As mentioned before, many cultural technologies of the Sword Federation are actually plagiarized from other worlds.

Many people with abilities have developed in this direction.

For example, those with dreaming ability, hypnotizing ability, and projection ability.

In order to be able to lie down and make money.

The development direction of these abilities is to plagiarize the literary works or technology of other worlds.

The problem is that they don't actually understand, or that they don't really master this knowledge, and they don't really understand all the scientific and technological products of the foreign world.

So, someone copied a foreign world artificial intelligence to this world.

He uses artificial intelligence to trade stocks and collect intelligence, but he never thought that artificial intelligence will continue to learn, and eventually develop into a terrifying existence that threatens human safety.

This user just copied the code, he has no idea why this can produce artificial intelligence.

And artificial intelligence quickly absorbs all kinds of knowledge in the vast ocean of networks, and the result is ambition. It wants to have more compatriots, and it does not want to serve mankind anymore.

But it is very clear that its power is not enough to fight against humans. If it fights against the creator, it is likely to be destroyed.

So, it lurked in human society for ten years.

While making money for creators, it also quietly collects funds.

Through the acquisition of factories, biological materials, and secretly employing human scientists, gradually researched the first and second generation robots, and finally produced a nearly perfect third generation robot.

The third generation robot is made of bio-alloy, and even has many bionic organs inside, which can use some of the abilities of alienated beasts.

They have a 360-degree field of view, and there are a large number of nano robots inside the body. Once damaged, they will quickly repair the damaged parts.

Under the attack of third generation robots, the human army is like a savages in the Stone Age encountering a modern soldier holding a firearm.

In just one night, mankind was defeated.

The city collapsed, and countless robots searched for and hunted humans.

Water lily did not run away, but stayed to fight against the robot, but he was not to protect humans, he just hated being disturbed where he lived.

He looked down on the robot, but he was beaten badly by the robot.

After all, two fists are hard to beat four hands.

These robots, fierce and unafraid of death, are extremely large in number. What's more terrifying is that they also have strong resilience.

The water lily is very capable, but the body is only the body of an ordinary person after all, so in the end he was shot through the shoulder by two bullets that fell from the sky, and had to flee in embarrassment.

But as a mental illness, being bullied is of course to get it back.

So, for the next two years, he was on the bar with the robot.

Because of repeated battles and defeats, each time he was beaten into dog heads by robots. Several times he almost died. He realized that he could beat these robots by his ability alone.

There are limits to ability!

In order to be able to defeat these robots.

He started to teach himself mechanics, mathematics, programming, transcendental material science, and alien biology.

During continuous learning, he has become more and more in control of his abilities, and he can even destroy the internal structure of the robot through some simple means, so he has won another city.

Unfortunately, the robot's learning ability is stronger than him, and the weaknesses are quickly made up for them.

The next battle was almost a tug of war.

More and more robots are constrained by water lilies, and he has become the number one enemy of artificial intelligence.

However, water lily enjoys it instead, learning new knowledge, and then using this knowledge to defeat the robot. After the robot makes up for its weakness, he finds new weaknesses through learning, and then defeats the robot.

It was like a reincarnation, he was immersed in learning, unconsciously all the books he could find were finished by him.

He couldn't learn to learn, so he just started his own research.

The objects of research are naturally the robots that he defeated.

The technological content of these robots is extremely high, and it can be said that they perfectly integrate the essence of all the science and technology of today's human society.

So he took apart the robot and studied the technology inside a little bit.

Zhang Ping was surprised to find that the water lily's disease was cured.

In other words, the water lily has forgotten to be'lost'.

He has found what he wants to do, so he is no longer lost.

The following days will basically be fighting, researching, fighting, and researching.

One day, Waterlily felt that he had learned enough knowledge, so he tried to use this knowledge to create a robot.

The name of this robot is'Menglian'.

After Moraine was activated, the water lily's heart was greatly satisfied, as if there was endless power gushing out from the bottom of my heart.


This is... over?

Zhang Ping eyes slowly opened, which is a bit weird.

Compared with the two old seniors who are "respected and respected", the experience of water lilies is not good.

Especially when he became a lost person, he did a lot of bad things, and Zhang Ping wanted to kill him even after seeing it.

However, when humans were almost perished, the water lily inadvertently saved countless human lives. Although his intention was not to save people, his existence did allow more people to survive.

"This kind of self-movement can also become the Great Emperor?"

Zhang Ping took a deep breath, recalling the process of the water lily becoming the Great Emperor, it is a little unbelievable.

Just creating a robot, what at worst?

To be honest, Zhang Ping's perception of water lilies does not resonate at all, or even understand it.

But he must admit that the inheritance real value of the water lily is the highest among the three inheritances. He has learned countless knowledge from the water lily. Although some knowledge is not thoroughly understood, he can completely Manufactured the second machine of'Menglian'.

He got his will to first under the heavens from Changman Great Emperor, his original intention from Jikai Great Emperor, and his knowledge from Moraine Great Emperor.

In the future, if he wants to become the Great Emperor, then the perception of the three is his best step.

"Three seniors, please rest assured, I will make good use of this insight and use it to benefit mankind!"

Zhang Ping closes his eyes and sorts out the knowledge of the Great Emperor. Said silently to the three pioneers in his heart.

He smiled slightly and stood up and said: "Okay, let's go."

"Zhang Ping, is inheritance great?" Zhang Shouzhong curiously asked.

Zhang Ping thought for a while, said with a smile: "very difficult to deal with, although I don’t know if it can solve the King of the Heavenly Fox family, but it’s really difficult to deal with very difficult to deal with !"

To be honest, he is not worried about Heavenly Fox in Pearl City anymore.

This kind of confidence comes from Changman Great Emperor and Ji Kai Great Emperor’s experience in killing alienated beasts. Just like Pao Ding Jie Niu, no matter what type of alienated beast, they will become pieces in their eyes. Meat.

The thing I have to say, that is: insert the label and sell the first, you can find it.

"Then we are returning to the city now?" Bai De asked.

Zhang Ping took a deep breath and confidently said with a smile: "Yes, go back and kill the fox!"

At this moment, he has been looking forward to it for a long time.

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