After obtaining an accurate answer, nodded replied "Yes, indeed Zhoutai Hao's wife called Zhao Lifang."

Liu Sishan Contact Man Ni,.

", and I probably know Zhao Lifang where we hid." Zhang Ping put away the marriage certificate, immediately got up and said.

For most people, this case is really bad check.

The main is the other side too careful too careful, not to mention a fingerprint or something, even a hair did not fall.

plus Pearl City is not the kind of past life everywhere camera modern city, killing one person, looking for witnesses is not easy.

But if you say no way, in fact, is not right.

Pearl City is awakened, the ability to have a lot of bells and whistles.

If a general case, I really can not find the truth, then the Guard can ask a professional detective to help solve the case.

This is just the case may be related to the Royal Veterinary Zhu Family, we can only rely on themselves to investigate Zhang Ping.

Fortunately, Zhang Ping is not an ordinary person.

Wind Whisperer often bring him some of the unfathomable mystery of the message.

These messages, overwhelming majority are spam, but occasionally there are some useful information.

Four weeks away from home.

Next Zhang Ping ahead toward the outside door.

"Zhang Ping, do you have any clue?" Shou King in control of the alloy follow Zhang Ping, curiously asked.

Zhang Ping nodded and said: "Zhao Lifang actually not called Zhao Lifang, her real name is Zhao Lili, but she was awakened!"

"how do you know?" Shou in doubts .

Zhang Ping explains: "The dream of all involved in the construction of Earth Element awakened, I know, even if the other party hooded face!"

"Zhao Lili is one of them that? masked woman? "Liu Sishan immediately react.

In the months dreams forever, Earth Element awakened do have a few people who do not expose their true appearance.

Some of them masked with Heijin, some with masks blocked.

ago, Liu Sishan also used to conceal his true face masks with ice, so am not surprised.

such people.

Pearl City also 8,000 no ten thousand, not worth make a fuss about nothing.

"Yes, when the real name is Zhao Lifang Zhao Lili, then destroy the moon, she is not masked with the other two women appeared on the city wall, I heard the other said she was Zhao Lifang, as well as a woman called her Mrs. weeks. "Zhang Ping explained.

In fact, none of this information is voluntary him to find out.

The problem is that there are always some mess of information are automatically sent to his side.

"So Zhao Lili suspect very large, she is probably kill Zhoutai Hao murderer." Liu Sishan listening explained Zhang Ping, Lenovo immediately to Zhoutai Hao to die.

Zhou Dahao this to die, in fact, a lot of ability can be completed.

For example, a study into force huge hand to crush the other side.

Zhou Lili method, should form a rocky arm, using the Earth Element Zhouda Hao directly crush energy.

"No, ah, Zhao Lili Why kill Zhoutai Hao, but why should she personally looking Guard?" Then ask questions Chengxue Jie Road.

Zhang Ping shrugged, replied: "I do not know, maybe find Zhao Lili know."

Pearl City just outside, a large number adventurer is alert.

At the same time there are a lot of people to watch, in the crowd, a few Earth Element awakened being fixed foundation.

they are ready to build towers with access to the moon again.

this time, their goals are more ambitious.

They are not holding the moon to destroy the idea to make the tower leading to the moon, but may want to create a contact channel.

in the future, they will build a new city on the moon, and the moon became the first residents of the city.

Zhang Ping and the others into the crowd, wearing a mask immediately see Zhao Lili, taking advantage of their ability to foundation reinforcement, when she saw Zhang Ping, suddenly slightly shaking a bit.

In fact, most people are aware of the presence of Zhang Ping, Zhang Ping and seen the horror of that giant form in a dream.

original noisy venue quieted down.

Many people in the heart guess, Zhang Ping appear here want to do.

"all go back ten meters."

Zhang Ping scanned the crowd, then removed decyl team Captain token, opening ordered.

We have to go back.

Zhao Lili quietly mixed in the crowd, but soon to be read with Zhang Ping force horde.

"Zhao Lili, I have a few questions to consult you, I hope you can match it." Zhang Ping stepped forward, looking at the panic Zhao Lili, straight to the point of said.

Zhao Lili trembling look to Zhang Ping, fear and said:. "Please, do not ask me, I do not know"

"It can be said yet?"

Zhang Ping Zhao Lili seen fear, he thought, control Nethermist directly semicircular shield isolated spy of all.

"Your honor, I really do not know anything." Zhao Lili find that they can move, burst into Diqi Road.

Liu Sishan looked Zhao Lili, serious and said: "? That your husband is dead, why did you run away"

"ho once told me that if he died the day I hastened incognito to escape. "Zhao Lili replied.

Zhang Ping and Liu Sishan are slightly frowned.

If Zhao Lili said is true, it means that have had plans in this regard Zhouda Hao before.

Even Zhouda Hao themselves feel that they might die.

But Zhao Lili suspect very large, Zhang Ping impossible to listen to what she would say what the letter.

It is also possible that Zhao Lili for acquittal deliberately released smoke bombs.

Zhang Ping squint squinting, serious look at Zhao Lili, continued: "Zhou Dahao shop, who has just been burned, but the house has also been mysterious person weeks of attacks, apparently was ready kill a witness to silence them, if you know what'd better say it, I put the case broke, you're safe. "

" I think about it, you let me think about it, he ho some time ago very excited, as if experiencing a good thing, I asked him, but he did not tell me, but then I heard him say in a low voice, what awakened what is so amazing, everyone is awakened after that kind of thing, other I really do not know. "Zhao Lili pale forehead are all cold sweat, and finally confessed.

Everyone is awakened?

Zhang Ping and Liu Sishan each other as one, feel a little ridiculous.

Next, they are slightly away from Zhao Lili, and is formed using a thin insulation Nethermist layer.

"Do you think she is the murderer ...... do?" Liu Sishan looked Nethermist the other side of fear Zhao Lili, some shaken Road.

Zhang Ping shook his head and whispered:. "I do not know, but she is currently the prime suspect, no matter what she said, do not believe in but do not rush to conclusions"

"to she may be acting. "Shou in agreed.

awakened ability to all kinds of strange things, the body is often different from ordinary people.

Although Zhao Lili fear is very real, even demeanor could not find any weak spot, but the suspect is suspected.

Prior to get rid of the suspects, Zhang Ping will not believe anything Zhao Lili said.

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