A few days later.

By the small lake behind the Guilou, Zhang Ping is wearing swimming trunks and enjoying the sun.

The recliner under him is made of jade stone-like bones, and is covered with a layer of golden fur. This fur is shiny and smooth, and you can see that it is a high level product.

There is no doubt that this is the fur of Moon King.

Zhang Ping this time did not beat the Moon King into meat sauce like in a dream.

Instead, feed its meat to the dog, and make its bones and fur into a chair.

He is not a cruel person, but Moon Prince's escape made it not perfect to save Pearl City, so he decided to keep the bones and fur of Moon King, which might come in handy in the future.

At least, he can be sure that Moon Prince will react when he sees his father turned into a chair.

If it feels angry.

Then Zhang Ping can determine its location with the body of Nethermist.

At this moment, Zhang Shouzhong, lying not far from Zhang Ping, patted himself full of fat belly, squinted and said: "Zhang Ping, are we really in the real world? I feel free."


"Not good said, maybe it was in Moon King's dream, why don't you try to commit suicide?" Zhang Ping took a drink and took a sip, then lay down comfortably.

He can already contact the clean world, so there is no doubt that this is the real world.

But if Zhang Shouzhong doubts, he doesn't mind making Zhang Shouzhong more skeptical.

After all, idle is idle...

"Do you know? The group of Earth Element awakened announced in the city today that they will build a pass not far from the city Going to the tower of the moon, when the time comes, you can consider to settle on the moon, what do you think?" Zhang Shouzhong did not follow up, but brought the topic to Earth Element awakened.

He is not stupid. He was not so much doubting whether he was in the real world, he was making complaints.

Zhang Ping was surprised: "Don't they have anyone flew up to confirm?"

"There are only a few people in the city who can fly. Those who are capable are not interested, those who are interested Without the strength, who would dare to fly around, really not afraid of being taken away by the alienated beast?" Zhang Shouzhong rolled the eyes and continued.

Zhang Ping squinted at the blue sky, and exclaimed: “It’s nice to be young. You can do whatever you want. It doesn’t matter if you fail.”

"Zhang Ping, You are only seventeen years old!" Cheng Xuejie walked up wearing a swimsuit and couldn't help but vomit when she heard Zhang Ping's sigh.

Her swimsuit is a very conservative swimsuit, except for the white thighs and snow-white arms, nothing is exposed.

"We are so idle, are we really okay?" Zhang Shouzhong looked at the dazzling thigh, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Zhang Ping took the drink and slowly absorbed the temperature of the drink through the inflammatory eater. After waiting for enough ice, he took another sip. Then said with a smile: "Jin Bo City Lord is going to get from the investigation team Adding a position, we are so idle, probably because of this."

"Adding a position?" Cheng Xuejie jumped into the lake and swam around, and then used the biological force field to sit on the water. , Said in surprise.

Zhang Shouzhong whispered: "Zhang Ping, where did you hear the news, why don't I know?"

He went to awakened the past few days often. The tavern, dojo gangsters, and heard a lot of gossip, but Zhang Ping said that he did not hear anything.

"Wind Whisperer?" Cheng Xuejie speculated.

Zhang Ping nodded and said: "Well, don’t say anything for now. I feel that this position is a bit offensive. It’s best not to get involved with us."

" , What position?" Zhang Shouzhong said ill-humoredly.

Zhang Ping just wanted to answer, suddenly Theron ran out of the deed.

It just fell heavily on Zhang Ping's chest, and Zhang Ping suddenly didn't catch his breath.

He lifted Theron with his hands and said uncomfortably: "Little Theron, do you know how heavy you are now? Almost crushed me."

Little Theron gem The eyes immediately showed an unhappy look, and immediately broke free of Zhang Ping's hand and jumped on his belly.

"Little Theron, come, hug the elder sister!"

When Cheng Xuejie saw Little Theron, her eyes immediately turned into the shape of love, and she stretched out her hand to rush towards Little Theron.

However, the little Theron let out a crisp cry, and several little Spirit Physiques immediately ran out of the clean world, just blocking Cheng Xuejie.

Then little Theron took the little Spirit Physique and played around the lake like a big sister.

This small lake is very safe.

Zhang Ping and the others have inspected the entire lake a few days ago, turning all the alienated animals in the water into food.

So Little Theron is not dangerous to play by the lake.

At this time, Chen Shuang brought the red melon up, put it on the small table next to Zhang Ping, and whispered: "Master Zhang Ping, please have melon."

"Thank you."

Zhang Ping slightly smiled, and then took a bite of a red melon.

Red melon is a kind of red on the outside, and the inside is actually golden fruit. It is about the same size as cantaloupe. It has a complex taste and a bit sweet, but it is more of a red melon flavor.

Just as watermelon has the taste of watermelon, and apple has the taste of apple, the taste of red melon belongs to red melon. The best adjective is red melon taste.

"Sister Chen Shuang, I want to eat red melon too!" Zhang Shouzhong looked at Chen Shuang pitifully.

Chen Shuang is Zhang Ping's attendant, but she has a will that belongs to her alone, and is not controlled by anyone. She picked up the dish and walked to Zhang Shouzhong's side, said with a smile: "Let’s eat , Don’t be polite."

"Don’t worry, Zhang Shouzhong never knows what polite is!"

Zhang Shouzhong smiled triumphantly, and immediately took melons with both hands, and ate melons with big mouthfuls.

He finished eating four pieces of melon, and said with a thumbs up: "The melon cut by Sister Chen Shuang is delicious. When I look back and find the base of Zhu Family, I will definitely help you cut that kid named Zhu Jiuyang. "

"Then you work hard and eat more!" Chen Shuang said with a smile.

The more Zhang Shouzhong eats, the more fat and energy he has, so eating can really boost his strength.

"I'll go shopping in the city." Zhang Ping stood up and said.

After Zhang Shouzhong finished eating a piece of melon in three bites, he quickly asked: "Zhang Ping, when will we start recruiting?"

"Tomorrow, sister Sisi has already gone to the bulletin board A hiring announcement is posted over there." Zhang Ping replied.

Nethermist emerged from his body, and Nethermist gradually turned into loose clothes.

This is the ability he has been practicing in the past few days, making Nethermist as clothes as possible.

Nethermist itself is very loose, if the number is too small, it will be a little transparent, and outsiders can see the "scene" in Nethermist.

So if you want to turn Nethermist into a thin layer of clothing, you not only need to make Nethermist flat, but you must also compress Nethermist to make Nethermist opaque.

Even if it is daily leisure, Zhang Ping will not relax the training of ability. It just integrates training into life, and every move becomes part of training.

He left Guilou and walked on the empty street, occasionally'inquiring' a lot of news with his ears moving slightly.

It turned out that the residents all went to see the moon landing towers built by Earth Element awakened.

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