Zhang Ping can be sure that Ji Kai absolutely did not shoot arrows into the sky just now.

At first, he thought that Ji Kai's ability was related to bow and arrow. Later, he thought it was controlled by Wind Element, but now he has ruled out both probabilities.

Elemental manipulation requires elemental energy first.

Zhang Ping himself possesses the elemental energy of inflammation, and Liu Sishan is proficient in the control of Water Element. From the very beginning, he has a good understanding of the ability of element control.

Once the elemental energy is released into the body, it will immediately turn into a corresponding phenomenon.

The flame element energy appears outside the body as flames, and the Water Element releases outside the body as water. They cannot exist in the outside world in the form of elements.

So if Ji Kai's ability is controlled by Wind Element, it is impossible to move Wind Element into the air silently.

But now is not the time to think about it, Zhang Ping's body made of pure water has been cut into countless small pieces, and it has been pushed back and forth by the wind blade, and cut it many times.

I believe anyone who knows how to cook will know that if there are water droplets in the pot, just use the spatula to stir and fry, the water droplets will quickly evaporate.

Zhang Ping is in this situation now. If it continues, Ji Kai doesn't need to do it again, he will evaporate first.


Zhang Ping has no choice but to signal others.

When he turned into pure water form, the clothes on his body had fallen on the ground, and then the wind blade cut his clothes into shreds, and disrupted all the deposits in his pockets, scattered in different s position.

At this time, Ye Changchun and Su Qingbo came out first.


Ye Changchun was condescending and slapped Ji Kai with a palm of laughter.

The speed of Su Qingbo is faster, and his body is like a water snake, instantly rolling towards Ji's ankle.

da da da da!

When Zhang Shouzhong came out, the fat in his body turned into two machine guns. He aimed at Ji Kai and pulled the trigger, and the bullet shot out.

There are also Liu Sishan’s water whip, Cheng Xuejie’s biological force field slash, Lu Han’s psychic Flying Sword, Zhao Yanlong’s poison insect flying needle...

All attacks are on Launched instantly.

Ji Kai did not expect this, but after he was a little surprised, he manipulated the air all around to flow, forming a semi-circular wind shield in a blink of an eye, and everyone’s attacks were all blocked by the wind shield. .

However, Zhang Ping also took the opportunity to leave the attack range of the small wind blade, all the pure water gathered in an instant, he loudly said: "Everyone hide away!"

Everyone avoided. A lot of light beams fall in the sky.


The floating cannon gems attacked Ji Kai from different directions. Only three light cannons penetrated the wind shield. Then all the remaining light cannons struck Ji Kai’s body and the grass where he stood. They were all overturned, and the range of tens of meters was filled with dust.


Everyone slowly backed away, distributed in various positions of Zhang Ping, forming an effective defensive battle formation.

"According to the law of smoking without injury, he must not die."

Zhang Shouzhong gritted his teeth, muttered a little, and tentatively pulled the trigger.

A bullet shot forward instantly.


The dust all around was blown away by the wind in an instant, and Ji Kai was unscathed as expected.

He held Zhang Shouzhong’s bullet in his hand and looked at Zhang Ping seriously, opening the mouth and said: "What's the matter with them, are you enslaving your compatriots?"

Only people with unlimited abilities can enter here.

The problem is that these people are obviously not infinite abilities.

Then they want to enter here, the only way is to become the Summered Beast of Zhang Ping and dedicate everything they have.

Ji Kai’s expression is getting colder and colder, the earth vibrates slightly, and the clouds in the sky flow frantically, gradually forming a huge vortex.

"Enslaving compatriots is a heinous crime, you deserve to die!"

Ji opened his eyes and locked Zhang Ping, murderous-looking opened the mouth and said.

A thick thunder fell from the sky, and Zhang Ping's newly condensed body was shattered on the spot.

At the same time, four tornadoes took shape in an instant, pinching towards Zhang Ping from four directions.

"My ability is called the'flowing realm', everything is flowing, and I control all flows, not just the flow of wind, but even the flow of electricity, water, time, sinner! You! Just completely scattered ashes and dispersed smoke in time!" Ji Kai slowly raised his hands, and the surrounding space was crazily distorted.

Other people wanted to rescue Zhang Ping, but they were all unable to get up because of the strong wind. Even Ye Changchun couldn't take a step forward.

At this moment, Zhang Ping is really helpless.

He can feel a terrifying matchless force pressing against him all around. He is like an ant falling into a pan, and it is difficult to get out no matter which direction he escapes.


Zhang Ping realized that he was surrounded by time backwards.

When four tornadoes hit him, he will turn into nothingness in the infinite time flow back.

"What can I do to stop this?"

Zhang Ping knows very well that he is the hope of Pearl City and he cannot just die like this unfathomable mystery.

He used his brain to think about all his abilities, but there was no way, his abilities could not withstand the erosion of time.

It's over!

Zhang Ping was a little desperate at this moment, and his body was shattered by the thunder. Pulled by the huge wind, it was difficult to gather together.

next moment, a tornado towering into the cloud hits it.

"Zhang Ping, don't give up!"

When Zhang Ping had nothing to do, Su Jingyao's voice suddenly rang in his ears.

Then the projection of the clean world spontaneously opened, and countless spirits appeared one after another, forming a white wall of people in Zhang Ping all around.

Under the protection of all Spirit Physique, Zhang Ping's body slowly reunited.

Blessing Linghuamin sneaked out of the white light.

It kissed Zhang Ping, then took a glance at Zhang Ping, and shyly returned to the clean world.

Zhang Ping releases Nethermist as clothing. He stands in the projection of the clean world, looking at Ji Kai, one hundred and fifty meters away.

"Thank you, thank you!"

Zhang Ping can feel the Spirit Physiques exuding a special kind of power, it is this kind of power that resists the tornado's attack and resists The threat of turning back time.

Just like Su Jingyao's encouragement, he still can't give up.

In fact, Ji Kai was already blindfolded. He looked at the wall formed by the densely packed Spirit Physique and couldn't help taking a step back.

"How is it possible that he has so many compatriots love from the heart?"

"He is clearly enslaving his compatriots!"

Ji Kai shakes Up.

He didn't know if he did something wrong.

The question is what is going on with these "human spirits"?

However, there is no time for him to continue to guess, Zhang Ping has become a giant again.

All the spirits formed a white halo on Zhang Ping's head. The original form of a terrifying and hideous giant, under the support of the halo, unexpectedly added a trace of sacred temperament.

Ji drove a step back.

Then he thought of something, he sighed helplessly, and was punched in the front by Zhang Ping without evasive.

"What the hell is going on with the youngster in the future?"

Ji Kai's body suddenly shattered and became translucent, and countless golden powders spontaneously scattered.

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