Feng Laixian thought about drawing the general structure of Pearl City on the ground.

He looked at a few city gates, opened the mouth and said: "In my opinion, capture the thieves first, capture the king. As long as the king of the Heavenly Fox clan is solved, the rest is easy to solve, we can Enter the city from the east gate, and then go straight to the square through the street on this side. Once the king of the Heavenly Fox clan dies, we humans are not without powerhouse. The Illusion Technique of Heavenly Fox will always have a weak spot."

"Captain, if we kill the king of the Heavenly Fox clan, how long will it take you to fully resurrect?" Liu Sishan thought for a while and asked.

Situ Shibai replied: "Ten minutes."

"Don't forget, Zhu Family glare like a tiger watching his prey in the dark." Lu Han said solemnly.

Bai De nodded and said: "The Zhu Family will certainly not let us solve the king of the Heavenly Fox clan so easily. There are too many uncertainties on the road from the east gate to the square."

"In fact, I agree with Feng Hall Master's plan. Once the king of the Heavenly Fox clan dies, the remaining Heavenly Fox is really not to be feared, but there is one exception." Zhang Ping looked at the map, Slowly opened the mouth and said.

Feng Laixian squinted his eyes and said: "You mean... Moon Prince?"

"Yes, it is the Moon Prince who killed Luo Shiyu. Once it kills, The consequences are unimaginable." Zhang Ping nodded and said.

Zhang Shouzhong opened the mouth and said: "Then kill the Moon Prince first, and then deal with the Moon King."

"You can't do it in the city, otherwise it's easy to make a big noise , We can lure Moon Prince out of the city, kill it without disturbing the other Heavenly Fox, and then do it on the Heavenly Fox King!" Liu Sishan said.

Cheng Xuejie frowned: "Who is going to be the bait?"

"Let's go with Zhang Ping, there is a silver Heavenly Fox hidden in the shadow of Moon Prince. Once Moon Prince doesn't want to fight with us. I will haunt the silver Heavenly Fox. Zhang Ping is responsible for angering Moon Prince." Feng Laixian suggested.

Zhang Ping agreed: "Well, no problem. As for the others, Sisi, can you contact other members of the sweeping team?"

"Yes, I and Both Chen Ming and Man Ni have contact information." Liu Sishan replied.

Zhang Ping immediately said: "So...what kind of light curtain, can it still be used?"

"You mean the magic light curtain? If it's just one night, it should be fine ." Liu Sishan replied.

Zhang Ping said with a smile: "That's it, when the time comes to open the phantom light curtain, Feng Hall Master and I entered the city to provoke Moon Prince and lead Moon Prince to kill outside the city. Others When people enter the reserve, I will put your reserve near the patrol team. After Moon Prince dies, I will rush to the square to start a decisive battle with Moon King. Once Moon King dies, you will immediately take action to kill Heavenly Fox in the patrol team. Then launch all the awakened to clean up the remaining Heavenly Fox, and be sure to end the battle in the shortest time."

"How do we know that you killed the Moon King?" Cheng Xuejie asked.

Zhang Ping looked at Zhang Shouzhong, said with a smile: "When the time comes, I will bring fat energy from fatty, but when the fat energy comes back to fatty, it means you can do it."

"Also, be careful of Zhu Family!" He thought for a while, then added.

Now there are a large number of unknowing awakened and Heavenly Fox in the patrol team, and these people are likely to hide the Zhu Family.

"Well, I will pay attention!" Liu Sishan also knows the situation in Pearl City, nodded said.

Zhao Yanhu got up and said: "Master Zhang Ping, then let's do it now? Am I going to summon an army of animals outside the city, and once it starts, I will control the army to enter the city?"

"No, I'll do it tomorrow!"

Zhang Ping looked at the crowd, and then said.

He just got the inheritance of the three Great Emperors, and his strength will definitely continue to improve after another night, and he has gained a lot of knowledge from the Waterlily Great Emperor, so he can take the opportunity to transform Zhang Shouzhong's robot again.

At the same time, Liu Sishan contacted the sweeping team, and it took time for the sweeping team to make arrangements. Impossible said it started immediately.

Zhang Ping looked at everyone, said with a smile: "Okay, now everyone is free to act, conserve strength and store up energy for tomorrow's battle!"

"That I went back to sleep." Cheng Xuejie immediately took out the contract, stretched her waist, and continued.

Others have also returned to save their contracts, rest, rest, and meditation. In a blink of an eye, only Zhang Ping, Fenglaixian and Zhang Shouzhong’s alloy overlord are left.

Zhang Ping also took out a deposit deed, opened the mouth and said: "fatty, put this deposit deed on the chest of Alloy Overlord."


Zhang Shouzhong was nodded, and then there was an additional inlay on the chest of the Alloy Overlord.

When the deposit contract is embedded in the chest of the alloy overlord, Zhang Ping enters the deposit contract and begins to sort out the inheritance obtained this time.

The inheritance of the three Great Emperors is wide-ranging and profound. Although he has received all the insights completely, these insights are ultimately those of other people. He needs to understand them slowly and turn these insights into himself Things into a shape that suits you.

"Fatty, add another inlay next to Zhang Ping!" Cheng Xuejie said from the reserve.

Zhang Shouzhong responded: "Well, who else wants to inlay?"


Everyone said in the same way.

For a moment, there were several golden gems on Alloy Overlord's body.

Feng Laixian looked at Alloy Overlord, feeling a little speechless. Who would have thought that a group of people were hidden in this robot.

Next, everyone began to prepare for themselves. After all, tomorrow's Great War General determines the future of Pearl City. No one dares to really relax at this moment.

Feng Laixian walked out of the house, heated his own knife with his hands exuding high temperature, and carefully maintained the blade. Others were not really lazy. After a period of rest, Bai De came out of the reserve and went hunting and eating.

At night, Zhang Shouzhong controlled the Alloy Overlord to patrol the place of experience, and at the same time tested the weapons he developed with his brain.

Because the sound of the weapon is very loud, he added a layer of sound-proof material on the surface of the Alloy Overlord, so that everyone in the deposit will not be disturbed.

In the storage contract, Zhang Ping is trying to digest the sentiments of the three Great Emperors.

Actually, the life of the three Great Emperors was not a complete life. Zhang Ping didn’t realize this when he first accepted inheritance, but he calmed down this time and found many traces of editing. .

In short, this thing has been edited.

For example, when the water lily is locked in a blank prison, Zhang Ping always thinks that he does not need to eat, but the actual situation is that the memory of eat, drink, shit and piss has been cut.

However, there are still some minor details, let Zhang Ping speculate many clues.

For example, the Great Emperor Changman was an orphan. He once joined the army and should have become a general general. This is his speculation from a soldier about Changman's salute posture.

There is also Ji Kai, he used to have six wives. .

This is a guess made by Zhang Ping from Ji Kai to become the lord of the country and to rule the country through the clothes of six weddings, but there may be more.

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