Unfortunately, Ji Kai's wife eventually died under the attack of the evil bird.

Later, Ji Kai never married another wife, and remained alone until he died of old age.

For another example, in the era of the Waterlily Great Emperor, the Sword Alliance not only had a serious bureaucracy, but also all officials were corrupt. This was one of the reasons why the Waterlily Great Emperor became a wanted criminal and was always at ease.

At that time, once the Law Enforcer at the bottom was sacrificed, after layers of exploitation and deduction, the pension received by relatives might be less than one-tenth of the original.

In this case, who is willing to work hard?

Of course, the above useless information is just leftovers when Zhang Ping sorted it out, and his real gains are far more than that.

He felt the lives of the three Great Emperors time and time again, and the growth rate of his spirit strength was several times that of the past. It was like he was trained by the three Great Emperors with unlimited levels. The three Great Emperors moved closer.

However, the root cause of this phenomenon is not because he constantly perceives the lives of the three Great Emperors, but because his mental toughness is high enough, otherwise the result will definitely be a mental breakdown, or even complete confusion and loss. self.

There are many talks in one night, not one after another.

Second day, Feng Laixian and Alloy Overlord leave the land of experience together.

"I'm so excited, I can finally solve Heavenly Fox." Cheng Xuejie couldn't help but said in the storage deed.

Zhang Shouzhong said seriously: "This battle, I absolutely want everyone to startled!"

"I don't know if Heavenly Fox can eat it." Bai De said coldly with a smile, yesterday he had eaten something for a day.

Liu Sishan calmly said: "In this battle, Zhang Ping will be the main focus. Everyone will act according to the plan. If you encounter a blocker, you can make a choice based on the situation. If you kill one person, you can save more people. , Allow to act cheaply."


All members of the sweeping team responded uniformly.

This time, Zhang Ping did not object to it. He knew what Liu Sishan meant.

Those unawares who join the patrol team, if they are deceived by Heavenly Fox, they are likely to attack them. Once they are dragged, Heavenly Fox may take the opportunity to kill people and kill more. people.

Therefore, if there is such a situation that must be chosen, the only way to kill the blocker is to kill, even if the opponent is actually a kind person and an innocent person.

In fact, everyone knows in their hearts that if they can't kill, they will definitely not kill, at most they will just knock them out.

The problem is awakened all kinds of strange things. Some abilities are really tricky. Maybe the battle strength is not strong, but the ability to delay time is one by one.

Liu Sishan is just in order to guard against the unexpected.

On the next road, everyone did not speak any more, one by one was making final preparations in their hearts.

At noon, Alloy Overlord grew wings, holding Fenglaixian's hand in one hand, directly turned on the flight mode, and flew quickly from the air to Pearl City.

By the time we arrived at Mount Everest, the time had come to 12:30.

Everyone looked at Pearl City from afar, and couldn’t help but distracted slightly. Although the actual time to leave Pearl City is not too long, they have been in the land of experience for several months, so now look at it again. In Pearl City, there is a feeling of long time no see.

"Finally home." Zhang Shouzhong couldn't help sighing.

Bai De melancholy said: "I don't know how the students are now, I hope there won't be too many sacrifices."

Every day, Heavenly Fox is eating people.

He knows very well that there must be many people in Pearl City who were eaten by Heavenly Fox in a daze, so he is very worried about his students.

In the past, he just hid this worry in his heart.

Now that he saw Pearl City, he couldn't suppress the thoughts in his heart and confided his true feelings.

Feng Laixian looked in the direction of Dojo from a distance. Although he did not find Dojo, he knew that Dojo was there. He said seriously: "Don't worry, everything will be back to normal after today! "

"Sister Sisi, is the location of Moon Prince confirmed?" Zhang Ping asked when he came out of the contract and looked at Pearl City.

Liu Sishan replied: "The location of Moon Prince has been determined. It is still staying at City Lord's Mansion. The location is the third room on the left hand side of the second floor."

"Okay, Feng Hall Master, let's go." Zhang Ping immediately nodded and said.

He looked at Alloy Overlord, Alloy Overlord immediately turned into fat and energy was slowly absorbed by the storage contract. He put everyone's storage contract in his pocket, and then jumped off the cliff with Feng Laixian.

With the help of Nianli, he landed easily, and then walked towards the city gate of Pearl City.

"There is a murderous aura!"

As soon as Zhang Ping and Fenglaixian walked to the city gate, Zhang Ping felt the faintly discernable murderous aura in an instant.

He turned his head to look at a man at the stall on the edge of the street in the city. The man did not look to their side, but was shouting at the customers.

As mentioned before, the city wall of Pearl City has a certain open space from the residential area. Once a battle occurs, this open space is the best buffer zone.

In fact, occasionally there will be some small vendors selling things in this open space. The target customers are generally awakened, especially the kind of awakened who come home full of loads outside the city, because these people are the most generous.

"Feng Hall Master, by the right hand side, the second vendor is from Zhu Family."

Zhang Ping calmly identified the other party, but the other party has a shielded identification The props, so his appraisal result ended in failure, but when he used his mind to analyze, the identity of the other party was immediately obvious at a glance.

Actually, Yuju Zhu Family is indeed unusual. There is a fiery power hidden in their bloodline, but this power is completely different from Fenglaixian.

If Fenglai’s immortal strength is like a volcano about to erupt, then the power hidden in the bloodline of Yuju Zhu Family is like a lava river flowing slowly under the ground.

Because this power is highly recognizable, Zhang Ping does not need to know the name of the other party to determine the identity.

"Look at me!"

Feng Laixian glanced at the hawker, and then proceeded forward casually.

When he walked to the side of the hawker, he suddenly raised his head and squinted his eyes, followed by a loud sneeze.

"Let's go!"

Feng Laixian took Zhang Ping and continued walking.

"Feng Hall Master, awesome!"

Zhang Ping swept the hawker with his mind while walking, and then whispered to Feng Hall Master.

The peddler seemed to be frightened, his eyes widened and motionless, but in fact his brain had been shaken by Feng Laixian's sneeze.

The technical content of this move is very high.

Nobody around was affected, only Zhu Family's eyeliner was killed silently.

Feng Laixian shook his head slightly, and said indifferently: "such insignificant ability, it can only be used to bullied the weak."

At this moment, several Heavenly Foxes mixed in between awakened. Come slowly.

Judging from the awakened clothes, they are obviously members of the patrol team.

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