
Moon King spouted a spit of golden blood, his eyes fiercely stared at his fists, but it was still impossible to move even a little bit.

It’s not that it doesn’t want to fight back. The problem is that Zhang Ping’s power is too strong and its body is too hard. Its tail attacks several times. Under the metal coating of Zhang Ping, it’s like scratching Zhang Ping. itch.

Many people may think that Moon King must be the most powerful existence in Heavenly Fox.

This perception itself is not wrong.

But in terms of potential, it is actually not as good as his son Moon Prince.

If one day, Moon Prince can become King, he will definitely be stronger than it.

In fact, Zhang Ping activated the Appraisal Technique the moment he saw Moon King and got the attributes of Moon King:

[Name: Moon King]

【 Race: Alienated Fox·King]

[Power: Moon Race]

[Potential: ⭐⭐]

[lifespan: 1600]

[level: primary level king beast]

[level: 41]

[innate talent]

[cognitive distortion: you have a twisted creature The cognitive position can modify the target’s cognition]

[Common sense subversion: When behaviors that do not conform to common sense can be subverted, the common sense of the target can be subverted, and the target can be forced to be unable to detect the abnormality]

[Family perception: When nearby members of the same family are killed, you can quickly perceive the death location of the same family members]

[Top strength: Your body is much stronger than your family, and has extreme Strong healing ability. ]

[Characteristics of the king beast:]

[primary level-breath of the king beast: within three hundred kilometers, all alienated beasts will perceive your breath, thus creating a sense of awe , Dare not invade your territory. 】

【King attribute:】

【Moon King domain: within one hundred kilometers, all the same clan will receive your shelter, greatly increase your ability, and through the'breath contamination' , Obtain Ultra Grade ability. 】


After reading the attributes of Moon King, Zhang Ping feels relieved.

There is no doubt that the target of King Beast is the transcendence among human beings, but Moon King is not even as capable as Moon Prince except for the advantage of King Beast.

It has neither the tail of the Myriad Transformations of Moon Prince, nor the divine sense power of Moon Prince.

Although it is also extremely good at using its tail to attack the enemy, its tail can neither be lengthened nor forked, but purely use its tail to attack the target.

If it is an ordinary human, its tail is indeed extremely lethal. A single sweep is enough to blow up a human, and even a breath is enough to melt the flesh and blood of others.

The problem is that Zhang Ping's defense is too high.

Except for cognitive distortion and common sense subversion, all its other methods are physical attacks, and Zhang Ping is exactly the least afraid of physical attacks.

So, the result is doomed.

After half an hour, only a pile of rotten flesh and blood remained on the ground.

In order to ensure that Moon King and Moon Prince are completely dead, Zhang Ping simply put them together and beat them, just like making meatballs, and beat their flesh and blood into mash.

Zhang Ping really doesn't believe that they can recover from this level of damage.

But to be on the safe side, he then carefully roasted the pile of flesh and blood with flames until the flesh and blood were thoroughly cooked.

He controlled his body to gradually return to its original size, and looked at Situ Shibai who was watching a play not far away, said with a smile: "Old Mister Situ, don't you need to go back to the city to preside over the overall situation now?"

"Don't worry, my Avatar has passed." Situ Shibai lightly said with a smile.

Both of his hands carried both of his hands on his back, walked to the edge of the big pit, looked at the flesh and blood inside, and exclaimed: "Although I believe you will be able to save Pearl City, I really didn't expect... You can actually do this step."

"It's just that Moon King just happens to be bad at hand-to-hand combat." Zhang Ping said modestly with a smile.

In fact, Heavenly Fox itself is an alienated beast that plays Illusion Technique. Moon King’s strongest ability is also to play with the enemy’s common sense, distorting the perception of others.

When these two abilities cannot be effective on Zhang Ping, Moon King appears very weak.

Situ Shibai was controlled by Moon King, so he knew very well that it was not that Moon King was too weak, but that Zhang Ping happened to restrain him. Just as he was restrained by Moon King, there’s no resistance.

"Let's go, the city must be a mess now, we still have a lot to do." Situ Shibai said with a smile.

The two walked slowly in the direction of Pearl City. When they saw the city wall, both of them were filled with emotion.

"Heavenly Fox, finally solved."

Zhang Ping thought of how he felt when he first saw Heavenly Fox, and couldn't help saying.

However, Situ Shibai is faintly smiled, looking at Pearl City and said indifferently: "Well, Heavenly Fox is solved, but the beast Zhu Family behind it is still there. This matter is not over yet!"


"Yu Beast Zhu Family, sooner or later I will pull them up by the roots and sweep them all into the dust of history."

Speaking of Yu Beast Zhu Family, Zhang Ping immediately thought of the specimen The tragedy of the soldiers, as well as the countless people who were killed indirectly in the snowy wolves.

His hatred of Zhu Family is almost equal to Heavenly Fox.

The person who guards the Zhu Family of beasts in his heart.

Can't count people at all.

Situ Shibai smiled and looked at Zhang Ping, opened the mouth and said: "Zhang Ping, this time saving Pearl City, you have done a great job, now you have three choices.

One It is to join the sweeping team, but if you want to join the sweeping team, you can only start with ordinary members.

The second is to join the patrol team. The patrol team is currently in need of a waste of time and needs a strong enough. People who come out on the platform, otherwise I’m afraid the people of Pearl City will be unstable.

The third is to join the investigation team. It just happens that the Gui team has been wiped out. You can choose to be the Captain of the Gui team."

"Old Mister Situ, these three options, can I ask about the treatment?" Zhang Ping stopped and asked a little hesitantly.

In fact, he originally wanted to join the sweeping team.

The problem is that with his current strength, joining the sweeping team starts from ordinary members, which feels a bit overkill.

While the patrol team was wiped out, now joining the patrol team, with his strength, the starting point will undoubtedly be higher.

Even the position of the patrol team Great Captain cannot be considered.

The final investigation team was actually pretty good.

Once it becomes Captain, the degree of freedom is extremely high.

Basically, there is an equivalent to an adventurer that can be eaten and drunk with public funds.

Situ Shibai said with a smile: "If you join the sweeping team, then you must remain anonymous, at least for the residents of Pearl City, you are dead, but the sweeping team’s treatment is not bad, every month You can receive Pearl coins ranging from 100,000 to 500,000, as well as three bottles of special medicines worth 500,000. There are some benefits left. You will understand when you join."

This treatment is indeed very good. good.

After all, adventurer makes money by struggling hard. Although the sweeping team also needs to work hard, in fact, most of the time they act in secret, and there are very few cases where they need to work hard.

Furthermore, adventurer is not able to earn hundreds of thousands of Pearl coins every month.

Sometimes not only get nothing, but even lose money.

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