This is absolutely not the command can not be 'allowed to grow old.'

The problem is that Zhang Ping understand genetic engineering, can not observe its own genes directly.

Moreover, even if he knows this knowledge, can not command other people, because other people do not understand.

In short, if he wanted to devour contract gem goals will not grow old, and that the other party must first have a large enough amount of knowledge, in the case of self-understanding, and then the gene change, final become biological immortality.

Some may ask, Zhang Ping did not understand spiritual knowledge, why can change a person's mental state?

The answer is very simple, because the spirit and ideas closely related to changes in the ideological level will directly affect the spirit, so change the mental state of a person, the easiest way is to change his mind.

The idea is that language can be affected, when the command to take effect, in fact, thought has been changed.

Chengxue Jie Shou and when participating in the task had been psychologically prepared to pay life, so in order to be able to enter the Ancient Ruins, they can give everything.

It is this belief, let them succeed digestion contract gem.

Zhang Ping see the two smooth digestion contract gem, it was actually admired the two, because he knew that the two men not trust him and digestive contract gem, but because they have to give up everything to be the guardian of Pearl City belief!

After all contract gem, and then they have entered the storage contract, Shou reservoir in deed floating on the shoulders of Zhang Ping, loudly said: "FML, which is too comfortable, no wonder Sisi did not want to come out, I decided, after this is my home. "

" in fact Fortunately, my biological force field seems still available, how Zhang Ping force field of biological and bio-force field I mixed together? "Chengxue Jie floating in the air, then surprised.

Zhang Ping said with a smile: "Well, we are ready to go, Phoenix Hall Master, here to you!"

"ah, go in peace, if Ming sneak out to the left, I will be beheaded him! "phoenix fairy nodded and said.

phoenix fairy actually wanted to go along, but he knows that someone must leave, waited at the experience of the land.

The problem is that other people experience the strength is not enough to guard the land.

So he doing my part.

Zhang Ping slightly smiled, and then they pass into the entrance to the peak Heavenly God.

moment, Zhang Ping felt very small, a towering giant mountain in front of him, he looked up, completely invisible Peak.

"The mountain is too high now." Shou reservoir in front deed flew Zhang Ping, he shouted.

Zhang Ping said with a smile: "! The real test is still top of the hill, let it on"

Then, he quickly becomes larger body, into twelve hundred hundred meters super giant to him this height, through Heavenly God peak has become not so high.

But when he was on top of the mountain, suddenly a strong force pressing a foot on him, his whole people have been freeze-frame live, completely unable to go a step further.

"how is it, I actually completely unable to move even a little bit?"

Zhang Ping tried to bite force, but in any case struggle, the body is unable to move.

"Zhang Ping, how the?" People have inquired.

Zhang Ping frowned: ". I can not move"

". You try to go back," Shou proposed road.

Zhang Ping immediately attempt to back, and sure enough the body can move, he stepped back, looked up at the peak through Heavenly God, frowned: "I seem to not allow this state of mountaineering."

"in fact, I think you just like this form of cheating, you first adjust it and see through Heavenly God can allow you to maintain a maximum peak at a few meters high," Chang Shou Road in Tucao.

Zhang Ping nodded, followed by recovering most of the metal coating, the body is maintained at one hundred meters.

Then he tried it, still can not move forward, so he was reduced to ten meters but still can not move forward.

Finally, his body reduced to three meters, finally kind of force is not fixed.

"actually there are height requirements, allowed more than three meters on board?" Zhang Ping hill walking, walked powerless Tucao Road.


Shou Qi in storage fell Zhang Ping's shoulder, opened the mouth and said: "Wait, I do a test!"

while speaking, he was from a reservoir in deed out, he fell next to Zhang Ping.

He controls his own fat into a warm coat, and handed Zhang Ping said: "Put on, wait a minute I put most of the fat have become a variety of props to you, and then I returned to the reservoir deed and then see if you can control any changes in fat energy and, if I may, I can fully support you in a reservoir in deed! "

" this approach is good yo! "Chengxue Jie praise.

Zhang Ping put large section of the warm coat, then wear a variety of props, these things are not important to him, so bring absolutely no pressure.

Finally, he will be a sniper rifle on his back and move to the top of the hill.

"We do not know Ancient Ruins is what we all think more, when the time comes how they can support Zhang Ping." Liu Sishan opened the mouth and said.

Chengxue Jie opened the mouth and said: ". I can detect in advance to the force field of biological organisms, which should help it"

"I'm fat energy, they do not leave I hundred meters, I can control, so Zhang Ping What tools are needed, directly with me on it. "Shou in said with a smile.

His fat has become worn in a variety of props Zhang Ping's body, he can always control these fat energy becomes something else, so the presence of all people, his strongest support.

"Zhang Ping, I can release the water when you need it, you should know how to use them!" Liu Sishan told Zhang Ping.

Zhang Ping hand into the rock, a little climb, said with a smile: ". Ah, know"

"I seemingly have nothing to support Zhang Ping, but the key moment, I can help Zhang Ping knife block. "Bai De also involved in the topic, but his words made everyone some silent.

Zhang Ping said with a bitter smile: "Bai De instructor, my defense even Phoenix Hall Master are unbreakable, so the knife block would not have had."

"true encounter to danger, I will become fat and energy, all the armor or shield. "Shou said in.

He found himself hiding in the storage contract to provide assistance to others, it seems better to play a role in fat and energy, but also in deed in the reservoir alone particularly comfortable, so he felt completely from meat shield qualify as close to the all-around helper.

"Zhang Ping, be careful, there is a biological reaction force field above, from biological shape of the force field of view, seems to be a monkey!" Chengxue Jie then cautioned.

Zhang Ping read immediately upwardly extending force, really a monkey squatting a cliff, its tail particularly long, and like pillar, a section.

bamboo-tailed monkey?

Zhang Ping hearts speculated, he knew that this alienation bamboo capuchins beast.

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