"Sister Sisi, I feel that this is still not enough insurance. How about you eat a contract gem and hide temporarily in the deed?"

Zhang Ping can hear the sound of the wind, and the wind of time is sweeping in at an extremely fast speed.

He feels a little uneasy, worried that Liu Sishan will die in the wind.

"Bring it!"

Liu Sishan stretched out his hand.

"Oh, good."

Zhang Ping didn't expect Liu Sishan to agree so simply. First he stayed for a while, and then quickly condensed a contract gem with only one contract.

"There is only one contract in the contract gem, that is, no loss or sinking is allowed!" Zhang Ping handed the contract gem to Liu Sishan, and continued.

Liu Sishan nodded, then closed his eyes and opened his mouth to swallow the gem.

For an instant, she felt as if she was reborn, and many things she had attached to in the past quietly let go. She slowly opened her eyes, tears streaming down from her eye sockets and turning into ice crystals in a blink of an eye.

"Sister Sisi, are you okay?" Zhang Ping asked worriedly when he saw this.

Liu Sishan shook his head, wiped his tears, said with a smile: "I'm fine, I just figured out a lot of things, thank you."

"It doesn't matter, now the wind of time Coming soon, you hide in the deed first!" Zhang Ping said quickly.

He took out the deposit, and after Liu Sishan entered the deposit, he turned into a body of pure water, waiting for the wind of time to arrive.

On the ground, the wind of time rolls in, and the skeletons turn into powder wherever they pass, drifting far away with the wind.

Although Zhang Ping and the others are hiding underground, and there are even walls formed by contract gems to block the wind of time, there is still a slight wind blowing in from extremely small gaps.

Fortunately, Zhang Ping and Liu Sishan, one is a body of pure water, the other is hiding in the deed, so they are not affected by the wind of time.

The wind comes and goes fast, and there is a lot of dust in the small space.

Zhang Ping slightly relaxed, opened the mouth and said: "Sister Sisi, it seems that the wind has left."

He changed back to a human form, and then opened the mouth with force of mind Dirt, after putting the contract gem away, he walked out, and Liu Sishan's deed was floating beside him.

"This is too afraid right?" Zhang Ping looked at the empty plateau and couldn't help sighing.

Liu Sishan agreed: "I don't know how Captain passed this level back then?"

"Sisi, the method we used was similar to yours, but you still dig It’s too shallow. If you dig a few tens of meters deeper, the wind of time will not affect you.” Situ Shibai replied.

Zhang Ping unexpectedly said: "Old Mister Situ, do you know in advance what the test is?"

"Well, before me, there have been dozens senior who used their lives to explore The secret of the plateau of dead bodies, so we can pass the customs so smoothly." Situ Shibai replied.

Zhang Ping dissatisfied: "Old Mister Situ, then you should tell me and Sister Sisi earlier, this level is too dangerous."

"Because of your previous performance, So I believe that you can pass the level even without my prompt, and the result is indeed the case!" Situ Shibai said.

Zhang Ping frowned and said solemnly: "Old Mister Situ, if the next level is too dangerous, I hope you can tell us as soon as possible. I don't want to lose my precious companions for the test of unfathomable mystery!"


"Sorry, maybe I took it for granted. It is a test in my eyes. It is a life-and-death crisis in your eyes. Next time I will remind you as soon as possible." Situ Shibai was silent for a moment, and then responded.

Zhang Ping took a look at Liu Sishan's contract after receiving the guarantee from Situ Shibai, and couldn't help but ask: "Sister Sisi, won't you come out?"

"It's good to stay in the deed. I will come out again when you need it." Liu Sishan replied.

She didn't understand why Ye Changchun and Su Qingbo always liked to stay in the deed. Wouldn't she feel bored or uncomfortable?

But after she really entered the storage contract, she realized that it was so comfortable to stay in the storage contract.

In the storage contract, everything becomes nothingness, as if it is no longer important, all troubles, diseases, and pain are far away from herself, her self-thinking becomes pure and pure, and the efficiency of meditation is 100% outside. Times.

Speaking of no exaggeration, she feels that she can stay in the deed until the end of time.


Zhang Ping knows exactly what it's like to stay in the deed, so he didn't make a fuss about nothing.

He came out of the hole, wrapped himself with thought power directly, and flew to the sky quickly.

Overlooking the earth from the sky, he quickly discovered something.

Before becoming a giant, he had a glimpse of him. In fact, he had already seen a lot of things, but now that he looked carefully, he was sure that his guess should be correct.

The entire plateau of dead bodies is actually a huge Tai Chi Chart.

They are now on the white side, and there is a black area farther away.

"Old Mister Situ, these two exits, one black one white, how do you leave?" Zhang Ping looked at the huge black vortex in the distance and the huge white vortex in the black area further away, opening his mouth Asked.

He is too lazy to bet, although he has a way to test which of the two exits is true.

For example, the easiest way is to summon Zhou Qingbai, and then fill in the life of the green forest hero, and finally fill in the answer.

But there is no need to be so troublesome.

"There is nothing wrong with those two exits, the black exit, time will go backwards after entering, the white exit, time will accelerate after entering, you see all around the wind, every time it blows out the wind will surround the entire plateau One lap, finally. Enter the exit at the other end. Only when you enter it at a critical moment can you perfectly offset Time Reverse or Time Acceleration!" Situ Shibai replied.

Zhang Ping's eyes lit up slightly, speculated: "In other words, through these two entrances, can actually recover one's youthful vigor?"

The wind released by the black hole can make All things go back in time. The wind released by the white hole will accelerate everything. When the black hole winds around the plateau, it will enter the white hole, thereby canceling the acceleration effect of the white hole.

If Zhang Ping takes the opportunity to enter, then he can leave safely, but if he is a little bit late, he may become 20 years old after he leaves.

Conversely, if he leaves the black hole and does not grasp the timing of entering, he may become 10 years old.

However, Zhang Ping does not need this kind of power now. He is right at the best age in his life. He neither wants to be a child nor an adult immediately.

In the state of adolescence, the body seems to be in a state of gain, and he feels great.

In fact, this level poses little threat to him. He can completely transform into a pure water form, and then leave this level directly through a white hole or a black hole.

But he thought of Ye Changchun and Su Qingbo.

The two are too old. If you use the black hole to recover one's youthful vigor, you might be able to return to a young state.

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