Zhang Ping will never allow any accidents in the plan.

Therefore, he temporarily stayed in place, holding Moon Prince in one hand, destroying Moon Prince's body time and time again.

The self-healing ability of Moon Prince is not a superpower, but a characteristic possessed by alienated beasts.

Generally speaking, the stronger the body, the faster the self-healing speed.

Moon Prince cannot control or prevent the body from healing itself.

Even self-healing will consume its energy.


Zhang Ping punched Moon Prince's self-healing bones and then asked a question.

"My father will kill you!"

Moon Prince's face is distorted because of the pain, there is only one sentence left and back.

"I will send you to hell together, if there is hell in this world!"

Zhang Ping punched Moon Prince's self-healing pelvis to pieces, squinting his eyes. With Moon Prince's distorted face, laughed and said.

In fact, he doesn't like torturing other creatures, but if it's Heavenly Fox, then it's okay.

He has no mercy for Heavenly Fox.

But just as he was about to smash Moon Prince's jaw again, he suddenly felt a terrifying breath slowly approaching, he wrinkled slightly frowned, and then looked in the direction of Pearl City.

A tall golden fox is holding Situ Shibai's spine and is walking slowly towards him.

Behind the golden fox, the densely packed Heavenly Fox with the murderous aura stared at him.

"All here?"

Zhang Ping was a little surprised, but also worried about the current situation in Pearl City.

"Father, kill him, kill him!!!"

Moon Prince noticed that the atmosphere was not right, and then followed Zhang Ping's gaze to the left hand side. When it saw Moon King, it immediately screamed and roared excitedly.

"Hehe, this saves me a lot!"

Zhang Ping simply put down the Moon Prince and squinted to say with a smile.

He originally thought about using Moon Prince to lure Moon King out of Pearl City, and then he was a diplomat in the field.

It's all right now.

Moon King ran over by himself, he didn't need to prepare any plans, he could directly start a fight with Moon King.

At this time, Moon Prince used his hands and feet together, and quickly crawled to the Moon King, screaming excitedly while crawling, telling how he was tortured by Zhang Ping.

But crawling, it found that the shadow gradually enveloped itself, and quickly spread in the direction of Moon King.

It froze suddenly, then turned back hard.

Zhang Ping's body quickly grew bigger, and in a blink of an eye it turned into a super giant with a height of 500 meters. The distance Moon Prince climbed out, below this height, is actually equivalent to Zhang Ping's feet.

"How...Is it possible!"

Moon Prince can’t understand how the weak who let it be slaughtered a few months ago can become so strong in such a short time .

"Since the Lord has come, then you are useless."

Zhang Ping looked at Moon Prince at his feet, and the next moment raised his foot fiercely and stepped on Moon Prince.


Before the soles of the feet arrive, the air pressure comes first.

Moon Prince was pressed to the ground by air pressure, he could only look at Moon King in horror, and stretched out his hand to ask for help.


Moon King saw this scene and immediately threw Situ Shibai's spine in his hand at Zhang Ping.

Then it exerted force under its feet. Because the speed was too fast, it instantly produced a harsh air burst. It was like a golden streamer, appeared directly at Zhang Ping's feet, and wanted to take Moon Prince away.


Zhang Ping guessed Moon King’s intentions when Situ Shibai’s spine flew over, so his body grew further, his whole body weight was directly on his right leg, and he stepped fiercely on the ground.

When his feet fell completely, his body had grown to 1,200 meters, and his weight was as high as 2.15 million tons!

Under this foot, the earth vibrated violently, and the air wave directly overturned all the Heavenly Fox not far away.

Those Heavenly Fox rolling on the ground, they all looked at the giant giant ahead in horror.

overwhelming majority Heavenly Fox, this moment directly loses fighting intent.

But just when they turned to escape, Zhang Ping quickly bent over and stretched out his hand, swept across, and countless Heavenly Foxes were directly swept into the air, making hoarse calls.

"All die for me!"

Zhang Ping looked at the Heavenly Fox in the sky, and next moment the other hand fiercely patted it like a fly.

pa pa pa pa!

Under this palm, countless Heavenly Foxes transformed into a bloody mist burst on the spot. Even if they were only rubbed by the edge of their palms, they still exploded, leaving only a few pieces at most.

Heavenly Fox, who escaped the catastrophe, all madly scattered and fled.

The problem is that they can’t get out of the attack range of Zhang Ping. Zhang Ping first goes far and then closes, just like hitting a mosquito. With one palm down, more than a dozen Heavenly Foxes burst open, and one foot went down again. Several Heavenly Foxes were crushed into flesh.

In just twenty seconds, there was only a blood-colored ruin all around, with the remains of Heavenly Fox everywhere.


Several awakened saw this scene and stepped back tacitly.

In their eyes, they only saw a red giant who was torturing an ordinary person. The problem was that the giant was so huge that they did not dare to come forward to rescue.

"Boss, what should I do?" a girl asked tremblingly.

The adventurer boss wiped the sweat from his forehead, gritted his teeth and said: "Go back to the city and find the patrol team!"

"Yes, this is the task of the patrol team, let's go! "The other man nodded agreed.

But at this moment, not far from them, the ground suddenly burst open, and the Moon King took the Moon Prince and galloped directly towards where they were.

At this time, Moon King is too lazy to maintain the ability, so it is the image of the golden fox, but Zhang Ping's foot is too heavy and too heavy, even if its body is extremely hard, it penetrates like a nail The earth was still very badly injured.

The most obvious injury is its abdomen. A golden bone pierced out from the inside, which happened to be inserted into Moon Prince's abdomen.

Two big foxes interspersed together, their tails swayed wildly when they were running, which was extremely terrifying.


When the girl saw the scary image of Moon King, she suddenly screamed in horror.

Actually, at a speed of several adventurers, it is impossible to avoid the Moon King impact.

If they are hit by the Moon King, they will have only one end, and their bodies will explode.

However, Zhang Ping’s bursting speed was far above Moon King, his hand instantly blocked in front of several adventurers, just to intercept Moon King, Moon King and Moon Prince fiercely hit his hand , A wave of air suddenly exploded towards all around.

Several adventurers behind Zhang Ping's palms were immediately bled by Seven Orifices, which was shocked by the blast of air, and dizzy. If it weren't for the awakened life force, they would be more tenacious, even if they were not hit by the Moon King. Also dead.

"Everyone is here, why bother to go!"

Zhang Ping held the Moon King and Moon Prince, and then fiercely fell to the ground.

Two foxes landed, Moon King immediately pushed Moon Prince far away, Zhang Ping's fist fell instantly, and fiercely hit it.

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