Situ Shibai has very strong strength, so his will equivalent to is a general trend.

As long as he still wants to support Jin Bo as the City Lord, as long as he is still willing to form a special team and is willing to appoint Zhang Ping as the Captain of the Gui team, then everything in the dream now will be restored sooner or later in the future. now.

This is not equivalent to a dream of foreknowledge.

Because of everything in the dream, reality will happen again sooner or later, and there is no probability of change.

Unless, someone is stronger than Situ Shibai, who can bring down Situ Shibai's "general trend".

Situ Shibai said with a slight smile: "Yes, that's it, so you don't have to worry about the problems after waking up from the dream, now what we need to do most is to leave the dream!"

"Then burst the moon, and do everything possible to burst the moon!" Zhang Shouzhong said excitedly.

After all, after leaving the dream, he still owns a new house. After all, the house in the dream is an illusory house. He can't wait to return to reality and clean his real new house.

Zhang Ping's mood is similar, he also wants to quickly end this boring dream.

"I'm going to contact other people, you go to the central square to stand by." Situ Shibai glanced at the sky outside the window, and then instructed Liu Sishan.

Liu Sishan nodded complied, after Situ Shibai left, she led everyone out of Guilou and headed to the central square.

The residents of the city did not realize that they were in a dream, so the streets were very lively. The advertisers were bustling, some talking loudly, some bargaining.

Everyone came to the central square and simply sat down by the pool and waited for the arrival of other awakened.

"By the way, I just had an idea. Since the time of dreams is one thousand to one in reality, can we use this to lure the people of Zhu Family out? For example, Captain suspended animation, Jin Bo There was a conflict with Zhang Ping's philosophy, and the final battle resulted in both sides suffer. I think the people of Yuju Zhu Family will definitely be tempted to run out and make trouble." Zhang Shouzhong whispered to others after seeing all around no one.

Liu Sishan said indifferently: "The method you mentioned, I actually thought about it, but have you ever thought about a problem?"

"What's the problem?" Zhang Shouzhong asked in confusion .

Liu Sishan replied: "This is not a real dream of foreknowledge, but our enemy, the king of the Heavenly Fox clan, the Moon King. It traps us in a dream with its power. You never thought... …Why does it trap us here? The time ratio between dreams and reality is one thousand to one. What's the point?"

"One thousand to one, there are indeed some problems. Is it trying to observe Dream, then understand our weaknesses, and finally use our weaknesses to defeat us in reality?" Zhang Shouzhong speculated.

Zhang Ping denied: "Probability is not big, so powerful ability is only used to observe the weakness of the enemy, it is inevitable that there is a feeling of anti-aircraft guns hitting mosquitoes, too much to use."

"If it is the other way around, our thinking will become slow, but the time in the real world will be infinitely stretched..." Cheng Xuejie pondered: "Will it be the aging in the dream, and it will finally be reflected in the reality world?"

"This is an interesting guess." Liu Sishan said with a slight smile.

Cheng Xuejie continued: "Because if the ratio of reality to dream is 1000 to 1, although we are less likely to find weak spots, the Moon King has to wait for several decades to kill us. It has this Patience? It’s better to kill us all."

"Don’t think so much, what we have to do now is to burst the moon and leave this incredible dream world!" Zhang Ping said with a smile.

In fact, he also thinks what Cheng Xuejie said is reasonable. The problem is that the speculation in this area is actually meaningless. The most important thing for them is to leave the dream.

At this moment, Feng Laixian and Bai De rushed over with all the patrol team members.

Feng Laixian and Bai De saw Zhang Ping and the others, so they ordered the other team members to stand by, and then the two walked towards Zhang Ping and the others.

"So, are we patrolling for nothing these days?" Bai De walked to Zhang Ping and sat down and asked with a smile.

Zhang Ping shrugged, said with a smile: "It's not a waste of time, at least the team has run in in the dream, and you can directly take the post when you return to Pearl City."

"No The salary is not for nothing." Bai De vomited.

Zhang Shouzhong teased: "The white instructor, why don't you go to Jin Bo City Lord and ask about the salary of the past few days, in case he thinks it should be paid."

"Well, when I leave the dream, I will definitely have a good chat with Jin Bo." Feng Laixian said solemnly.

Everyone couldn't help but laugh, and the pressure was much less for a while.

Next, powerful awakened continue to rush over, more and more people.

Acquaintances gather together to discuss dreams, and some are looking up at the sky, discussing how to burst the moon.

"Who knows how far the moon is from us?" Zhang Shouzhong heard someone discussing the distance of the moon not far away, and couldn't help but whispered to Zhang Ping and the others.

Zhang Ping smiled and shook the head, saying that he didn't know.

If it's Earth, he really remembers the distance between the moon and Earth, mainly the number 38 is easy to remember.

The moon is 380,000 kilometers away from Earth.

The problem is that this is not Earth, but another world.

So Zhang Ping really doesn't know how many meters is the distance between his planet and the moon.

"The moon should not be far away from us, I guess it should be only 100,000 meters." Cheng Xuejie speculated.

Liu Sishan denied: "Impossible is so close. If it is only 100,000 meters, many alienated beasts that can fly can easily fly up."

"Yes, impossible too Near, it should be in kilometers, I guess it should be more than 380,000 kilometers." Zhang Ping said with a smile.

He didn't want to say.


He doesn't want to guess the distance between the moon and the planet, after all, this is the foreign world.

But Cheng Xuejie’s guess is too far, and this also represents the thinking of the overwhelming majority Pearl City residents. Many people feel that the moon is not very far away from them.

"Is it that far?" Cheng Xuejie said with a surprised look.

Zhang Shouzhong also felt that the distance Zhang Ping said was too far. He was frowned: "Although I don’t agree with Senior Sister’s 100,000 meters, Zhang Ping, 380,000 kilometers is too far, so far. How far can we see the moon."

"Well, what Zhang Ping said is too exaggerated." Bai De agreed.


Zhang Ping really doesn't know what to say.

He understands Zhang Shouzhong's ideas very well. If it were not for the knowledge of previous life, he would definitely be the same as everyone else, thinking that the moon is very close, at least not so far away.

But he has no evidence now, nor can he refute Zhang Shouzhong's ideas, so he had to remain silent.

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