Moon Prince suddenly roared when Zhang Ping rushed.

More and more toothed tails are wrapped around the body.

In a blink of an eye.

It turned into a huge ten-meter-high fox and slammed Zhang Ping with a fist.

"Let's see who is bigger!"

Zhang Ping's body swelled rapidly, one hand blocked Moon Prince's fist, and in a blink of an eye he turned into a 20-meter-high giant. The other hand punched Moon Prince's cheek, one after another teeth broke off from the tail and fell everywhere like shot bullets. Many trees were pierced by their teeth in an instant and fell crashingly.


Moon Prince was beaten by this fist and became confused. His huge body fell to the ground and the ground was shaken.

It’s not that its endurance is too poor, but that Zhang Ping’s strength has increased too fast. The metal coating itself has an extraordinary power attribute, and each layer will be greatly improved when superimposed.

So Zhang Ping is not purely from seven meters to 20 meters, but an all-round improvement, and the strength has been increased by many times.

That's why Moon Prince was beaten by Zhang Ping with a punch.

Next, every time Moon Prince wanted to get up, Zhang Ping stepped it into the ground with one foot. The pit on the ground was full of blood, and half of Moon Prince's head was covered with blood.

"Anything else, use it!"

Zhang Ping stepped on it for half a minute, and then he pulled the Moon Prince up from the pit, patted its cheek, said with a smile.

He can't kill Moon Prince yet, so Moon Prince must be beaten to death, until there is no room for resistance, so that he can rest assured.

Moon Prince has the same perception ability.

Once another Heavenly Fox dies, it will immediately perceive the location of similar deaths.

Zhang Ping is worried that Moon King also has this ability, so Moon Prince can kill, but not here.

Otherwise, the Moon King in Pearl City will perceive that his son is dead, and it is very likely that he will go crazy and kill him directly.

His plan is to take Moon Prince and walk to the vicinity of Pearl City to kill again. Then, without giving Moon King any reaction time, he will go straight in and have a one-on-one match with Moon King.

Moon Prince life force is very tenacious.

Even if the skull was smashed by Zhang Ping several times, the breath is still stable, and there is no mortal danger at all.

Zhang Ping grabbed its tail and pulled, and several tails were torn off. Then he grabbed Moon Prince’s arm to break it off. Moon Prince opened his eyes sharply, and his tail quickly Slide to break free of Zhang Ping's control.

After it landed, it roared, and countless tails rolled up, forming a Meteor Hammer fiercely and slammed into Zhang Ping, but Zhang Ping punched and exploded, forming blood mist in the sky.

"Yes, it should be like this. If you have strength, you will move more!"

Zhang Ping was not angry at all, so he was not angry at all, and said with a smile instead.

"I should have killed you back then!"

Moon Prince flustered and exasperated roared, and now it feels so regretful that it can't wait to go back and slap itself a few big slaps.

It obviously has a chance to solve Zhang Ping, but it all missed the opportunity because of arrogance and contempt.

"No, you can't kill me!"

"Don't forget, don't waste food!"

Zhang Ping laughed and walked suddenly Stepped forward and grabbed Moon Prince's neck.

His current explosive power is very terrifying, the huge power brings huge kinetic energy, so his speed is also very fast.

For an instant, Moon Prince felt his throat pinched, and that huge power was transmitted through the tail layer by layer, making it still feel like its own bones were being held.

It has slightly raised eyes, gritted its teeth and kicked its legs on Zhang Ping's body, with countless tails wrapped around Zhang Ping's back, and also wrapped Zhang Ping's neck, trying to choke Zhang Ping's neck.

"Strong hard, didn't you eat?"

Zhang Ping didn't care about the tail on his neck at all. He raised his hand and slapped Moon Prince on the cheek, laughingly said .

Then he slapped slap after slap, and the tail that Moon Prince used to protect his cheeks was all slapped, and finally his face was red and swollen.

But when he was about to continue, he suddenly felt his palm empty.

The tail of Moon Prince can stretch freely, and its huge body is now supported by the tail.

The neck that Zhang Ping was pinching actually had several layers of tail around it, so he didn't actually grab the neck, only the tail.

After Moon Prince retracted his tail, Zhang Ping caught it.

After Moon Prince got smaller, its body fell on the ground, it immediately covered its body with thought power, and quickly fled towards Pearl City.

"No way, then surrender, don’t persuade you!"

However, Zhang Ping's reaction is not slow. Feeling that his hands are empty, he immediately lowered his head to lock Moon Prince .

Next moment, Moon Prince felt that his tail was caught. Just when it wanted to break the tail with thought force, a bad wind rushed.

Zhang Ping chased him quickly, only pulling Moon Prince's tail.

With this force, he clasped his hands together, and slammed Moon Prince's head in mid-air.


Maybe Moon Prince mistakenly thought that his body was huge, and his speed would decrease accordingly, but in fact, his explosive power was stronger because of his increased strength. Moon Prince couldn't match his speed at all.

Moon Prince fell to the ground again, smashing the ground into a six-meter hole.

It was lying twisted in the pit, and it convulsed again, even with foam continuously flowing out of its mouth.

"It's a bit disgusting!"

Zhang Ping landed on the edge of the big pit, and his body gradually changed back to about seven meters. Looking at the Moon Prince in the pit, he said with a little disgust.

He looked at Moon Prince's lower body, raised his leg and stepped Moon Prince's hind legs under his feet, said with a smile: "Do you know? When you suddenly appeared in my dormitory, I was scared to pee I'm really scared, so scared, can you understand how scared I am?"


He applied a little force, and Moon Prince's leg was suddenly broken by him.

Because of the pain, Moon Prince quickly wakes up from a dizzy state. It gritted its teeth and said gloomily: "My father will not let you go!"

"Nonsense, it's like me. I'll let it go."

Zhang Ping rolled the eyes, and then stepped on Moon Prince's spine.

Actually, it is not that Moon Prince is too weak, but now he is too strong. Twenty meters is enough to crush Moon Prince absolutely.

In the battle just now, Moon Prince did show extremely terrifying strength.

If it is placed in the wild, it is definitely a region's Overlord, or the top overlord with an extremely large area.

Zhang Ping crushed the bones of Moon Prince little by little, and then lifted up the soft Moon Prince, said with a smile: "What else is the last word?"

"father ...Will kill you!" Moon Prince stared at Zhang Ping in pain, hoarsely.

I have to say that sometimes mental illness is the lack of a social beating.

Zhang Ping's brutal beating, on the contrary, healed Moon Prince's disease.

At least for now, Moon Prince is all about killing Zhang Ping. If it can survive by chance, it will definitely kill all humans, eat all humans, and fiercely step on humans under their feet.

Look, anorexia is good too!

Zhang Ping shook the head helplessly, and then smashed Moon Prince's jaw with a punch.

He knows that Moon Prince's life force is very tenacious, and it is estimated that he still retains a lot of physical strength, but his body is disabled, so he is temporarily unable to move.

Once the injury is completely recovered, Moon Prince will definitely fight back or wait for an opportunity to escape.

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