"Of course it was used directly."

When everyone was hesitant, Zhang Shouzhong took the lead in opening the mouth and said.

He looked at the crowd, said with a smile: "What is there to hesitate? It's hard to say whether there will be a chance to come in next time. Besides, come back next time, what if people don't recognize it? One time?"

"Yes, ten thousand birds in the forest are not as good as one bird in hand, use it!" Bai De decisively agreed.

Zhang Ping said with a smile: "Then I will choose to receive it."

"Well, receive it!" Liu Sishan said with a slight smile.

Zhang Ping presses the receive button, and the whole light radiates bright radiance in an instant.

Countless insights seemed to appear out of thin air, gradually filling his heart. He saw the complete process of Changman Great Emperor, Ji Kai Great Emperor, and Water Lily Great Emperor becoming the Great Emperor.

One person, one stick, invincible in the whole world, guard Xiongguan, all beasts become mud!

A full life is a life of killing, but he himself is not a bloodthirsty person. On the contrary, he is a bit natural. Just because of a gambling contract, he guarded the wild boar gate for seventy years and did not play the wolf fang club. Know how many alienated beasts died.

When he finished the betting on the day, he had a feeling in the heart and eventually became the Great Emperor.

A great!

Two greats!

Three greats!

Every time you wield the wolf fang club, there is always the head of the alienated beast sticking up, and finally it is blown apart.

Zhang Ping seems to be full at this moment, under the scorching sun, under the setting sun, under the bright moon, under the dark clouds, under the strong wind, under the thunder, he again and again Launched an offensive to block all alienated beasts from the wild boar pass.

Outside the pass is the world of wild beast, weak are prey to the strong, and inside the pass is the world of human beings, weak are prey to the strong!

Zhang Ping's heart is like still water, he doesn't care about anything anymore, only pursues that invincible stick.

He will not kill anyone, but he wants everyone to recognize that he is first under the heavens!

Year after year.

Some people come to see, some people come to disturb, some people laugh, some people follow suit.

But these people disappeared in the end. Only Zhang Ping stood alone on the bones of countless wild beasts. The ordinary wolf fang club in his hand has become bloody. Each of the spikes above is a tooth he pulled from the mouth of a strong enemy.

He didn't know when it was, and no one dared to look at him again.

Everyone saw him respectfully.

Some people even kneel down to worship.

It’s just that he doesn’t need these things, he just wants to complete the bet, and just wants to be the recognized first under the heavens.


He only needs to be first under the heavens.

One day after seventy years, a hunter passed by the wild pig pass, and they were discussing everything about the wild pig pass in a low voice.

"Don’t make noise, everyone. I disturbed that senior."

"What senior?"

"Of course it’s Changman senior, he guards the wild boar Guanqi. For ten years, Kanto has never been disturbed by wild beasts. No one in the world knows that he is the Number One Powerhouse in the world."

"first under the heavens?"

"As early as ten years Someone said that the patriarch of the Wuku tribe was the strongest, and some people said that the patriarch of the oxhorn castle was the strongest. In the end, everyone was arguing about it. What do you know?"


"The patriarch of the Wuku tribe admitted frankly that there is always a wild boar pass, and he is always impossible to be the first under the heavens."

"What's next?"

"Niu Da Castle Lord was not convinced, and quietly came to the wild boar pass to take a look at Changman senior, and finally left sadly, just saying that I am inferior to him!"

"So Changman senior became the first under the heavens?"

"Yes, he is the recognized Number One Powerhouse in the world!"

Although these hunters said very little Sounds, but how can it be hidden from the eyes and ears of Changman.

At this moment, his body has undergone amazing changes. The aging fleshy body develops twice and quickly recovers one's youthful vigor. He laughs wildly, and his voice shook the clouds in the sky.

In Supreme's joy, he realized a new realm, and at the same time, seventy years of battles all converged into one move.

first under the heavens all teeth flow!


Just the constant sentiment is too huge.

Zhang Ping had to temporarily interrupt the inheritance, he opened his eyes slightly, and slowly put out a breath.

He even had a sense of confusion, as if he had guarded the wild boar pass for 70 years, but because of the characteristic that he would never get lost, he knew from the bottom of his heart that he was Zhang Ping.

"first under the heavens, hehe."

Zhang Ping sighed, and then found everyone looking at themselves with surprise.

He touched his face and asked: "What's wrong with me?"

"Zhang Ping, the moment you opened your eyes just now, it was a bit terrifying. You knocked it." Cheng Xuejie wiped the sweat from her forehead, and then said.

Zhang Shouzhong nodded and said: "Just a look, I have a feeling of not being able to breathe."

"Zhang Ping, are you sure you are still yourself, shouldn’t you actually be possessed? Right?" Bai De looked at Zhang Ping suspiciously. It was mainly a normal person whose temperament changed so quickly.

Although Zhang Ping's breath is returning to normal now, his every move still gives people a thrilling feeling, as if he will violently kill at any time.

"It's just that the perception of Changman senior is too pure." Zhang Ping thought of the perception of inheritance, and some helpless said with a smile.

Seventy years of swinging the club has become an instinct of Changman, and he has also gotten this inheritance.

Now give him a wolf fang club, even the overwhelming majority alien beasts can’t stop him.

Unfortunately, Changman has never really played against humans.

So it's not very good for people. This is also the weakness of Changman.

However, this weakness cannot be targeted by ordinary people. Unless the strength is not the same as that of regular satisfaction, human beings are actually a great thing.

Zhang Ping took two steps forward, said with a smile: "Changman Great Emperor's perception is after all Changman Great Emperor's perception, and I am me."

while Speaking, the war sickle of fear appeared in his hand, he gently waved the war sickle, and gradually found the feeling of waving the wolf fang club in his sentiment.

"first under the heavens sickle!"

Zhang Ping took a deep breath, and after feeling almost brewing, he swung a sickle directly toward the front.

He didn't have the'Seventh Metal Power' that was always full, so he simply replaced Seventh Metal Power with the flame element energy. Under this sickle, a thin red line swept across the front, and finally gradually disappeared.

"Sure enough, the sentiment is just the sentiment, I am still far behind."

Zhang Ping watched the line of fire fleetingly, and simply put away the sickle, and muttered to himself.

He knows very well that the so-called'first under the heavens sickle' is just an effect. The real reward he gets from Changman's perception is pure heart.

As long as he walks along the Changman state of mind, sooner or later he will become the Great Emperor.

But in the final analysis, it is just Changman's heart. Zhang Ping can only become the second Changman at best.

The problem is that Zhang Ping does not want to be the second Changman. He wants to be himself. Through Changman’s perception, he has seen the tip of the iceberg of the Great Emperor.

I believe that after accepting the insights of the Great Emperor Ji Kai and the Great Emperor Water Lily, he will definitely find his own way.

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