After packing up, Zhang Ping accepts inheritance again.


all around is all water.

But Ji Kai hated water because the flood took away his parents and brother.

This is not ordinary water, but a superpower flood caused by a powerful alienated beast. In the end, the alienated beast was killed by the powerhouse that came, but Ji Kai became an orphan.

To survive, to have a bite of food.

He does almost everything, sees the world, social snobbery.

Finally, he met the powerhouse that killed the alienated beast, but the opponent has become a useless person, not only has his hands and feet cut off, but also all his teeth have been knocked out.

Why is this happening?

Ji Kai was puzzled, but he didn't dare to come forward. He learned the shocking news through many inquiries.

Tortured this powerhouse into this way turned out to be the lord of the country.

Because the alienated beast that caused the flood turned out to be the overlord of the Azure Dragon Sea and the illegal child of the Azure Dragon King.

The lord has succumbed under the pressure of the Azure Dragon King!


Ji Kai has never been so angry, has never hated her weak self so much.

So he awakened.

Although he has just awakened, he already possesses extremely strong power.

He used his abilities to recruit younger brothers, and used his abilities to expand his influence.

He wants to kill the lord, he wants to kill the Azure Dragon King.

He wants humans to be able to dignified and live in this world without being bullied by any animals.

In Zhang Ping's eyes, Ji Kai's first half of his life is simply the story of Long Aotian.

Ji Kai's ability is too terrifying.

Even in a weak period, he can use the power of nature to kill opponents stronger than himself.

Victories again and again have made him highly popular.

There are more and more powerhouses beside him.

These people sincerely acknowledge allegiance by his side and are willing to be his help.

In the end, he smashed the hearts of the people and killed the original lord and the Azure Dragon King.

He arranged the tortured powerhouse to the best clinic, allowing countless capable people to heal each other.

Because he is fair and just, and sincerely loves everyone.

He became the most loved by the people in the history of this country.

But the good times are not long.

In the fifth year he became the lord of the country, an extremely powerful alienated beast appeared, and the opponent turned the entire country into ruins with just one blow.

The battle has begun.

Ji Kai's ability is very domineering, but this alienated beast's ability is not weak. Thunder's general speed makes it easy to get rid of Ji Kai's attack.

Finally, Ji Kai was knocked out of the dust.

Although he avoided death by hiding in the ground through the technique of quicksand, other humans were slaughtered.

He was scared, he was scared.

The alienated beast is too powerful. If he reappears in front of the opponent, he will most likely be killed.

He quietly left the capital, fleeing to other cities, and even kept his name incognito, not daring to look at his own people.

In just a few days, the merchants brought the news of the fall of the capital to various cities, so these cities have their own affairs. Some City Lords have better character and have not changed much, but some City Lords Depravity of character directly exposes their nature, and countless people have been enslaved and killed, suffering beyond words.

Furthermore, there is also that powerful alienated beast constantly haunting various cities, treating humans as a fixed granary.

Even to the end, the City Lords took the initiative to offer sacrifices.

This is the darkest period of mankind. Ji Kai hides in a slum, drunken stupor every day. He hates his own weakness, hates his cowardice, hates his inability to do anything.

Until one day, he met the powerhouse who once avenged him and broke his arms and legs.

Although he has cured the opponent, he has been ruthless in years. As he grows older, his abilities become weaker and weaker, and the opponent has become an ordinary old man.

The old man recognized him.

Next, the old man did not publicize the matter loudly, but tried his best to persuade him to regroup and persuade him to cheer up.

The old man is also a beggar, he needs to run around for three meals every day, and will take Ji Ji to drive from time to time.

"Lord of the country!"

"Don't call our country the lord!"

"Okay, then I will call you Xiaokai!"

"Whatever, can you stop bothering me?"

"Do you know? In fact, everyone misses you very much, and everyone doesn't blame you. After all, that evil bird is really too strong. "

"I want to sleep, don't disturb me!"

"Then I won't disturb you, go to sleep!"

Such a conversation seems to be Reincarnation, repeated once and again.

Ji Kai did not remember how many times this conversation was repeated until one day, the old man disappeared.

Although on the surface he dislikes the old man, Ji Kai is already accustomed to the existence of the old man. When night falls, he slowly gets up and sees that the old man is not there, so he leaves the abandoned and half-collapsed house .

Brightly lit outside, he saw the evil bird that defeated him.

On the city wall all around, countless people are tied to the pillars, like a buffet, let the evil birds choose.

The old man was also tied up, Ji Kai tremblingly watched the evil bird approach the old man, opening his mouth about to bite off the old man's head.


Ji opened his chest as if flames were burning, and the whole person was instantly picked up by the wind and rushed towards the city wall at a very fast speed.

"Let go of him!"

In the roar, a wind blade slashed at the evil bird.

The evil bird flew up in an instant, just to avoid the attack of the wind blade, and then the feathers burst into a bright thunder.

In this battle, murky heavens dark earth fought, but Ji Kai still lost.

He hasn't used his power for too long, he hasn't eaten for too long, and his body is already weaker than before.

When he fell from the air, countless people spontaneously rushed in, using their bodies as cushions to lift him up.

"Protect the lord to leave!"

"Don’t squeeze, awakened, cover the lord!"

At this moment, there are countless dissatisfaction with City Lord, dissatisfaction with evil The birds all acted, and the evil birds chased them, but many people used their flesh and blood as shields to protect Jikai to the death.

"Lord, you are not very good!"

"Lord, you have lost too much blood, come and drink my blood!"

" There is a tunnel over there, let's go over there!"

But the evil bird is too strong, and it kills all the people who cover it with just one blow.

"Lord of the country, run away!"

A man blocked a thunder and lightning, and his body was mostly exploded. He spit out blood and roared.

Zhang Ping's eyes are red.

For these people, why not give up everything!

He gritted his teeth and squeezed the power in his body, the whole land flowed, and everyone was carried away by the earth.

When the evil bird flew again, he stretched out one hand, and his hand withered quickly, and the two wind blades flanked at the evil bird from side to side, forcibly interrupting its attack.


Countless people took the opportunity to run wildly, and finally escaped into the tunnel with Ji Kai.

But just when they thought it was safe, the City Lord rushed over.

The ability of the City Lord happened to have something to do with the earth. He tore the tunnel open, exposing everyone to the air, and looked at the evil birds in kindness, claiming that these people are all he is the City Lord I only hope that the evil bird will not anger other innocent people again.

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