At this moment, Zhang Ping's heart is a little confused.

In fact, he is not sure of the current situation, everything here is too real.

If it were not for the clean world, he would never have any doubts about all this.

He looked at Situ Shibai, nodded and said: "This is definitely...a fantasy, may be a dream. In short, it is definitely not the real world."

"That is Said, we are very likely to all enter the illusion or dream created by Moon King." Situ Shibai frowned.

Zhang Shouzhong got up and said: "Captain, I will go to the city to see, maybe there are other weak spots. I don't believe there are such perfect illusions."

"Everyone, go together! "Cheng Xuejie stood up and said.

Situ Shibai's body split into countless Avatars, opened the mouth and said: "I'm going to check some key locations, you don't need to go anywhere, wait for my news here."

After speaking, he quickly left each Avatar.


This world.

Tens of thousands of meters away from Pearl City, a large number of remains of Heavenly Fox exudes a stench.

When the wind blows the stench of blood to three hundred kilometers away, many flies and vultures move by the wind.

They came downwind, and they were all ready to have a full meal.

But when they flew into an invisible area, they all instantly lost consciousness.

Small Insects like flies are okay, they just fall on the ground motionless.

Birds like vultures are planted directly on the ground from high above, and they cannot die again.

In the center of this invisible area, a red giant stepped on a golden fox on his feet, holding a skinny red fox in his hand, his eyes closed and motionless.


Moon Prince was pinched by Zhang Ping's big hand, and did not fall into a deep sleep.

It is full of grief and anger, and it can’t wait to chopped up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades, but it can’t do anything, the only thing it can do is escape!

"Father, I will not disappoint your expectations. Sooner or later, I will come back and let all humans be buried for you!"

Moon Prince gritted his teeth, a little bit from Zhang Ping squeezed out of his hand, even if the skeleton shattered.

In fact, the first glance Zhang Ping and Moon King met was the ability of Moon King, but Zhang Ping’s mental toughness was too high, and Moon King could only pull Zhang Ping a little bit into his dreamland. .

The battle between Zhang Ping and Heavenly Fox is nine true and one false, so it is extremely difficult to find a weak spot.

Even, when Zhang Ping identified it, it did not completely conceal its ability, but only erased the last part.

Zhang Ping has not really identified King, so he didn't know that all Kings have a powerful King skill, Changman has it, Ji Kai has it, Waterlily has it, and Moon King has it too.

[King Skills:]

[Eternal Moon Sleeping: Consumes all self-spirit strength, instantly enters a sleepless state, and pulls all creatures within three hundred kilometers into the dream of Everlasting Moon, The time ratio between the dream and the world is 1000:1. When the creature dies in the dream, it wakes up in the world, and the body state is synchronized with the body state in the dream. 】

This ability is very powerful, but the disadvantages are also quite obvious.

Moon King can't control dreams. If it can't beat opponents in reality, then it can't beat opponents in dreams.

But it has a second choice in the dream, that is, to quit the dream and fall asleep completely.

After it fell asleep, everything in the dream was almost indistinguishable from reality, except that Time Flow Speed ​​was 1000 times faster than reality.

Only when all the life in the dream died unexpectedly or died of old age, it could wake up again.

If there is always a creature entering the range of 300 kilometers, then it is likely to be unable to wake up again until it dies.

If you don’t care about reality or illusion.

In fact, spending a lifetime in the dream of Yongyue is almost indistinguishable from spending a lifetime in reality.

It's just that after death in the dream, it will wake up in the real world, and the body will quickly synchronize with the body in the dream, and finally it will age and die.

Moon Prince once experienced the Moon King’s dream of eternal moon.

So it is very clear that this time, Moon King may never be able to wake up again.

It gritted its teeth and crawled out of Zhang Ping's hands, and its broken tails quickly grew out. When it fell to the ground, it was dying, stomach rumbling with hunger.

"Go now and kill all the humans in Pearl City!"

It looked in the direction of Pearl City, and suddenly Evil Thoughts grew, and countless cruel thoughts could not stop. pop up.

Suddenly, it felt a faint Spiritual Fluctuation, and its eyes immediately fell on Zhang Ping's feet.

At the feet of Zhang Ping, the remains of Moon King are emitting a little golden light.

These golden lights are spirit strength, but not spirit strength.

Activating eternal moon sleep sleep requires instant consumption of all Moon King’s spirit strength, so Moon King is already impossible to have excess spirit strength to activate any ability.

But it can burn its own Spirit Physique, as a King-level alienated beast, it has an extremely powerful Spirit Physique.

When Spirit Physique burns, the squeezed spirit strength can be used to do something.

The Moon King slowly emerged in the golden light spot. It looked at the Moon Prince and opened the mouth and said: "My son, this time is our defeat. They have found themselves in a dream. It's a matter of coming out sooner or later, run away, you are our moon clan's hope!"


Moon Prince couldn't help but shed tears.

It knows that Moon King burns its Spirit Physique, and it may not last long.

At the same time, it knew that Moon King was afraid that it could not think of it, so it ran to Pearl City to kill, and was finally killed by the people who woke up, so it burned Spirit Physique, prompting it to flee quickly.

In the past, it has always been very confident.

But now all confidence has been crushed by Zhang Ping.

It then realized that it had been sheltered by Moon King all the time.

Losing the shelter of Moon King, it is nothing.

"Go fast, don't waste time."

After Moon King finished speaking tiredly, the body composed of spirit strength gradually became dim and eventually disappeared completely.

"Father, sooner or later, I will avenge you and kill all human beings!"

Moon Prince wiped his eyes and looked at the person who was crushed by Zhang Ping Moon King said solemnly.

Then, it turned and fled in the opposite direction of Pearl City. Its tail even grew many mouths. It encountered sleeping creatures along the way, all of which were stuffed into its mouth.

Gradually, it disappeared in the distant woods...


Eternal Moon Dreamland.

In the Guilou, everyone was fidgeting, and from time to time they got up and walked twice.

Zhang Shouzhong worried: "I don't know if Captain has discovered anything. If we are really in a dream, shouldn't our real body be eaten by Heavenly Fox?"

" It's no use worrying now, waiting for Captain's news." Liu Sishan said lightly.

Ten minutes later, a Situ Shibai carried a dark man appearing out of thin air, and he said quietly: "He seems to know what, please see if you can ask for any clues."

The man in his hand has densely packed small letters on his face. If you look closely, you will find that it is full of stories.

True, the face is full of stories!

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