Zhang Ping's brains are wide open, not only think of people recovering one's youthful vigor, but also think of special equipment that uses black holes to repair damage, and uses white holes to speed up the growth rate of moon chasing turtles .

But when he thought about it and got more excited, Situ Shibai poured cold water and said: "recover one's youthful vigor? Hehe, how is this possible."

"Why not?" Zhang Ping Yi Frozen, then asked.

Situ Shibai sighed: "At the beginning we thought more than you, and some people even thought about whether you can achieve a perfect resurrection by throwing human bones into a black hole."

"Then what's the result?" Zhang Ping asked.

Situ Shibai said with a smile: "hehe, the result is nothing."

"Nothing?" Zhang Ping frowned, somewhat puzzled: " Why is there nothing?"

Situ Shibai replied: "Because of this level, the power of time must be perfectly offset, otherwise the power of time will stick to the target once it leaves the plateau of dead bodies On his body, equivalent to a kind of curse, even if you have a body of pure water, once you become a flesh and blood body in the future, you will be swallowed by this power!"

"I understand."

After listening to Zhang Ping, some helplessly said.

Why is there nothing? Because time goes back to the end, that person is gone!

After getting the answer, it must be false to say that I am not disappointed, but if I say that I am very disappointed, it is not very disappointed.

After all, Zhang Ping is still young, and Ye Changchun and Su Qingbo are not in danger of life. In the final analysis, all that is just his brain.

Next, Zhang Ping started to catch up with the wind of time. In fact, at the same time, there were two winds of time on the plateau of dead bodies, one of accelerating and the other of regressing.

The positions of the two winds appear to be mirror images.

The wind of time that Zhang Ping is chasing now is the wind of acceleration, which means that the exit he is going to enter after a while is a black hole.

In half an hour.

Zhang Ping swiftly accelerated, trying to follow the wind of time into the black hole, but before he could get close, the wind of time suddenly disappeared.

He flew in the air dumbfounded and said: "Why so fast?"

"So we must seize the opportunity!" Situ Shibai said with a smile.

Zhang Ping gritted his teeth and said: "It's okay, at worst, do it again!"

"Then you have to pay attention, the next time the wind is going in the opposite direction!" Situ Shibai reminded.

The wind direction is exactly the opposite?

Zhang Ping listened to slightly frowned, and then he reacted, and the wind was in the opposite direction. Doesn't it mean that his current location is exactly where the wind is about to blow?

He quickly turned around and ran, and as expected, a black wind released from the black hole and blew quickly.

Where the wind passed, countless bones quickly regenerated, and then countless grasses and trees turned into towering trees, and even animals appeared on the ground.

However, the closer the wind is to the white area, the weaker it becomes. After entering the white area, it can only turn the dusty bones back into the form of bones.

Zhang Ping saw it. This is what they saw when they came in.

"so that's how it is, I was still thinking about why the wind of retreat can revive creatures, but what we saw before was bones, so Power of Time will be consumed." Zhang Ping thought Comprehend.

He flew forward quickly, but it was a pity that he was still caught in a trace of backward wind, and his body went backwards for a few hours.

After the appraisal, he was slightly relaxed. Fortunately, the wind of retreat did not affect his ability, otherwise he would definitely have to take a trip in the wind of acceleration.

Gold swallowers are very important to him, he absolutely does not allow gold swallowers to have any damage.

Next, he quickly flew over the white hole and waited. When the regressive wind entered the white hole, he seized the opportunity to immediately fall into the white hole, and his body was transformed into pure water and then entered the storage contract. middle.

After the storage contract passed through the white hole and landed in the place of experience, Zhang Ping quickly came out of the storage contract, far away from the storage contract.

"Zhang Ping, what's wrong with you?" Zhang Shouzhong asked Zhang Ping with a solemn expression.

Zhang Ping observed the deposit and confirmed that there was no problem with the deposit before it was relaxed.

Then he told everyone about his experience in the Skeleton Plateau. Everyone felt scared after listening. Fortunately, they did not enter the Skeleton Plateau. Otherwise, not only would it not help, but it would increase the difficulty of the level out of thin air.

"Where is Sisi?" Cheng Xuejie asked.

Zhang Ping took out Liu Sishan’s deposit, speechless saying: "Sister Sisi ate the contract gem, and now I don’t want to come out."

"Is it that comfortable?" Bai De puzzled.

After finishing speaking, Bai De took out the deposit contract given to him by Zhang Ping, and entered into the deposit contract, but soon he came out again and analyzed: "It's really comfortable, but it didn't reach it. It has to be to a degree."

"That's because you didn't master meditation, otherwise you wouldn't think that way." Liu Sishan's storage contract floats next to Zhang Ping, lightly saying.

Zhang Ping said with a smile: "If anyone wants to experience the feeling of saving a contract, they can ask me for a contract gem at any time!"

"Good talk, definitely next time! "Zhang Shouzhong said with a laugh.

Feng Laixian looked at Zhang Ping at this time, and said seriously: "Okay, next is the last level, and the most important one, pass the Heavenly God Peak!"

"Zhang Ping, come on!" Bai De looked at Zhang Ping and smiled and encouraged.

Zhao Yanhu and Zhao Yanlong also said in unison: "Master Zhang Ping must be fine!"

"Well, I will succeed, but... for the sake of safety, Along, Ahu , Instructor Bai De, you all enter the deed, and follow me to the Heavenly God Peak!" Zhang Ping nodded, then looked at the three and said.

Bai De unexpectedly said: "Can I enter too?"

"Of course, although I can't control the instructor Bai De, you are nominally my Summoned, instructor Bai De. Beast, did Ancient Ruins not allow summoners to bring Summoned Beast into the ruins?" Zhang Ping said with a smile.

Other people have eyes shined.

I thought I could only rely on Zhang Ping, but if you become a summoner of Zhang Ping, doesn't it mean that they can also enter Ancient Ruins!

Don't forget.

Their ultimate goal is to obtain Divine Item from Ancient Ruins that can deal with King!

This is so important, so important that they can all spare their lives for it.

"Zhang Ping, you can leave me alone this time, contract gem!" Cheng Xuejie reached out and looked at Zhang Ping said with a smile.

Zhang Shouzhong also said with a smile: "Forget it, it's better to hit the sun if you choose a day. Today I will barely taste the taste of your contract gem."

Speaking, he Also extend the hand, smiling at Zhang Ping.

"Are you not afraid of me doing some tricks in the contract gem?" Zhang Ping said with a smile.

Cheng Xuejie said frankly: "If you say you are not afraid, it must be false, but I can trust you, and even if you are really tampered with, I will recognize it. As long as Pearl City can be saved, this life will be given to you. What about you!"

"hahaha, Senior Sister is right, that's what it means!" Zhang Shouzhong agreed.

Zhang Ping took a deep breath, and then condensed two contract gems, said with a smile: "There is only one contract. No loss or sinking is allowed, right?"

"In fact, you can add one more item, such as not being allowed to grow old." Zhang Ping picked up the contract gem and said with a laugh.

while speaking, he and Cheng Xuejie swallow the contract gem at the same time.

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