"Won it?"

Zhang Ping, seeing Ji Kai's body turned into golden powder, was taken aback for a moment, and then he muttered to himself uncertainly road.

The main reason is that Ji Kai is too powerful. He thought this fist would be easily avoided or blocked. Who knew that Ji Kai would blow up with a punch?

"Did he release the water?"

Zhang Ping thought with some suspicion.

At this time, other people gathered to him one after another.

Cheng Xuejie looked up and saw Zhang Ping seemed to be in a daze, looked at Zhang Ping’s biological force field, and asked loudly: "Zhang Ping, are you okay?"

"It’s okay, just I can’t figure it out a bit."

Zhang Ping came back to his senses, and the metal coating on his body quickly stowed away. After the body shape changed back to about three meters, he opened his mouth to replied.

He looked at the big hole punched out by his fist, and then said: "I just can't figure it out, why didn't he avoid it."

"Maybe he has spare no effort, There is no extra energy to escape?" Zhang Shouzhong speculated.

Liu Sishan said indifferently: "Well, no matter what, at least the level has been passed, and there is a Great Emperor next. Everyone is ready."

"I have one New ideas, I'll try them!" Zhang Shouzhong said immediately.

He picked up his storage contract, and then began to use fat energy to create a mechanical skeleton, and then began to fill in various parts on the basis of the skeleton.

"Do you want to get a robot out?" Zhang Ping looked at it and asked.

Zhang Shouzhong nodded and said: "Since I can hide in the deed, why not just use fat energy to create a body to fight?"

"I have thought about the problem of power. Is it?" Zhang Ping asked.

Zhang Shouzhong said with a smile: "Think about it. When you are by your side, the storage contract itself can be used as a source of power. If you are too far away, use explosives as a source of power!"

"Then you have to hurry up." Zhang Ping looked at the grass in the distance and said seriously.

In an instant, the ground turned into steel plates, and a man in a dirty suit appeared out of thin air. He was holding a cigarette in his mouth. After he came out, he first looked at the environment all around, and then Just look at Zhang Ping and the others.

"Which one of you is the one I want to test?" He flicked the soot, and then asked.

Zhang Ping walked out of the crowd and asked: "My name is Zhang Ping, I don’t know the name of senior Gao?"

"Don’t be nervous, in fact, I’m just curious about the future. What will happen, that’s why I agreed to that guy’s condition and kept a backup here. Judging from the current situation, that guy is not very reliable.” While speaking, he looked at Zhang Shouzhong and the others.

He slowly walked to the side of Zhang Shouzhong, and said indifferently: "Are you a robot? The design is a bit rough."

With that, he started pointing fingers at Zhang Shouzhong’s robot, at First Zhang Shouzhong was still a little uncomfortable, but after listening to it, he found that his words turned out to be very reasonable, and if he really changed it according to what he said, the performance of the robot would be greatly improved.

"Do you know Lei Yuan? I don’t know if your era is extinct. Lei Yuan’s muscle is a special material. If you add Lei Yuan’s muscle here, the whole robot’s body will become flexible. Get up, right?" The man lightly saying.

Zhang Ping nodded and said: "But what about the power? Is there no problem?"

"In fact, you can consider using fire bird feathers to make a firearm, and then there are water gills. Have you seen the bones of electric eels?" The man said immediately.

Zhang Shouzhong closed his eyes for a moment, and when he opened them again, his eyes glowed excitedly: "I have seen it, I understand it, it's great, I gradually understand everything!"

while speaking, he quickly transformed the robot.

The whole robot is gradually becoming perfect. Originally, he intended to use mechanical power, but now he can use several materials to make bionic muscles.

Half an hour later, a three-meter-high devil muscle man was created.

"It can also be equipped with weapons on its back, or add two pairs of mechanical arms, and even grow wings to fly when needed. In fact, flame boosters can also be used, and they fly faster." Zhang Shouzhong was excited. Said.

The man smiled nodded and said: "Congratulations, what do you think it is better called?"

"senior, it is a masterpiece completed under your guidance, it is better You will name it." Zhang Shouzhong looked at the man respectfully.

The man touched the chin and said: "Really let me name it?"

"Hmm!" Zhang Shouzhong repeatedly nodded.

The man said with a smile: "Then call it Ergouzi."


Zhang Shouzhong suddenly collapsed and criticized him.

So the mighty and domineering steel muscle robot, you call it Ergouzi?

"hahahaha, kidding, kidding, you said you can enter this gem, and the gem is on the forehead of the robot. This setting...or is it called phantom vision?" The man touched the chin , Said for a while.

"Pu chi!"

Zhang Ping swallowed saliva was almost swallowed, and then immediately coughed.

"Is there anything wrong with this name?" Zhang Shouzhong asked suspiciously when he saw Zhang Ping's big reaction.

Zhang Ping hurriedly waved his hand and said: "No problem, no problem, I just accidentally lost my breath."

"Senior, or... let's change another one." See you Zhang Shouzhong Zhang Ping had a weird face and always felt that there was something wrong with the name, so he looked at the man sorry and said weakly.

The man helplessly said: "You have so many requests. In that case, call Iron Overlord."

"Iron Overlord, I like this name, but iron... …Senior, it’s not iron, but bio-alloy, it should be called Alloy Overlord.” Zhang Shouzhong said.

The man waved his hand and said: "It's up to you, Alloy Overlord is Alloy Overlord, as long as you like it!"

"Well, then it is called Alloy Overlord!" Zhang Shouzhong Looking at his masterpiece, he said proudly.

With this robot, coupled with the invincible defense of the storage contract, no more than a hundred people can beat him in Pearl City, and no more than five people can kill him.

Five, in fact, they are quite modest.

It is mainly the defensive limit of the storage contract. No one knows how much it is, so you must have reservations and not be too complacent.

Zhang Shouzhong couldn't wait to let himself into the deed, and then he controlled the muscles inside the alloy overlord to move. The alloy overlord picked up the deed and set it in the position of his forehead, and then his eyes emitted a faint red light.


The Alloy Overlord jumped up and then made various difficult moves.

Zhang Ping looked at the man at this time and respectfully said: "Thanks Senior, otherwise fatty wants to invent a robot of this level, but I don’t know when I will wait."

" Hehe, I just want to see what's going on with these people." The man touched the scum, and then said lightly.

He was more cautious than Ji Kai. He saw Zhang Shouzhong and the others. Although he suspected that Zhang Ping was enslaving his compatriots in his heart, he did not immediately break out. Instead, he communicated with Zhang Shouzhong to confirm Zhang Shouzhong’s spirit. state.

Finally, he determined that Zhang Shouzhong and the others were vassals of Zhang Ping, but they were not mentally controlled by Zhang Ping, and from the current situation, these people are very good.

At least he likes the atmosphere of this small team.

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