"What about the patrol team and the investigation team?"

Zhang Ping must admit that the treatment of the sweeping team is very good.

But if there is a better choice, he doesn't mind choosing a better position.

"The patrol team, this time the entire army is annihilated, needs to spend a lot of pensions, so I am afraid that the benefits will be reduced for a while. I was originally planning to invite Feng Laixian as the post of Captain. If you have If you are interested, it's not that you can't take the post of Captain." Situ Shibai hesitated for a moment, and then said.

Zhang Ping hurriedly refused and said: "I don't care about the position of Captain, I definitely can't do it. Are there any other positions?"

"Ordinary Captain or team members, I think you It shouldn't be interested, after all, it takes a lot of time to patrol every day, can you hold on?" Situ Shibai said with a smile.

He knows that Zhang Ping is actually very lazy, he is a type that can lie down and never stand up.

"Forget it, let's talk about the investigation team."

Sure enough, Zhang Ping immediately lost interest when he heard that everyday all was going to patrol.

Situ Shibai laughed and continued: "The investigation team has exposed a lot of drawbacks this time, so it must be reformed in the future, but the captain of the investigation team is still well paid, with a monthly salary of about 300,000 yuan. There are also benefits such as fixed real estate, free medical care, and the income from hunting in the wild belongs to individuals. In addition, the investigation team has a higher degree of freedom before the reform, and it is indeed a more suitable position for you."

"Old Mister Situ, how do I feel that you really want me to join the investigation team?" Zhang Ping looked suspiciously at Situ Shibai and asked uncertainly.

Situ Shibai said with a smile: "Pearl City now has two infinite abilities. If you are afraid of Zhu Family, you may not hide it again."

" So you want me to join the investigation team and leave Pearl City?" Zhang Ping suddenly said.

Situ Shibai nodded and said: "Yes, when you are in Pearl City, Zhu Family needs to care about me and you. It will definitely hide deeper and be more difficult to be caught, so I hope You can leave Pearl City, but you are still in a state of being able to contact at any time. Once the Zhu Family's tail is uncovered, we will give it another thunder!"

"Can I consider it?" Zhang Ping hesitated.

Situ Shibai hesitated after seeing Zhang Ping, so cunning said with a smile: "Well, don’t you youngsters like it all? If you agree to join the investigation team, I can approve you to join the sweep team. , And let Sisi, Shouzhong, and Xuejie assist you. When the time comes, I will set up a special operations team with Sisi as the leader. You and Shouzhong are members of the special operations team. Usually you are The Captain of the investigation team is responsible for the investigation task of the investigation team, but if there is a special operation from the sweeping team, Sisi will be in charge of the command."

"Where is Lu Han senior?" Zhang Ping blinked. Asked heartily.

Situ Shibai glared at Zhang Ping and said helplessly: "Lu Han was originally Jin Bo’s partner, and he was acting with you during this period. It’s because Jin Bo was injured and he will have to return sooner or later. You’re in Jin Bo’s battle group, so don’t think about it."

"Okay, the treatment..." Zhang Ping suddenly put out the idea of ​​poaching, his eyes rolled, and then he flicked up again. Pay attention to treatment.

Situ Shibai didn't know whether to cry or laugh and said: "Everything counts. The treatment of the sweeping team and the treatment of the investigation team will be divided into you. Is this okay?"


"Yes, quite possible!"

This treatment is indeed very good, Zhang Ping said with a smile satisfied.

Situ Shibai shook the head helplessly, and then couldn't help but laugh.

Today is undoubtedly a good day.

The two of them looked at Pearl City in a very good mood.



After Heavenly Fox disappeared, Pearl City was messed up for two days.

Finally, with the intervention of the various dojo Hall Masters, calmness was gradually restored.

Situ Shibai and Zhang Ping visited dozens of powerful dojo Hall Masters at night.

Finally, the new patrol team Captain and City Lord were selected through the assembly.

To be honest, Zhang Ping thinks the whole process is quite trivial.

No ordinary person has the opportunity to participate.

Whether it is the position of the captain of the patrol team or the City Lord, they are all jointly selected by several awakened members of cream of the crop.

What's even more hateful is that Situ Shibai also has the power to veto.

This proves once again.

In the extraordinary world, the big fists have the final say, and the weak have no right to object.


3rd day, Feng Laixian will take office.

Formally served as the captain of the patrol team.

At the same time, Bai De led many students who graduated from the Beastmaster Fist Hall to become the first patrol team members.

As the awakened dressed in the patrol team uniform walked the streets and alleys, the restless minds of Pearl City gradually calmed down.

But the dead cannot come back to life.

Many families have lost their loved ones, and it takes a long time to really smooth the pain.

It is worth mentioning that the post of City Lord is currently held by Jin Bo.

Situ Shibai can't believe these Hall Masters.

For a while, he has no better candidates, so he can only force Jin Bo to the upper position.

On the same day that Fenglaixian took office, Zhang Ping also became the Captain of the investigation team Kui, with all the houses and tickets.

The house he assigned is located to the east of Pearl City, very close to the city wall.

It is a three-story building with a studio.

Zhang Ping originally wanted to bring Liu Tiefeng into a new house to live together, but considering that Zhu Family was still watching in secret, this idea could only be given up in the end.

This also made him more determined to destroy Yuju Zhu Family.

Although he took over the role of Captain of the Gui team, he does not need to leave Pearl City immediately. Jin Bo has ordered people to call all the investigation teams that left Pearl City to return to Pearl City immediately.

It is estimated that many responsibilities of the investigation team will change.

Some investigation teams even need to accept accountability and investigation from the City Lord.

After all, there was such a big incident in Pearl City, and none of the investigation teams appeared. This is too problematic.

Of course, these things have nothing to do with Zhang Ping.

What Zhang Ping now needs to consider is where other members except Liu Sishan and others will be recruited from?

Under normal circumstances, the investigation team is a team of nine people.

Now there are only four people in the Gui team, which is still five people behind. Considering his own strength, his idea is that these five people, preferably all auxiliary talents, can provide convenience for life. Priority.

Each team of the investigation team has its own office building. The name of the office building of the Gui team is called Guilou.

Zhang Ping’s home is only has several points of Zhong’s distance from Guilou. After all, his house originally belonged to the Gui team. After the Gui team was annihilated, the house was allocated again and fell to his On hand.

Other people are actually assigned to the house.

However, Liu Sishan and Cheng Xuejie simply rented out the house, but Zhang Shouzhong was ready to live, and he was busy cleaning up the house like Zhang Ping.

A few days later, after finishing the house, Zhang Ping and the others met in Guilou.

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