Because it has been too short since the last time the magic sky curtain was used, the magic sky curtain of this time cannot cover the whole city, and the range can only be shortened to 2/3/2021.

Zhang Ping Their current location is not covered by the magical sky.

Although Fenglaixian can't break this patrol squad who is human and who is Heavenly Fox, he knows that there must be Heavenly Fox in it.

The two tacitly used the crowd to block them and passed by the patrol squad without disturbing each other at all.

Next, they chose the streets with few people, and gradually approached in the direction of City Lord's Mansion. Soon they entered the cover of the illusion sky.

"Feng Hall Master, I will settle Sisi sisters!"

"Well, I will go to City Lord's Mansion!"

"Feng Hall Master, Take care of everything."

"So are you!"

Zhang Ping and Feng Laixian separated immediately and left in different directions.

City Lord's Mansion.

Moon Prince stood motionless on the balcony, looking at the city with gloomy eyes.

At this time, a female Heavenly Fox came up with human flesh and blood, and whispered: "Your Majesty, you have not eaten for many days. If you continue to do so, your body will have problems."

"Moon Eighty-Eight, do you like your life now?" Moon Prince suddenly asked melancholy.

The female Heavenly Fox behind him was taken aback, and then truthfully replied: "Reporting back to Your Majesty, Eighty-eight likes the current life very much. There is no need to risk hunting, food is at your fingertips, and there is nothing more like this. A good life."

"What's the difference between this... and a pig?" Moon Prince looked at Yue Eighty-Eight in confusion.

Pearl City has awakened farming, which is also one of the sources of meat in Pearl City, but most of the meat eaters are awakened, and farmers can only eat meat a few times a year.

Moon Prince once went to a farm, so after listening to Yue Ba Ba's answer, I feel that Moon Ba Ba is like a pig.

"His Royal Highness..."

March 8 is a bit wronged, how could it be like a pig.

Is the pig as powerful as it?

When I turned around, I ate all the pig farmers in Pearl City.

This should prove to Moon Prince that he is better than a pig.

It was thinking darkly.

Moon Prince glanced at Yue Ba Ba and said in disappointment: "Ba Ba, you really... don’t understand anything."

This sentence, if it’s a human After listening, I must know that the other party is cursing and insulting myself.

But Yue Ba Ba did not realize that he was scolded, because Heavenly Fox had no such concept at all, and Yue Ba Ba’s grievance was not because Moon Prince took it with the pig mention on equal terms, but felt that he was compared The pig is much stronger.

Moon Prince felt lonely. It gradually gave birth to a new cognition that he and Heavenly Fox are already two species. Although they are very close to each other, their way of thinking has been the difference between Heaven and Earth.

"Hey, I dared to come!"

Moon Prince turned around and prepared to go back to the house to eat some food, and suddenly felt that a familiar breath was approaching quickly in the distance.

It stopped, and the divine sense force quickly extended towards that breath, instantly confirming the identity of the person who came.

Yue Ba Ba’s eyes looked out of the balcony indifferently from the crevice of the human skin, and said hoarsely: "His Royal Highness, there are enemies?"

"Come on, will solve him !"

Moon Prince nodded, suddenly thinking of something, the long and narrow fox looked at Yue Ba Ba and ordered directly.

After speaking, it turned around and walked into the room.

"Yes, Your Highness!"

Yue 88 mistakenly thought that the enemy was a degree that he could easily solve, so he responded with confidence.

It put aside the plate full of human flesh and began to prepare for battle.

"Beast, die!"

Feng Laixian jumped up from the alley, and then rushed towards the City Lord's Mansion at the top of the house.

His speed was very fast, and it was almost impossible to react to Yue Ba Ba. When he smashed the balcony, Yue Ba Ba realized that the enemy was very strong and could not hold it.

"His Royal Highness!!!"

Yue Ba Ba's body was instantly ignited by the high temperature, and it screamed harshly and terribly in the flames.

But Moon Prince flew straight and sat down on a chair in the room, completely meaningless to rescue.

"I'll just say, what's the difference between this and a pig?"

Moon Prince's eyes closed slightly, too lazy to watch how Yueluoqi died.




After three loud noises, the corpse of Moon Eighty Eight rolled into the room, and then Feng Laixian stepped in on the flames.

Feng Laixian looked at Moon Prince and found that Moon Prince’s forehead was not covered with human skin, so he said with a sneer: "Fox, don’t pretend to be human?"

"You kill With my clansman, hold it back, it will hurt!" Moon Prince slowly got up, the tail on his back grew rapidly, turning into armor to wrap it up.

The Moon Prince was originally very tall, but now it has become even bigger.


With a punch, Feng Laixian was pierced through her abdomen, and her whole body quickly flew backwards.

He flew thousands of meter away like a meteor, and finally hit the watchtower, and countless blood spurted from his abdomen.

Not waiting for him to spit out the blood in his throat, Moon Prince had flown quickly, and then he blasted his chest with a punch.


The watchtower slowly fell to the ground.

Fortunately, a few awakened shots in time, so no one was killed.

On the ground, countless people looked around, but no one broke the watchtower.

A few thousand meters away, Feng Laixian's broken body fell to the ground, and he rolled several times before stopping. The ground was full of his blood. However, his body is recovering quickly. Both of his hands propped himself up and sat up. The next second Moon Prince appeared in front of him. The huge body was condescending, the tail dancing wildly behind him, and the oppression was extremely powerful.

"Resilience is good, is this your confidence?" Moon Prince looked down at Feng Laixian and asked indifferently.

It slowly turned around, and said as he walked: "I remember you, you still have a very interesting state, let me see, when I'm still interested."


Obviously, when it loses interest, it will be Fenglaixian's death.

Feng Laixian's body quickly recovered. He gritted his teeth and looked at the sun hanging in the sky, chanting ancient songs in his heart.

His heart was beating faster and faster, and suddenly a tail pierced his heart.


The face of Fenglaixian is like golden paper, with blood flowing from the nose and ears.

"Suddenly I didn't want to watch it. As expected, this world is too boring." Moon Prince pulled out his tail, watched the blood dripping from the tail, and said boredly.

Feng Laixian couldn't lift it up in one breath, and her face gradually turned into purple. When the heart repaired itself urgently, she could not help coughing immediately.

Originally, Moon Prince was going to blow Feng Laixian’s head with his tail to see if Feng Laixian could recover, but suddenly he sensed another familiar breath, so he stopped his hand and looked away. .

"Feng Hall Master, let’s go!"

At this moment, Zhang Ping quickly flew in from the direction of the patrol team headquarters, grabbed Queen Fenglaixian with his mind, and quickly moved towards the city. Flee.

Moon Prince immediately controlled countless tails to attack Zhang Ping in the air, but Zhang Ping swiftly avoided them. It squinted its eyes, its body was also covered by thought power, and then chased Zhang Ping.

In the air.

Moon Prince's mind force quickly adhered to Zhang Ping, but Zhang Ping used his mind force to block them.

Fortunately, the mental power attribute of Moon Prince is'sticky'.

This is an ability that can do great harm to matter, but it is not very lethal to the same power of thought.

Several attacks to no avail.

Moon Prince simply increased the output of thought power, and constantly strikes Zhang Ping like a fist.

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