"Zhang Ping!"

Suddenly, a familiar voice came from Zhang Ping's side.

Zhang Ping looked at the alley to his side, his eyes widened suddenly, and happily said: "Pharaoh!" In the alley, Wang Jieming and Qiu Qiang were carrying them on their backs The big luggage, apparently just returned from outside the city, both of them have endured the hardships of a long journey.

Zhang Ping stepped forward and saw that the two of them looked good, and said happily: "Uncle Qiang, Pharaoh, I still want to find you in a few days, didn't expect you to come back first. "

He does have this plan.

Qiu Qiang and Wang Jieming live in camps outside the city in order to avoid Heavenly Fox.

However, the camp is not 100% safe, so Zhang Ping plans to go to the camp to find two people in a few days and take them back to the city.

"We listened to an adventurer uncle. He said that the city is safe, so Uncle Qiang and I thought about coming back." Wang Jieming excitedly said.

Zhang Ping pulled Wang Jieming, said with a smile: "Don’t rush home, sit at my house and have a meal together."

"Wait , Zhang Ping, what about Uncle Liu?" Qiu Qiang said in a low voice at this time.

Zhang Ping took a look at all around, and then approached Qiu Qiang’s ears and revealed the current situation in Pearl City a little bit. He said seriously: "Those people know the relationship between Grandfather Liu and me. If Grandfather Liu Liu returned to the city and was easily targeted by them and used them to pinch me, so Grandfather Liu had to live in seclusion outside the city for a while."

"Then can I meet Uncle Liu?" Qiu Qiang frowned .

Zhang Ping thought for a while, nodded and said: "Then two days later, I will take you to see Grandfather Liu."

"Well, good." Qiu Qiang nodded.

Actually, he was a little worried about whether Zhang Ping was hiding something from him. For example, Liu Tiefeng was actually...killed.

In short, he can only feel at ease if he has met Liu Tiefeng.

Next, the three of them went to Zhang Ping's new house together.

There is a clean world projection, and the whole new house is spotless.

However, Wang Jieming and Qiu Qiang are not people who care about their homes, and they didn't notice the special features of this house.

After a meal at Zhang Ping's house, they both left.

The main reason is that the two have not returned home for a while, and they are worried about the thief at home.

"That's right, Pharaoh."

Zhang Ping just sent the two away, and suddenly thought that the Gui team was recruiting, so he ran out again.

"What's the matter?"

Wang Jieming was carrying a large baggage. Hearing Zhang Ping's call, he stopped and turned around and asked Zhang Ping to come over.

"Do you want to join the investigation team?" Zhang Ping asked.

Wang Jieming nodded and said: "Of course I think my dad belongs to the investigation team."

"Which team does your dad belong to?" Zhang Ping hesitated and asked road.

Wang Jieming scratched his head, shook his head and said: "I don't know, my dad never told me."

"Well, if you want to join the investigation team, you can tomorrow Come find me, I'll give you the address." Zhang Ping thought for a while, then said.

Although Wang Jieming's current strength is far inferior to him, it does not mean that Wang Jieming's aptitude is not good.

In fact, just give Wang Jieming a chance.

Sooner or later, he will become the mainstay of Pearl City.

"Well, see you tomorrow!" Wang Jieming remembered the address, nodded and said.

Zhang Ping said with a smile: "Okay, see you tomorrow."

He looked at Wang Jieming leaving, his heart was much more relaxed.

There are not many people he cares about in Pearl City, Qiu Qiang and Wang Jieming are one of them.

Qiu Qiang and him are both teacher and friend and elders, and Wang Jieming is a true friend.

Wang Jieming was really desperate in order to invite Bai De to go to an appointment with Feng Laixian.

If there is no Wang Jieming, please come to Bai De and Fenglaixian, Zhang Ping and the others may not be able to reach the Peak of Heavenly God safely.

Along the way, Feng Laixian helped the team too much.

Zhang Ping is very aware of Wang Jieming's contribution, so he plans to recruit Wang Jieming into the Gui team first, and then apply for rewards for Wang Jieming. I believe Situ Shibai will not be stingy with the one that belongs to Wang Jieming. Rewards.

"Zhang Ping, there is a case, let's talk as we walk!"

After Zhang Ping went home and lay the dead fish, Liu Sishan came to the door.

"Sister Sisi, didn't you go to post the recruitment announcement? Why did you get the task?" Zhang Ping sat up from the sofa and asked in surprise.

Not to mention strange or strange, he still got up and followed Liu Sishan out.

Liu Sishan said as he walked: "The main reason is that this case is related to the Gui team itself. Instructor Bai De, he received the case and was going to investigate. He happened to meet me, so...the case fell into my hands. Inside."

Pearl City does not have many laws and regulations, it is actually a society of human relations, so in many cases, as long as the connections are strong enough, it can really act wilfully.

Of course, even if you have invincible connections, you can't be too outrageous and outrageous.

Otherwise Situ Shibai will tell these people what rules are.

Normally, the case of the patrol team will definitely not be the turn of the investigation team to dictate, and it is even more impossible to transfer to the investigation team. The problem is that this case is a bit special.

The name of the deceased was Zhou Dahao. He was a weapon merchant and also a purchaser of alienated beast materials from Pearl City one of the very best. Many adventurers had business dealings with Zhou Dahao.

However, Zhou Dahao has another identity, that is, the special adviser and weapon sponsor of the original Gui team.

"How did Zhou Dahao die?" Zhang Ping listened to Liu Sishan's introduction, and then asked.

Liu Sishan said seriously: "Zhou Dahao has been dead for almost four days. The patrol team received Zhou Dahao’s wife asking for help. Later, he found Zhou Dahao’s body in a dark room of Zhou Dahao’s house. He was alive by things. It's crushed."

"Let everyone gather, let's go to the scene first." Zhang Ping thought for a while, helplessly said.

He wasn't the material for investigating the case. Just listen to Liu Sishan's words. He didn't have any clues at all, so he had to go to the crime scene first.

On the way, Zhang Ping thought of the issue of weapon sponsors, so he asked: "Sister Sisi, do we still need weapon sponsors now?"

"In fact, Dahao Zhou and The original Gui team should have a closer relationship. Don’t forget what the original Gui team is, so I took this case. The purpose is to see if I can follow the vines and find clues about the Zhu Family. ."Liu Sishan lightly saying.

Zhang Ping suddenly said: "so that's how it is, I thought it was really a consultant or a weapon sponsor."

"These two identities should not be fake, look back We also need to find suitable consultants and'sponsors' who can recycle alienated animal materials at high prices. After all, if you sell special materials to shops, you are actually exploiting most of the benefits." Liu Sishan explained.

Adventurers often have more familiar shops.

In those shops selling special materials, you can get a relatively high price.

When investigating teams go out to investigate, they can often hunt alien beasts easily. Naturally, they also need a partner.

Zhou Dahao is the partner of the original Gui team, but because the original Gui team is a member of Yuju Zhu Family, Zhou Dahao's identity has become very suspicious.

As a result, his unfathomable mystery died in a secret room, and Liu Sishan decided to investigate the cause of his death.

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