Pearl City has a huge gap between rich and poor, especially the three major organizations, which are rich and imposing.

Guilou itself is just a fourth layer small building. If you count the basement, it is only 5-Layer at most, but it covers a very wide area. Not only is it itself like being built in a small park, all Around the trees are shaded, the environment is quiet and tranquil, and there is a small lake behind. After crossing the small lake, there are two arena for playing games and a training room covering an area equivalent to three football fields.

"Posted, posted, does this really belong to us?" Zhang Shouzhong walked on Xiaoshizi Road, looking at Guilou excitedly and said.

Cheng Xuejie said with a smile: "I only rented out the allocated house after seeing Guilou. From now on, Sisi and I will live here."

"I knew I was long ago Also rent it out." Zhang Shouzhong regretted.

Zhang Ping lightly said with a smile: "You rented out your house, how can you find a girlfriend?"

"That's right."

Zhang Shouzhong nodded Agreed.

If you really live with Cheng Xuejie and Liu Sishan, it would be hard to find a girlfriend.

Especially after Cheng Xuejie has mastered the biological force field, she can perceive the biological force field of the surrounding creatures. In case he wants to do something at night, Cheng Xuejie can watch his short movie every minute.

"Sister Sisi, you will keep the key of Guilou in the future. Although this is in the city, it is best not to relax your vigilance." Zhang Ping handed Liu Sishan the key previously given by Jin Bo. Then he said.

Liu Sishan took the key, nodded and said: "en."

"For so many days, to be honest, I still feel like I’m dreaming, we’re really saved Pearl City?" Zhang Shouzhong folded his hands on the back of his head, looked up at the blue sky, and couldn't help sighing.

Cheng Xuejie despised: "You and us, all Heavenly Fox was killed by Zhang Ping alone. We didn't do anything at all. It's weird if you feel involved."

"Hehe, who would have thought things went so smoothly, Moon King, as a King-level alienated beast, is too weak." Zhang Shouzhong said with a smile.

Liu Sishan took two quick steps to open the door of Guilou. Cheng Xuejie walked on the stairs and said lightly: "It’s not that Moon King is too weak, but Zhang Ping is too strong. If neither of them can To restrain the opponent’s abilities, fighting is inherently hard power. How does Moon King fight Zhang Ping?"

An alienated beast with a height of no more than ten meters and a weight of no more than ten tons, even if it is more powerful It's also impossible to be bigger than Zhang Ping's giant form. After all, Zhang Ping in giant form weighs as much as 2.15 million tons!

The sheer weight alone is enough to crush overwhelming majority creatures, not to mention that the metal coating also comes with extraordinary power.

"In fact, strictly speaking, I restrained Moon King. Moon King’s strongest ability is to distort cognition and subvert common sense. If there is no way to be immune to these two abilities, then I don’t know how to die. Captain is the best example. He can't unlock the two abilities of Moon King, so there's no resistance in front of Moon King." Zhang Ping followed Zhang Shouzhong, said with a smile.

Cheng Xuejie walked into the room and sighed: "Unreasonable super powers should be used against unreasonable super powers. Unfortunately, my ability is quite reasonable."

"Heavenly Fox's ability is not unreasonable. The main reason is that the level is crushed. If there is no Moon King, in fact, other Heavenly Foxes are not strong. Overwhelming majority of the same level awakened have the power to fight." Liu Sishan looked at the house and added.

Cheng Xuejie looked at Zhang Ping and said with a smile: "Zhang Ping, use your power and clean up!"

"I knew it was me."

Zhang Ping rolled the eyes, and then ready to open the projection of the clean world.

"Is it silly if I have the ability to use it? Isn't your new house cleaned with this ability?" Cheng Xuejie said with a smile.

Zhang Ping rubbed the jewel between his eyebrows, and said lightly: "I...forgot, it's weird, why can't it open?"

"Can't open it?" Cheng Xuejie Surprised.

Liu Sishan and Zhang Shouzhong also looked at Zhang Ping one after another. Zhang Ping closed their eyes and tried to communicate with the clean world, but they couldn't make contact.

"I don't seem to be able to contact the clean world anymore." Zhang Ping frowned.

Zhang Shouzhong stepped forward to touch the gems of Zhang Ping, and asked: "When did I get in touch?"

"Let’s think about it, I have already contacted you a few days ago. No, I just didn't feel it... Wait, maybe I couldn't get in touch with the clean world when I saw Moon King!" Zhang Ping carefully recalled.

Cheng Xuejie suspiciously asked: "Couldn't this be the illusion of Moon King?"

"Wait, if it is illusion, then you guys are fake?" Zhang Shouzhong became vigilant. Looking at everyone suspiciously.

Liu Sishan squinted his eyes, and said indifferently: "Zhang Ping, cipher."

"The wind is tight, screaming?"

Zhang Ping gave up calling To clean the world, look at Liu Sishan hesitantly said.

"Do you still have secret codes?" Zhang Shouzhong looked at Zhang Ping and Liu Sishan in surprise.

Liu Sishan said indifferently: "It's just an agreement made in order to guard against the unexpected, but it does not rule out that you are the existence that I imagined in my mind."

"No need So troublesome, Zhang Shouzhong, I order you to wake up!" Zhang Ping looked at Zhang Shouzhong and directly opened the mouth and said.

Zhang Shouzhong looked at Zhang Ping speechlessly, doubting: "Isn't it just that you are not allowed to lose and sink?"

"He is really Zhang Shouzhong." Zhang Ping Definitely said to others.

Cheng Xuejie rolled the eyes, vomiting: "How is this sure, contact Captain to have a try?"

"It's useless, the only weak spot here is that you can't contact the clean world. , You guys are really not like the hallucinations I imagined, at least I didn't know that Fatty had this dress, and the Senior Sister had a mole on his thigh, which I didn't know before." Zhang Ping shook his head.

Cheng Xuejie hurriedly covered her thigh and said in surprise: "So you are Zhang Ping like this."

"Okay, don't be kidding, I will contact Captain first, if we are really here In the illusion, things are in trouble." Liu Sishan said solemnly.

They have spent several days in the illusion, and they have not noticed any weak spot before.

If Zhang Ping is not connected to the clean world.

They didn't notice any clues at all.

This is too terrifying.

"In fact, is it possible that there is a problem with the clean world, so Zhang Ping can't be contacted?" Zhang Shouzhong sat in a chair and said another probability.

Zhang Ping shook his head and said: "Impossible, the clean world is one with me. If there is a problem with the clean world, then I will have a problem, and I will never be as alive as I am now."


Then he rubbed the jewel between his eyebrows, said with a bitter smile: "I blame my carelessness, the past few days did relax my vigilance."

"We can't blame you all, we I didn't find it either." Zhang Shouzhong was comforted.

Cheng Xuejie agreed: "Yes, I can only say that the enemy is too cunning."

"Is this an illusion?"

Suddenly, a door appeared out of In thin air, Situ Shibai walked out of the door. He looked at the crowd and asked: "Are there any other evidences besides Zhang Ping can't contact the clean world?"

"No." Liu Sishan replied.

Situ Shibai closed his eyes and activated various abilities one after another, but did not find any weak spot.

He condensed his eyebrows and said: "Zhang Ping, are you sure this is an illusion?"

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