.

Zhang Ping responded, then closed his eyes and carefully felt the touch, hardness, and temperature of the wind element gem.

Suddenly, he heard a "pop" sound in his ears.

Then there was a noise, just like the sound of the TV station in the past when it couldn't receive the signal and turned into a snowflake screen.

For a moment he heard the voices of many men and women.

His eyes widened slightly and he immediately used appraisal on himself.

[Identification successful]

[Summoned Beast: Zhang Ping]

[Master: Zhang Ping]

[Race: Human]


【Lifespan: 89】

[Level: Junior Awakener]

[Level: 3]


[Contract Gem: It can consume physical strength + mental power to condense the Contract Gem. Once the target voluntarily accepts the Contract Gem, the life, soul, and consciousness will be dominated by the Summoner, but at the same time, it will also be blessed by the Summoner’s potential and luck. After taking it for the first time , taking it again will slightly increase your own potential, and there is a 1% chance of awakening new talents. Note: Summoner Zhang Ping's innate ability was obtained by overdrafting his IQ, potential, and luck. Although it is very powerful, it also has some huge flaws. Being too ambitious does not seem to be a good thing. 】

[Absolute command: You have absolute control over the summoned beast, and the summoned beast cannot disobey your orders]

[Absolute obedience: You absolutely obey the summoner’s orders, and you will faithfully execute the summoner’s orders]

[Strategic Version Identification Technique: The target can be identified, and there is a very small probability of obtaining target information. The smaller the strength gap between the two sides, the greater the probability of successfully obtaining information. If the first identification is successful, the subsequent success rate of identification of the same target will be greatly increased. Note: The natural abilities born from the thirst for knowledge of the summoned beast Zhang Ping and the summoner Zhang Ping]

[Nightwalker: Gain dark night vision, and the sense of presence at night is greatly reduced, the movement speed is greatly increased, the weight is reduced, and the shadow is completely invisible]

[Fire Eater: Can restore physical strength by swallowing flames, and convert excess flames into fire element energy and store it in the body. After releasing the energy, the flame entanglement effect will be temporarily obtained until the fire element energy storage is exhausted.

This ability will gradually increase the user's heat resistance.

Note: Potential is just potential after all. Only when it is realized into strength can it be the real power]

[Wind Whisperer: The wind will bring you all kinds of news, whether you want to know or not.

Note: There is no wall in the world that is impervious to wind, and there is no secret that the wind does not know]

It is indeed a new talent.

Zhang Ping thought to himself, and even wanted to complain, is the probability of awakening a new talent really one percent?

However, ‘Windtalker’ is a passive skill, and he cannot control it to be turned on or off, which means that he can only passively accept the information brought by the Windtalker.

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