Fortunately, Situ Shibai and Jin Bo are here.

Everyone's attention quickly shifted to Jin Bo, Zhang Ping finally relaxed.

"Everyone already knows that we are now in a very real dream. The way to escape from the dream has been known, and that is to destroy the moon, so we need everyone's power." Situ Shibai Glancing at Jin Bo, and then standing back a little, Jin Bo stood in the center of the square, scanned everyone present, and said solemnly.

Awakened, generally the quality is relatively high, at least when facing life and death crisis, they are more calm.

Only a few people here know the identity of Situ Shibai, and Jin Bo, as the new City Lord who turned out, is known to most awakened, so it is natural that Jin Bo is in charge of the overall situation at this time.

Jin Bo saw that everyone had no objection to this, so he continued: "We need to do two things, one is to determine how far the moon is from us, and the other is to think about how to destroy the moon. Now everyone can Each airs his own views, let's come up with a suitable method together."

"Can you... let the flying awakened fly directly to the moon?" There is awakened whispered.

But soon there were other awakened denials: "No, my brother had the ability to fly before he was alive. He wanted to fly to the moon and have a look, but he was eaten by a bird."

"And the more you go up, the thinner the air, and the ability to fly is not enough." Someone added.

Zhang Shouzhong also opened the mouth and said: "Have you not climbed the mountain? The more you go up, not only the air becomes thinner, but also the colder. It really flies up and freezes into popsicles and falls down in minutes."


"In other words, if you want to fly to the moon, you must first consider the threat of alienated beasts, and then the air and temperature issues." Jin Bo concluded.

Zhang Ping found that although everyone doesn't understand the moon much, all the things that should be considered are taken into consideration.

"Why let all the awakened who can control the Earth Element together create a path to the moon?" Liu Sishan opened the mouth and said at this time.

Zhang Ping was taken aback and saw that Liu Sishan was very serious, so he quickly expressed his approval seriously.

"This is a way!" Jin Bo thought seriously.

Zhang Ping looked at Jin Bo in surprise, opened his mouth and didn't know how to persuade everyone to give up this idea.

"All awakened who can control the Earth Element go out!" Jin Bo opened the mouth and said at this time.

In an instant, more than 30 awakened stood up.

"Awakened with reinforcement ability will go out." Jin Bo continued.

Next, more than twenty awakened came forward.

Jin Bo looked up at the sky, and said lightly: "Let’s build a road to the moon first, and strengthen it by those who have the ability to reinforce it. If there are problems, we can raise them now."

"Which direction should we start building?" an Earth Element awakened raised his hand and asked.

Jin Bo casually said: "Start from here and keep building up!"

"This is too random!"

Zhang Ping listened , Couldn't help but complain.

The problem is that everyone seems to think this approach is feasible, and many people still nodded expressing good ideas.

Next, several Earth Element awakened got together and discussed for a while, and then the three Earth Element awakened injected all the Earth Elements in the body into one of them.

The awakened created a mound on the ground, and then continued to add the Earth Element upward, gradually forming a stone pillar that can be climbed upward.

"Okay, now that 1st Step has a solution, then everyone starts to discuss how to destroy the moon." Jin Bo stood in front of the stone pillar and said, looking at everyone.

Zhang Ping doesn't want to say anything anymore, can this really blow up the moon?

The problem is that he has no better way, although he has thought about gathering everyone's power to see if he can make a nuclear bomb, and then think of a way to send it to the moon to detonate.

As long as the equivalent is large enough, the moon is not indestructible.

But he didn't want this weapon to appear in this world in his heart.

Especially those who may have Zhu Family hidden among these awakened.

He can't investigate one by one.


Next, other people are also assigned various tasks.

Logistics, destroying the moon, thin air, cold, alienated beasts...

These issues are all assigned to different teams, and everyone is acting for the same goal. effort.

Awakened's thinking is always different from ordinary people.

It is mainly the ability of myriad, and cooperation can always produce unexpected results.


Several awakened of summon classes directly contract all the work.

There was even a ruthless who directly killed Summoned Beast as food.

Zhang Ping was curious to ask and found out that the ability of this awakened is to summon the ownerless alienated beast from all around random summon.

This was originally a summoner ability, but this awakened was transformed into a food summon ability.

Because most of the awakened in Pearl City are gathered here, Zhang Ping this time is really eye-opening, and it is too much for many people to eat.

Many abilities that are obviously very serious, under these awakened brain holes, all become awkward abilities.

In fact, the awakened of the summon alienated beast is already considered a more serious existence.

Zhang Ping really didn't expect to have awakened to turn metal manipulation, the ability to develop towards the'magnet king', forcibly into armor control.

The main reason is that the awakened has a simple mind, and he especially likes to fight with enemies. Gradually, this ability becomes armor control.

As long as it is metal, he can quickly turn into armor and wear it on his body.

Once there is armor on the body, then the metal manipulation can only control the armor, and can no longer control the rest of the outside metal.

Although the opponent is very strong.

But Zhang Ping really has a feeling of reckless waste of natural resources.

In the next few days, everyone will show their strengths, especially the Earth Element awakened, which is like being offered as a treasure.

Several awakened who were only responsible for the maintenance of the city wall in the past have directly become sweet cakes and are favored by ungirl awakened.

At the same time, a group of women awakened cooperated to create clothing that can protect against cold and transform breathing.

I have to say that awakened is brought together, and there is almost nothing that can't be done.

Zhang Ping looked at the towering stone pillar, and even began to wonder if he could really go to the moon through the stone pillar, right?

As a result, on the fifth day, the awakened who was responsible for the construction of the stone pillar came down from the stone pillar and happily announced that they had seen the moon, and they were only able to touch the moon before several hundred meters.


Zhang Ping looked at the cheering crowd dumbfounded, his mind was noisy.

"Let me just say, how can it be possible that there is tens of thousands of kilometers away, and the impossible is so far away, otherwise we are impossible to see the moon." Zhang Shouzhong said happily.

Zhang Ping swallowed, and wisely said nothing.

This is the dream created by Moon King. Sure enough, it is too silly to talk about science.

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