The man opened his hands and said with a big smile excitedly: "I feel it. This is the power the king has given me!"


In an instant, he turned into a torch.

Countless red fire snakes grew from his back, and the golden snake pupils opened, staring at the two patrol team members in front.

"What is this?"

The two patrol team members stepped back in horror, looking at the fire snake behind the man, their faces suddenly pale.

After the man got excited, he thought of the task the king gave him, so he stepped forward on the flames, said with a sneer: "Do you think you are aloof and remote? Do you think you can rule everything? No, only The king is qualified to rule everything. You are just a group of bastards, robbers, and garbage with power."

After that, six fire snakes attacked two patrol team members at the same time.


When the Fire Snake was about to hit two patrol team members, a large number of Nethermist penetrated the ground and blocked them in front of them. explode.

The swimming pool at Zhou Dahao’s house burst open, and Zhang Ping, Liu Sishan, and Alloy Overlord immediately came out of the pool.

The man saw the three Zhang Ping and immediately calmed down. He remembered the task that Wang had given him, so he gave up attacking the two guards guarding the gate, and went around to the city on the right hand side. wall, use the fire snake to prop up yourself.

He climbed the city wall into the Zhou residence, and immediately rushed to the swimming pool.

"Turn to ashes under the power of the king!"

As soon as Zhang Ping fell to the edge of the pool, the man controlled all the snakes to open their mouths, one after another golden Fireball Shoot at Zhang Ping.


In an instant, Zhang Ping covered three layers of metal coating, and then he slapped the Fireball apart by hand.

He stepped forward quickly and knocked the man to the ground with a punch.

However, the fire snake behind the man seemed to have its own will, and still quickly wrapped Zhang Ping's legs, and opened his mouth to reveal the golden teeth.

The temperature of its teeth is very high. As a result, the metal coating on Zhang Ping's body has become unusually sharp at a little water chestnut.

Zhang Ping cut off these snakes one after another with a knife, and lifted the man with one hand.

"Don't move, use the power again, I will kill you!" Zhang Ping warned directly.

The man’s face was distorted because of the pain, and he was also terrified at this time, but before he raised his hand to surrender, the originally broken fire snakes grew their heads again and all bite the man’s head.


The man didn't expect Fire Snake to attack him suddenly, and his head quickly became familiar before he could beg for mercy.

When Zhang Ping saw this scene, he could only put the man on the ground, but the next moment the man’s body exploded. He was blown away immediately, and Zhou Dahao’s fishing room was even further away. The blowing frantically shook, and a huge crack appeared in the tower supporting the fishing house.

After the explosion, all the walls of Zhou’s house collapsed, all plants were pulled up by the roots by the air wave, and even the houses of neighbors on both sides were affected, and many glass cracks appeared obvious.

Zhang Ping was sitting under the fence of Zhou's neighbor, and found that his metal coating was broken.

"Zhang Ping, are you okay?"

At this moment, Zhang Shouzhong drove the Alloy Overlord and quickly came over and asked.

At the moment the explosion occurred, Zhang Shouzhong protected Liu Sishan from hiding in the dark room under the pool, so he was not affected by the explosion.

"I'm fine, let's go, go and see!"

Zhang Ping shook his head, then stood up and looked at the center of the explosion, and said solemnly.

On the place where the man exploded, there was only a big hole left, let alone a corpse, not even scum.

Liu Sishan controlled the pure water to come out of the dark room, walked to the edge of the big pit, and squinted: "It seems that Zhou Dahao and Yuju Zhu Family must have a relationship that we don't know."

"Sisi, you mean, this killer was sent by Yuju Zhu Family?" Zhang Shouzhong reacted.

Cheng Xuejie opened the mouth and said in the deposit deed: "I don’t think it is like Yu Beast Zhu Family’s method. He is too high-profile. If it were Yu Beast Zhu Family, he would kill Zhou Dahao. At that time, you should clean up your hands and tails. There is no need to send dead men to die."

"I don't think it is like it, but besides Yuju Zhu Family, I can't think of anyone who wants to destroy Zhou Dahao. The scene of death." Liu Sishan said solemnly.

Zhang Ping took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and said: "Then check, check As the water recedes, the rocks appear!"

He just saw it very clearly, that man Before dying, it was obvious that he did not regard death as home, but was very scared.

The other party didn't want to die at all.

Zhang Ping and the others returned to the dark room, and then everything was investigated aside again.

After confirming that there was no clue in the dark room, they entered the fishing room to investigate again.

In half an hour.

They got nothing, and came out of the fishing room disappointed.

At this time, Bai De brought the team over. After seeing Zhang Ping, he quickly stepped forward, pulled Zhang Ping and the others aside, and solemnly said: "Zhou Dahao’s great weapon The shop was set on fire. I rushed over and the whole shop was burned to ruins."

"Instructor, you mean...someone is destroying the evidence?" Zhang Ping narrowed his eyes.

Bai De nodded and said: "I'm afraid this matter is not simple, what did you find here?"

"No." Zhang Ping helplessly said.

Zhou Dahao does not seem to have the habit of taking work home.

Although there are a lot of luxury goods at home, and even a lot of belongings are hidden, but there is nothing related to work.

Bai De listened, frowned: "Then this case may not be easy to investigate."

"Instructor Bai De, where is Zhou Dahao's wife?" Zhang Ping thought of Zhou Dahao's The wife might know something, so she asked.

Bai De shook her head and said: "I don’t know, she saw her husband’s body, and then became unconscious because of her emotions. We sent her to the hospital, and then she woke up and said she was going to the bathroom...Finally Disappeared."


Zhang Ping opened his mouth, feeling extremely absurd.

Such important news.

Bai De is only telling him now!

"Sorry, I am also the first time to be a captain of the patrol team." Bai De also realized that this was his own omission, and said sorry.

Zhang Ping said with a bitter smile: "So, we don't have any clues now?"

He understands Pearl City's unprofessional in this respect.

But this is too bad.

Liu Sishan opened the mouth and said at this time: "In fact, it is not without clues. I asked Man Ni to check it for me. Zhou Dahao also has a younger brother named Zhou Xiaohao. He is a Adventurer, Zhou Dahao’s shop, was sponsored by Zhou Xiaohao at the beginning, and then slowly started."

"Instructor Bai De, let people go to Zhou Xiaohao." Zhang Ping immediately looked at Bai De.

Bai De nodded and said: "Okay, I'll let someone go to Zhou Xiaohao."

After Bai De left, Zhang Ping simply searched Zhou Dahao’s home again. .

He originally cared about Zhou Dahao's wife, so he didn't investigate in many places, but now that Zhou Dahao's wife has disappeared, there is no need to worry about that much.

"Hey, Sister Sisi, Zhou Dahao’s wife is Zhao Lifang!?"

Zhang Ping found the marriage certificate of Zhou Dahao and his wife after seeing the name. Thought about it.

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