
"Zhang San."

"Real name?"

"Really, I It’s called Zhang San."


"No nickname, everyone calls me Zhang San."

"What do you know? "

"Would you like to believe me? Everything here is fake!"

"Oh? How do you know?"

"My ability is' Fictional stories', different stories appear on my face and body every day. These stories allow me to enter the corresponding illusory space, but I can't enter now. I have experienced this situation once before." Three looked at Liu Sishan, who was in charge of the inquiry, who had only replied.

Zhang Ping sits next to Liu Sishan, frowned: "That is to say, those with the ability of the space system will be aware of the weak spot?"

"No, Captain also has the ability of the space system ." Liu Sishan said.

Zhang Ping thought for a while, and simply used Appraisal Technique on Zhang San first.

If you have any questions, please look at the appraisal results.

In fact, in a dream, he is not sure whether the results of the identification and so on are accurate, but it is better than doing nothing.

In an instant, Zhang San’s attribute appeared in front of him:

[Appraisal Successful]

[Name: Zhang San]

[Race: Human]

[Power: Spring and Autumn Hall]

[Potential: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐]

[lifespan: 98]

[Level: Intermediate Awakened]

[Level: 18]

[Innate talent]

[Fictional story: One body is formed every day To five fictional stories, consume spirit strength and physical energy, can generate a story space, and get temporary abilities or temporary props from the story space. ]

[Advanced Skills]

[Intermediate-Review the old and learn the new: You can choose one of the abilities or props you have obtained in the past to re-engrave it every day, but you need to use the required cost to turn Times. ]


This ability is quite interesting.

However, seeing the densely packed small print on Zhang San's face, Zhang Ping felt that this ability did not seem so interesting.

"What force is the Spring and Autumn Hall?" Zhang Ping asked Liu Sishan in a low voice.

Liu Sishan frowned: "All the magazines and newspapers in Pearl City are from Chunqiutang. Is he related to Chunqiutang?"

They are members of the sweeping team and they are the most annoying. The thing is to deal with people from Chunqiutang.

There are traces of the sweeping team in many stories of Chunqiutang.

However, Chunqiutang doesn't know the name of the sweeping team, so they often name it randomly.

For example, what dragon group, Mingzhutang, dark night guard...

Although it has changed its name.

But the content written will more or less allude to the sweeping team.

Sometimes, in some stories, the pirated organization of the Sweeping Team is even the villain behind the scenes.

"He belongs to the Spring and Autumn Hall." Zhang Ping replied in a low voice.

Liu Sishan looked at Zhang San, frowned and asked, "What position do you hold in Chunqiutang?"

"I'm just a ghostwriter of Chunqiutang, and I occasionally write short stories. To Chunqiu Tang." Zhang San obediently and honestly replied.

In fact, he has never written any stories, just copying the stories that appeared on himself, because occasionally some stories will appear in places that he can’t copy, so he only makes some extra money occasionally, not every time Copy all.

"Two...sirs, I can ask, what is the situation now?" Zhang San then hesitated to ask.

He can be sure that this is not the real world. The problem is that everything here is too similar to reality. Apart from ability, he can't find any weak spot.

Liu Sishan calmly said: "Don't worry, the problem will be solved soon. Since you can realize that this is not reality, do you have any ideas?"

"My lord, you ask I, I still want to ask you." Zhang San said with a bitter smile.

Liu Sishan saw that Zhang San really didn’t know more, so he said: "You stay in the room for the time being and wait for news."

After that, Liu Sishan got up and took Zhang with him. Ping leaves the room.

Get out of the room.

Zhang Shouzhong and Cheng Xuejie asked immediately: "How about it, do you have any eyebrows?"

"No, but I am more sure that this is not the real world." Liu Sishan shook his head.

Zhang Shouzhong whispered: "If this is a dream, it is said that as long as you commit suicide, you can escape from the dream and return to the real world. Why don't you give it a try?"

"Okay, I will kill You, wait for you to return to the real world and then wake me up." Cheng Xuejie immediately said with a sneer.

At this time, Situ Shibai came back again, he brought back a madman, opened the mouth and said: "She also discovered that this is not reality, you can interrogate it."

" Yes, Captain!" Liu Sishan said meticulously.

This time Situ Shibai brought back a female lunatic, with disheveled hair, her body shrank into a ball, shaking her body from time to time, looking like a frightened bird.

"How to try?"

Zhang Shouzhong Situ Shibai left again, looked at the lunatic woman, and asked other people.

Liu Sishan stepped forward. Just as she was about to speak, the madwoman screamed and backed madly. Fortunately, the door was locked, so after she retreated to the door, she couldn't go back.

"Don't be afraid, I am not malicious."

Liu Sishan stepped forward slowly and said in a calm tone.

But this has no effect on the female lunatic, and the other party still keeps backing away in fear.

Zhang Ping frowned, and then use Appraisal Technique on female lunatics.

The female lunatic's name is Li Huatao, and she is also awakened.

But her ability is very weird, named'Dark Inspiration', which is still a passive ability, which will slowly consume her own reason.

She can perceive many things that ordinary people can't perceive. At first, she can face it sensibly, but after a long time, she gradually becomes what it is now.

The side effects of this ability are too big.

"Li Huatao!"

Zhang Ping stepped forward and suddenly shouted.

The lunatic woman immediately froze, and then looked at Zhang Ping in horror.

Zhang Ping tried to activate his abilities, and he actually condensed a contract gem.

He stepped forward, looked at Li Huatao, and said forcefully: "Come on, after eating it, your illness is not serious, I can cure you!"

At this time, Li Huatao's eyes opened wider and wider. In her eyes, a black sun was floating behind Zhang Ping's head. The sun was surrounded by a white giant snake, extremely terrifying.

She retracted madly, trembling with fear, muttering to herself: "Black sun, white snake, black sun, white snake, no...no, don’t come over, don’t come over!"

"Hey, eat it, or I'll come over!" Zhang Ping looked at Li Huatao and approached step by step.

Li Huatao is almost lost, so Zhang Ping's attitude must be strong enough, otherwise Li Huatao may not be willing to listen to him.

But he is not sure whether this contract gem is useful, after all, this is probably just a dream or illusion.

"If I eat it, you won't come over?" Li Huatao asked tremblingly.

Zhang Ping nodded and said: "Yes, if you eat it, I won't be near you."

"Then I will eat, I will eat!" Li Huatao nodded and said immediately said.

Li Huatao took the contract gem cautiously, she glanced at Zhang Ping, and then swallowed the contract gem.

In an instant.

She no longer trembles and trembles, her eyes gradually become clearer.

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