"Okay, let's do something serious next!"

The man took off his jacket, and the others reacted, one by one, like a big enemy.

However, the man spread his jacket on the ground, and then sat down on the jacket, saying with a smile: "Don’t be nervous, I don’t like to fight and kill. It’s better not to use violence. Yes, now you have a chance, you all persons can try to persuade me, as long as you can persuade me to admit defeat, then even if you win."

"senior, we humans are so miserable, are you not? Knowing that now humans have been infiltrated by an alienated beast called Heavenly Fox. Countless people have been eaten unconsciously. This is our last hope. If we can’t get enough weapons from here to deal with Heavenly Fox or Power is over for human beings." Cheng Xuejie got up and walked to the man. Next moment she lay on the ground, tears crash-bang, and said sadly as she watched the man.

The man moved a little back, for fear that Cheng Xuejie's nose would rub against him, but his face was a bit ugly, because Cheng Xuejie hadn't lied.

He can be 100% sure whether a person is lying.

Although Cheng Xuejie's performance was miserable, this performance was not enough to impress him. What really made him uncomfortable was that these words were all the truth.

"Senior, we need strength, we want to save more people!"

Zhang Shouzhong walked up to the man, his huge body knelt down, and then looked at the man with burning eyes.

He respects this man very much, because the other's knowledge is amazing. Without the guidance of a man, a robot of this level would never be made by him.

"As soon as you shoot, it’s a bit of a bad thing. Forget it...change the rules and change the rules, you one by one, after fighting with me, if I think you have hope, then Even if you win, if I think your success is not very hopeful, then there is nothing to say, you go back and change a group of people!" The man said helplessly.

He turned around and slowly distanced himself from the crowd, said with a smile: "Who will come first?"

"Let me try it first." Bai De thought for a while. opened the mouth and said.

Of all the people present, he is the oldest and the most experienced. Through the fight against men, he is most likely to get key information.

If you can find out the abilities of men, it will be a great help to Zhang Ping.

Bai De stepped forward slowly, opened the mouth and said: "senior, let me challenge you."

"Good, good, but let’s talk about it first. First of all, don’t always call me senior senior. Actually, I’m only 29 years old now. You can call me the big brother water lily. Secondly, my ability is called “heavy”. In short, I can set other objects arbitrarily. The weight of it is a relatively cheating ability, so I don't bully you. It is very difficult to come to me and fight with me." The man looked at Bai De with disgust, and said slowly.

Bai De's face turned blue at this moment. He originally wanted to fight against the water lily by himself to find out the ability and details of the water lily. Who knows that the water lily is now directly exposed.

"Then, let's start!"

The water lily looked at Bai De, said with a smile.

tone barely fell, Bai De immediately used his feet and rushed towards the water lily, but in the next second he took off his pants first.


Cheng Xuejie quickly turned around and couldn't help cursing.

However, the water lily is not ashamed but rather proud. He laughed and said: "When fighting, who cares so much. Back then, my fame stunt was the Dragon Claw Hand, which is known as the Young Lord for women! "

"Yes, when you really fight, honor, shame, or even gender are not important. If you care about this thing, it will only make you a corpse faster. A decaying corpse is not beautiful, isn’t it? Someone will care." Bai De simply took off his trousers, and a lot of hair grew out, just like a pair of trousers.

Water lily clapped his hands and said: "Heroes see the same thing. I have seen many women lose in such trivial things. They are beautiful before they are alive, but they are dead... just a dead bone. !"


Although Bai De has virtue in his name, he doesn't speak martial virtues at all when fighting.

When the water lily was talking, he moved forward secretly. When the water lily said'dead', he bounced up and jumped directly on the water lily.

This is also the reason why the water lily paused.

Unfortunately, even in the sneak attack, Bai De is not the opponent of Water Lily.

When the water lily eyes fell on him, he fell to the ground from mid-air, completely impossible to move.

The water lily squatted next to Bai De, patted his chest, said with a smile: "It's so dangerous, it's so dangerous. You almost succeeded in your sneak attack. Now your body weight is one hundred times the original weight. How is it?"

Although Bai De clenched his gums and exerted all his strength, his body was still terrifying, and he couldn't even move a finger.

"You lost!"

The water lily puts his hand on Bai De's forehead, and then said with a smile.

Then he unlocked Bai De's ability, Bai De returned to the team with a sullen expression.

Everyone has settled down Bai De, Bai De said with a bitter smile: "Don't worry, victory or defeat is commonplace in battles. I can still bear this blow."

" Okay, the next one is next, hurry up, my time is precious, and I have to go back to work when I look back!" Waterlily opened the mouth and said at this time.

Zhang Shouzhong controlled the Alloy Overlord to step forward, opened the mouth and said: "Big brother water lily, then I will challenge you next."

"Okay, hurry up Don't waste time." Water lily nodded and said.

Zhang Shouzhong immediately walked towards the water lily, but as soon as he took two steps, the Alloy Overlord began to emit sparks, and a large number of parts fell off the machine little by little.

Obviously, the power of water lilies is at work.

It's just that he didn't apply the ability to Alloy Overlord as a whole, but only applied it to some precision parts.

Alloy Overlord is very strong, even if it is the existence of Fenglaixian's level, it will be difficult to win for a while.

But Alloy Overlord is not without its shortcomings.

The more sophisticated the machine, the more afraid of being affected by external forces.

It is even possible that a small error occurs in a certain internal part, and the entire robot will be paralyzed.

Now this is the case with Alloy Overlord. Some of its parts are increasing in weight rapidly, so it gradually deviates from its original position.

Alloy Overlord's movements became more and more distorted, and finally stopped.

"The Ergou number is a robot I designed with you. Do you use it against me?" Waterlily dug his ears, and then looked at the deposit contract on the forehead of Alloy Overlord with a speechless expression.

In an instant, the alloy master changed back to a large amount of fat energy, and then all the fat energy surged and turned into a new alloy master.

But this time, all parts of Alloy Overlord are mixed together, and there are no small parts such as screws at all.

"many thanks to the water lily big brother for pointing."

"Otherwise, I really don’t know that Alloy Overlord still has this weakness!"

Zhang Shouzhong controls Alloy Overlord again Standing up, Red's eyes looked at the water lily.

next moment The Alloy Overlord jumped up fiercely, and a large amount of flame burst out from the flame booster behind it.

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