Pearl City has many weird buildings, and buildings that violate architectural mechanics are emerging in endlessly.

Zhou Dahao’s residence is one of them. His house is built on a swimming pool and looks like a bird cage. Because of its awakened ability, this house is very unscientific, but But there is no danger of collapse at all.

Zhang Ping and Liu Sishan returned to Guilou to call Cheng Xuejie and Zhang Shouzhong, and then they came to Zhou Dahao's residence.

Looking at the strange house inside the fence, Zhang Shouzhong blew a whistle, said with a smile: "It turns out that this fishing house is Zhou Dahao's home."

"Fishing House Well, it's pretty vivid." Zhang Ping looked at Zhou Dahao's house and couldn't help saying with a smile.

They walked to the gate, which was already blocked by the patrol team. Liu Sishan showed the pass given by Bai De, and then went into the fence with everyone.

Zhou Dahao’s house covers a large area, and a lot of flowers and plants are planted in the courtyard.

"These flowers and grass are so well-opened, there won't be a lot of people buried underneath." Zhang Shouzhong reached out and picked a rose and sniffed it, then whispered.

Zhang Ping's thought power enveloped the flowers and plants, and then the ground rolled for a while, actually turning out several bones.

"Fuck, Zhang Ping, don't you suddenly scare me!" Zhang Shouzhong was shocked when he saw the bone.

Zhang Ping checked, said with a smile: "It's not human bones, it should be the bones of corpse apes, Land of Buried Bones, it's pretty good."

He Mind has the ability to analyze.

In the analysis, this lush place is called'Land of Buried Bones', so after Zhang Shouzhong finished speaking, he couldn't help but open it.

Fortunately, it's just the bones of a corpse ape.

Next, the four of them walked into Zhou Dahao's home. His home was very interesting. It was necessary to climb a ladder to reach the house hanging from the swimming pool.

But the crime scene was not in that house, but under the pool.

That was a dark room. The entrance was just behind the stairs that went up the house. Zhang Ping and the others walked into the dark room under the leadership of a patrol team responsible for guarding the scene.

This is a dark room of about 100 square meters, stacked with a lot of gold and jewelry, and Zhou Dahao's body is not far from a treasure chest.

Zhou Dahao's body was already highly decayed, and it looked like he was being pressed down from a height by something, pressing his internal organs and blood out of his body, and his death was extremely terrifying.

"I'll stay in the deposit contract."

Zhang Shouzhong couldn't stand it when he came in. The next moment fat energy constitutes the alloy king, and he himself presses the deposit contract on the alloy king's At the center of his eyebrows, his body instantly entered the deposit deed.

"Me too!"

Cheng Xuejie covered her nose and mouth, and couldn't stand it either.

next moment, she pressed the deposit deed to the left side of the alloy overlord’s chest, and quickly hid in the deposit deed.

Zhang Ping covered his mouth and nose, looking at Liu Sishan, he wanted to stop talking.

"No, you have to stay!" Liu Sishan saw Zhang Ping's thoughts and immediately refused.

Zhang Ping had to transform his body into a body of pure water, and only then began to observe Zhou Dahao's situation.

After analyzing the power of mind, he quickly came to a conclusion similar to that of the patrol team.

Zhou Dahao indeed died four days ago.

Moreover, the heart was crushed to death by something alive. The overall feeling to Zhang Ping was like a mouse pinched to death by his hands.

"There are no more clues, the murderer should be awakened."

Zhang Ping carefully analyzed Zhou Dahao's body, resisting the nausea, and finally said helplessly.

In his opinion, only awakened can kill a person without leaving any clues, and it is still a secret room killing.

"Four days ago, it may not be awakened." Liu Sishan looked thoughtful.

Zhang Ping reacted and speculated: "You mean killing in the Moon King dream?"

"Yes, it happened that Moon King pulled everyone into the dream four days ago The patrol team has confirmed that if they are killed in the Moon King’s dream, they will die in the same way when they return to reality.” Liu Sishan nodded and said.

After the end of the Eternal Moon Dream, some deceased people with bizarre deaths did appear. Two of them were drowned, but they were in the mountains and there was no water source for several dozen li.

Two other people fell from a height and died at home.

So, Liu Sishan's guess is not unreasonable.

Zhang Ping said with a headache: "Would it be more difficult to find out who killed Zhou Dahao?"

"We were not here to find the real culprit." Liu Sishan whispered Reminded.

They are here to investigate whether Zhou Dahao has any connection with Yuju Zhu Family.

As for who killed Zhou Dahai.

In fact, it is not that important.

Of course, if the person who killed Zhou Dahao was a member of Yuju Zhu Family, then they would definitely have to look down.

Next, Zhang Ping and the others began an investigation around the darkroom.

This is not so much a dark room as it is Zhou Dahao's vault.

There are not only a lot of property, but also some important treasures.

These things are added together, worth at least tens of millions of Pearl coins, and there are many special materials. They belong to the treasures that are invaluable and can be quickly released once they appear.

"The things here give me a feeling that Zhou Dahao seems to be ready to escape anytime and anywhere." Zhang Shouzhong controlled the Alloy Overlord and picked up a golden reverse scale. After confirming that it was genuine, he couldn't help but say to everyone .

Next, he threw the scales to Zhang Ping, said with a smile: "This is the reverse scale of the pseudo Dragon Snake. It is generally used to forge mirror armor. The value of this piece is about 200,000 to 500,000. In the meantime, if you encounter urgently needed customers, you can even sell for 800,000."

"Well, I know that the reverse scale of the pseudo Dragon Snake rarely appears in the market, and it is usually the merchants who buy them quietly. , Quietly digested." Zhang Ping played with golden scales like Gold Jade, nodded said.

He knows this material.

But I haven't really used it, this is the first time I have seen a real thing.

At this moment, his ears moved slightly, and he immediately looked up to the right hand, which was the direction of the door.

Outside Zhou’s house, a ragged man looked at Zhou Dahao’s fishing room with excitement. His face was flushed and his breathing was very rapid, which quickly attracted the attention of members of the patrol team.

The two patrol members immediately became vigilant.

One of the fingers quickly turned into a shield, and the other pulled out the spine from behind and turned into a bone whip.

"Who you are?" The shield players stared at the man and asked seriously.

The man took out a potion, his eyes fell on the two patrol team members again.

He excitedly said: "Do you know? Some people were born to be humans, some were born to be beasts, but now...the king has given us a new choice!"

"Put down what's in your hand, raise your hand!" The team member holding the bone whip immediately shouted loudly.

But the man didn’t listen at all and swallowed the potion in one bite. The team member holding the bone whip immediately drew the whip over, but the man’s body gradually turned red, and the whip quickly carbonized before it came close to the man. .

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