It's still 600 meters short, bear with me!

Zhang Ping's throat was sweetened by Nian Li's back shock, blood rushed up, but he forcibly swallowed it again.

His thought power is indeed not as good as Moon Prince, this is not because he is pretending to be weak.

Although it is all thought power.

But Zhang Ping's thought power and Moon Prince's thought power are not the same type.

Zhang Ping’s mind power is transformed from spirit strength, which is a very pure mind power. Only by continuously using mind power and increasing the storage capacity of mind power can the formidable power of mind power be increased.

And Moon Prince's thought power is directly substantive from spirit strength, which is essentially a substantive spirit strength, so it does not need to increase the storage capacity of thought power. Spirit strength itself is thought power.

Both have their own advantages and disadvantages.

But now, regardless of the amount of thought power or the intensity of thought power, Moon Prince is above Zhang Ping.

The two sides fled and chased, and finally flew over the city wall. Many awakeneds noticed something flying in the air, but looked up but saw nothing.

In the blink of an eye, Zhang Ping and Feng Laixian landed in the jungle outside of several hundred meters outside the city, and the two immediately ran away quickly.

Moon Prince landed, and did not continue to chase forward, but said indifferently: "A boring trick, Moon Shadow, you go kill them!"

Its shadow slowed down immediately Protruding, the silver Heavenly Fox appeared again.

Apart from several hundred meters, Zhang Ping and Feng Laixian stopped at the same time.

"It didn't chase it!"

Feng Laixian squinted his eyes, a little helplessly said.

Zhang Ping wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, his body was quickly covered by the metal coating, and he sighed: "Then you can only fight directly here."

In order to make Moon Prince Relaxed his vigilance. He didn't use a metal coating to protect himself. He vomited blood several times along the way, all of which were genuine blood.

At this time, a shadow struck quickly, and Fenglaixian said with a smile: "The silver-haired fox is here. Give it to me. You go and deal with Moon Prince."


Zhang Ping nodded, immediately flew up and flew in the direction of Moon Prince.

But halfway through, Moon Shadow suddenly jumped out of the shadow, sharp claws pierced Zhang Ping in the air, said solemnly: "Death!"

"courting death!"

Zhang Ping glanced at Moon Shadow, then took a palm of his right hand.

Although the moon shadow attacked first, when Zhang Ping shot, the metal coating of the palm increased rapidly. In a blink of an eye, it turned into a ten-meter hand and directly pressed the moon shadow to the ground.


A loud noise.

When Zhang Ping took away his hand, Moon Shadow was dying.

Seeing this, Feng Laixian didn’t know whether to cry or laugh and said: "It seems that I can have a good rest!"

while speaking, he learned from a deposit Take out the knife from the inside, and cut off Yueying's head with a sharp knife.

Several hundred meters outside.

Moon Prince turned around to leave, suddenly it stopped.

Its family perception tells it that Moonshade is dead just outside of several hundred meters.

At this moment, Zhang Ping flew up from the sky and landed in front of it, blocking its way.

Zhang Ping waved his hand, threw the blood stuck in the palm of his hand to the ground, squinted his eyes and looked at Moon Prince, said with a smile: "Moon Prince, it’s all here, it’s better to leave your head Go again?"

"Did you kill Moon Shadow?" Moon Prince asked hoarsely, moving his nose.

Zhang Ping's metal coating continued to increase, and finally his body size grew to be consistent with Moon Prince. He said with a smile: "It sneaks on me, so I slapped it with a palm. As for whether it is dead or not. , Then not quite clear."

"Then...I will slap you too!"

Moon Prince's narrow eyes flashed a murderous aura, and suddenly flashed to Zhang In front of Ping, his arms slammed open, and a palm fell on Zhang Ping's face in an instant.


When this palm fell, the sound was like thunder, and the trees all around vibrated slightly, and there were countless leaves.

"It hurts a bit, but the defense is still not enough."

Zhang Ping takes a hard palm, and his body is completely motionless.

At this time, layer after layer of metal coating continued to cover the body, rising from five meters to seven meters in a blink of an eye.

"Why... so!"

Moon Prince stepped back two steps, looked up at Zhang Ping, his eyes showed a look of shock.

The palm just now has actually used its three abilities. Its tail is wrapped around the body, and the tail is full of muscles. Coupled with the power of mind and its own strong fleshy body, the burst of power is enough Blast the city wall of Pearl City.

If it is Phoenix.

Under this palm, the head will transform into a bloody mist in an instant, and Divine Immortal will not be able to save it.

But Zhang Ping took a hard palm without shaking his body!

At this time, Zhang Ping raised high right hand, said with a smile: "You slap me, so I slap you too and stand now!"

" Not good!"

Moon Prince reacted and quickly backed away.

But the next second Zhang Ping’s palm fell on its face, and Pei Ran’s vigor was transferred from red’s palm to its cheeks, and its long fox head suddenly deformed, and at the same time its body It revolved three hundred and sixty degrees in the air, and finally fell heavily to the ground.


In an instant, a four-meter crater appeared on the ground, and the air wave swept all around, and many trees broke.

This slap is really comfortable to play!

Zhang Ping took a step forward and looked down at Moon Prince who was lying in the pit twitching non-stop, the whole person suddenly became happy.

In the past, he didn’t want to trample Moon Prince under his feet all the time, but now he is finally qualified to do so,

Suddenly, Moon Prince’s eyes opened sharply, counting The ten tails entangled and turned into a sharp spear that pierced Zhang Ping's throat. Zhang Ping smiled and grabbed the tail and violently tugged. Moon Prince immediately bounced from the pit and blasted Zhang Ping's eyes with his fists.


Zhang Ping's body was beaten and leaned back slightly.

Then he smiled more brilliantly, and slammed his head against Moon Prince.

The heads of both sides collided, Moon Prince fell to the ground suddenly, and smashed the ground into a big hole.

However, Moon Prince’s life force is extremely powerful. Even if the bones are smashed by Zhang Ping, it can recover quickly. It wraps Zhang Ping's legs with its tail on the ground and directly throws Zhang Ping away. Got out.

Zhang Ping broke dozens of trees halfway, smiled and grabbed a three-ton rock on the ground, and slammed it directly at Moon Prince.

"Damn it!"

Moon Prince spit out a mouthful of blood, and immediately swept the rock away with his mind.

At this time, Zhang Ping has rushed up again and punched out from a condescending position. It can only grit its teeth and wrap its own arm with its tail, punch towards Zhang Ping's fist.



With a loud noise, Moon Prince's body retreated madly, and its fist was smashed by Zhang Ping's fist.

"Cool, come again!"

Zhang Ping smiled and rushed, but was blown away by thoughts halfway through.

When he was about to land, the thought force appeared again, sticking to him and spinning frantically, and all the trees along the way were smashed into powder by him.

"Do you have the power of thought?"

Zhang Ping laughed heartily, the power of thought stabs Moon Prince, and the power of thought of one person and one fox collides together, and the air all around suddenly swells. , Countless rocks and pieces of wood were blown away, forming a clearing.

Because of this collision of thoughts.

Zhang Ping successfully got rid of Moon Prince's thought power, and rushed to Moon Prince again after landing.

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