This room is terrible!

After a period of time, Zhang Ping couldn't help but quit inheritance and re-entered after a while.

With such constant repeated entry and exit, he can no longer calculate how long the water lily has been in this blank room.

The water lily does not seem to need to eat or drink, he just sits in the middle of the room purely, and the whole person is like an old monk entering Ding, as stable as Mount Tai.

"Sit like this, can you really become the Great Emperor?"

Zhang Ping couldn't understand, and he felt that the water lily in front of him and the water lily he saw were completely two people.

Because he is a water lily now, he can feel the state of mind of the water lily. The problem is that the water lily is like falling asleep, and his heart is blank.

It's just too blank, so Zhang Ping can't stand it and wants to leave again and again.

"You are a powerhouse, why should you be judged by the weak?"

"You can do as one pleases, why are you bound by the shackles of'rules'?"

"Come, release the true desire in your heart, and kill all those who disrespect you!"

I don’t know how long it took, suddenly ripples appeared in the heart of the water lily, as if someone was in your ears. While temptation, slanderously whisper.

In an instant, the water lily's heart was filled with infinite hostility, and all kinds of memories were tumbling in his mind.

Zhang Ping finally touched the heart of water lilies.

The era of the original water lily is very close to the world of Zhang Ping's previous life.

Even through countless awakened efforts, many aspects far surpass the society of Zhang Ping's previous life.

Those who have the ability can observe different worlds through their minds, plagiarize the works of those worlds, and greatly improve the humanities. The capable can develop all kinds of magical props, and even the incompetent can use these props to live like a capable person.

The ability of water lilies is too powerful.

He can easily kill Alien Beasts, and then get money by selling Alien Beasts, but gradually he starts to swell, and he doesn't even put anyone in his eyes, so he almost killed someone in a conflict.

He realized that there was a problem in his heart, so he accepted the court's decision and locked himself up.

With his ability, he can actually leave at any time.

It's just that he knows that something is wrong in his heart, so he is willing to stay here.

He will feel regret, doubt, and self-denial from time to time.

"Is this really right?"

If he wants to, he can show his power and even enslave everyone.

Because society is too peaceful, there are too few powerhouses like him.

Most people with abilities regard abilities as convenience props, and very few have developed their abilities to the extreme like him.

"Yes, you are the most powerful existence in this world!"

"Kill all those who disobey you, and you can become the emperor of Supreme."

"What are the current rulers? You can kill them with one hand. Why do you have to abide by the rules they set and surrender your interests to them?"

"Release your inner darkness Come on!"

Zhang Ping can feel the water lily's heart swaying from side to side from time to time.

When you have power, why do you still have to acknowledge allegiance to people who are weaker than yourself?

Just as most people will not become superman if they get the power of superman, but will become a native of the motherland.

Water lilies are like this now.

He was shaken, and he was even about to get lost.

Once the evil thoughts in the heart are released, sooner or later, they will become lost, or even fall further, become sinkers.

You can imagine what a terrible disaster it was.

"No, I will be a good person!"

Every time you shake, when you are about to lose control, the water lily will use its willpower to pull itself back to the edge of reason.

"3042, someone came to see you!"

After a long time, a door appeared in a room with no doors or windows, and a guard yelled to the water lily in the room.

For a moment, a man in a suit walked in. He sat cross-legged in front of the water lily, looking at the water lily and said calmly: "It seems that you are doing pretty well, and you are more energetic than before."

"If you have something to say directly, I'm afraid I can't help but kill you." Waterlily lightly saying.

The man in the suit smiled, and it took a long time before he opened the mouth and said: "Kill me? This is the largest prison in the Sword Federation. There are 60 forbidden messengers. What do you use to kill me? You might as well tell you'quietly' that the guy who provoked you was actually sent by me for the purpose of putting you in jail, and...tomorrow I will marry Rumi, and you will die alone in jail."

Through the memory of water lilies, Zhang Ping knows the identity of the man in suit.

The two are old rivals, but in the past it was always the man in the suit who was suppressed by the water lily. The man in the suit did not know that the water lily entered the prison voluntarily, thinking that his plan had succeeded.

And Ru Mi, whose full name is Zhen Ru Mi, is the ex-girlfriend of Water Lily.

The day before Waterlily went to prison, she chose to break up with Waterlily and fell into the arms of the man in the suit.

"Why do you have to force me?"

The water lily closed his eyes and sighed deeply.

The man in the suit immediately felt bad, but he was crushed on the ground by super powers before he got up.

"Forbidden messenger? Do you really think it is a superpower if you hold a few tatters? I decided, I can't bear it." Waterlily said with a smile twisted on his face, slowly rising from the ground.

When he walked to the prison gate, the prison guards immediately discovered the situation in the prison and drew out their weapons to issue warnings.

"Heavenly Dao is down!"

The water lily snapped his fingers, and immediately everyone was lying on the ground.

He looked back at the horrified man in suit, said with a smile: "Do you know? I am actually very strong, very strong, but I have never used this ability against anyone. You... will be the first one, so feel honored."

Next moment, the man in the suit wailed fiercely, and every other cell in his body became overweight. , A little bit torn apart by gravity.

Because half of the cells have been extracted, although the man in the suit looks intact, it is very vague.

This is definitely one of the most terrifying ways to die, countless times more terrifying than Ling Chi's execution.

After solving the enemy, the water lily feels physically and mentally happy.

He left the prison leisurely, and all the prison guards were crushed on the ground by super powers when they encountered him.

"Fortunately, at least I don't particularly hate you now."

Water lily walked among the prison guards, picked up a pistol, and left the prison with a smile.

In the following days, he became a wanted criminal, but he was still swaggering in and out of the city and wilderness. The Law Enforcer could not cause any harm to him. Most police officers were pressed into the ground as soon as they appeared.

Gradually, no one comes to bother him.

Even if he knows that he is a wanted man, he will turn a blind eye.

He knows that many people are just waiting for him to grow old and for his ability to weaken.

Actually, he has been lost.

It's just that he himself didn't know he was lost.

He is more and more do as one pleases, he doesn't care about anyone's feelings.

Two years later, he no longer even hunted alienated beasts for money, but directly grabbed them. Later, he occupied women, formed gangs, and even openly threatened the Federation.

Countless people are afraid of him.

Countless people asked the Federation at all costs to kill him.

Because at this moment, he is the biggest destabilizing factor for the Sword Federation.

But just as the conflict was about to erupt, the Sword Federation was destroyed by robots overnight, and the army of several millions Human Race was slaughtered.

Human society has fallen.

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