Feng Lai Xian eyes slightly narrowed, holding the knife directly opened the mouth and said: "It turns out that the old thief is hiding in the lost plains, I will kill him!"

"Wait, Feng Hall Master, I mean we can stand alone. In theory, as long as no one enters the Lost Plains again, he... wait, there is a paradox. Since he will come out sooner or later, then I He should be out next moment after he comes out." Zhang Ping frowned.

Liu Sishan said indifferently: "Unless someone enters the Lost Plains later, which causes the time anchor of the Lost Plains to change."

Actually, from Chen Shuang, Cao Bing and others. Appearing in the Yan Scorpion Desert, everyone has already figured out the time mechanism of the special scene.

Some people may think that they are contradictory, but if you regard "someone entering a special scene in the future" as an inevitable event, then everything will become reasonable again.

Feng Laixian and the others stayed in the place of experience, which is actually a very interesting mistake.

If the enemy appears, it means that the enemy will definitely be able to enter the place of experience, no matter how they block it. If the enemy does not appear, the time between Zhang Ping's entry and exit is even less than a second, and Zhang Ping appears immediately after disappearing in their eyes.

So they guard the place of experience, the only meaning is to enter a special scene decisively when encountering an enemy, and then wait for each other at the entrance and exit.

If this is not done, then there is a possibility of'inevitable death'.

Because of preventing the enemy from entering the place of experience, he is "inevitably" killed by the enemy, and then the enemy enters a special scene to ensure the occurrence of an "inevitable event".

As long as it is reasonable to look back from the future, it is also reasonable to be unreasonable in the'now'.

"In other words, there will definitely be people entering the Lost Plains afterwards, so Zuo Xiangming did not follow Zhang Ping out, because the time anchor will change in the future!" Cheng Xuejie listened to Liu Sishan's words , Looked thoughtful.

Zhang Shouzhong said with a smile: "So we don’t have to rush into the Lost Plain to find Zuo Xiangming’s troubles, we just need to guard the place of experience and don’t give others the opportunity to enter the Lost Plain, Zuo Xiangming It's hard to escape if you just stick your wings!"

"What if he succeeds in the test?" Bai De worried.

Zhang Shouzhong patted Zhang Ping on the shoulder, said with a smile: "Then Zhang Ping will trample him to death!"


Bai De took a look at Zhang Ping, the red giant's exaggerated size naturally appeared in his mind, and there was nothing to say.

"Okay, now we are still focusing on solving the Heavenly Fox. The next level is the plateau of dead bodies. Zhang Ping and I will enter!" Liu Sishan concluded.

Cheng Xuejie said with a smile: "Zhang Ping, you must protect Sisi."

"I guess they will come out within a few minutes after entering. Zhang Ping's current strength is too exaggerated. That's it." Zhang Shouzhong vomited.

Zhang Ping holding Liu Sishan's hand, said with a smile: "Let’s go, do it quickly!"


Liu Sishan nodded, and then stepped into the plateau of dead bodies.

In an instant, all around became ash-gray.

Densely packed bones are interspersed on the ground, which is a plateau made of bones.

Zhang Ping observed all around and did not find any living creatures. He looked at Liu Sishan and whispered: "Sister Sisi, have you seen the mission?"

" No, it may be the same as the poison swamp. We need to find an exit by ourselves, or we can leave after we survive for a certain period of time.” Liu Sishan analyzed.

Zhang Ping frowned: "So... let's look around and observe before we talk."


Liu Sishan nodded agreed.

In fact, it is still unknown what the plateau of dead bodies will test. She just made a reasonable guess as much as possible based on her previous experience.

The plateau of dead bones is full of bones. These bones are large or small. The largest bones are even comparable to Zhang Ping's red giant form, and the smallest bones are similar to adult domestic cats.

Zhang Ping analyzed these bones with mind power, and also used Appraisal Technique to identify these bones, but the conclusions they got were similar.

These bones are just the most common bones. The cause of death is basically starvation, and the death time of many bones is the same.

In other words, at a certain moment, all animals suddenly starved to death.

Zhang Ping also doesn't know why this is happening, so he can only speculate temporarily that it might be the effect of some kind of superpower.

"Sister Sisi, Immemorial is weird in this place. There are no creatures at all. Where can there be so many bones."

"Perhaps a long time ago, there were many creatures here, but now They are all extinct."

"Isn’t it like the Lost Plains, once the night comes, these bones will wake up?"

"It’s not impossible."

Zhang Ping and Liu Sishan communicated in a low voice while stepping on their bones. Suddenly Zhang Ping's ears moved slightly, pulling Liu Sishan to stop.

"What's wrong?" Liu Sishan looked at Zhang Ping.

Zhang Ping's body is quickly covered with layer after layer of metal coating, and even Liu Sishan is covered with three layers of metal coating using extraordinary reproduction.

"The sound of the wind is not right. I have never heard the sound of this kind of wind." Zhang Ping said solemnly.

He took Liu Sishan to turn around and ran, while running, he analyzed: "I can't tell the reason, but hearing the wind makes me very uneasy. Let's find a place to hide first."


Liu Sishan looked at the ground and suggested: "Why don't you make a hole in the ground?"

"Good idea!"

Zhang Ping stopped immediately, next moment The body grows rapidly.

He looked in the direction of the sound of the wind, and immediately saw a horrible scene. Many bones quickly decayed in the wind, and finally turned into dust and swept along with the wind.

That wind will corrode everything?


Zhang Ping overturned his guess in the next second and realized that it was the wind of time.

The wind blows for a hundred years or a thousand years, so the creatures here die at the same time, and the cause of death is hunger.

He bent down and quickly dug a large hole with his hands, and then returned to its original size. He pulled Liu Sishan directly into the hole, and then his mind exploded, filling the hole with mud again, leaving only Where they are.

But even so, he still feels that he is not safe enough, so he consumes his energy to create a contract gem wall and seal the entire space with the wall.

"This level is a bit scary."

Zhang Ping sat on the ground and looked at Liu Sishan and said.

Then he told Liu Sishan of his guess, and exclaimed: "The level is really more difficult than each level. Can the newcomers of the investigation team really pass this level?"

To be honest, at this moment he is not sure that he can pass the customs safely.

"Since you find it difficult, don't the investigation team know? It would be great if you didn't choose these scenes." Liu Sishan couldn't help saying with a smile.

Zhang Ping froze for a moment, then patted his forehead, he did not think of this.

The investigation team is to test the abilities of the new players, but not to kill the new players. Knowing that some levels are extremely difficult, how could it be possible to let the new players in courting death.

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