Of the three organizations, the most powerful is undoubtedly the sweeping team hidden behind the scenes.

The members of the sweeping team only need to be responsible to Situ Shibai. Situ Shibai thinks it is appropriate, so even if it is unreasonable, it is legal.

The rest of the investigation team and the patrol team.

In fact, there is a clear division of responsibilities. The patrol team is responsible for the inside of the city, and the investigation team is responsible for the outside of the city.

But Pearl City is a human society.

If the Captain of the patrol team has a good relationship with the Captain of the investigation team, in fact, it can be done cheaply in many cases.

This is also the reason why Zhou Qingbai could secretly bring alienated beasts into the city.

Pearl City has never been a place with strict laws.

For the residents of Pearl City.

There is not much difference between the three major organizations.


Because Zhao Lili had no evidence to prove his innocence, Zhang Ping decided to ask Zhao Lili to stay in Guilou for a period of time.

Of course, staying temporarily is just a decent way of saying.

In fact, Zhao Lili was detained.

Back to Guilou.

Zhang Ping sat down on the sofa in the lobby, rubbing his temples and vomiting: "Fatty, next time you encounter a similar case, let's just transfer it to another group of the sweeping team. Our IQ is just Not suitable for this."

On the way back, the more he thought about it, the more confused he became.

"Don't say it, I feel like my head is about to burst." Zhang Shouzhong came out of the contract and lay down on the corpse.

Liu Sishan created an ice mask and put it on his face, and said indifferently: "Tonight I will visit Zhou Dahao's neighbor and the advertiser who has traded with him. Maybe I can find any clues."

"Then I will go too." Zhang Ping took a deep breath and then decided.

In fact, when he first started, he was still very confident.

The main reason is that he watched more than 1,000 episodes of "Conan" in his last life, one hundred and twenty-five episodes of "Young Bao Qingtian", and thirty episodes of "Detective Di Renjie". He felt that he was sure to solve the case.

Who knows that the murderers of Pearl City do not speak martial arts. Actually commit crimes with super powers.

Don't say it is a clue, there are no clues left.

How does this tell him to check?


Outside Guilou.

Several men dressed as farmers looked at each other, and then turned and left.

Two of them returned to the downtown area casually, leaving a short blue clothed man walking through an uninhabited alley, walking specifically to places with few people, and gradually entering the area where farmers live.

This is a slum in Pearl City.

The buildings are all wooden low-rise houses.

There are even many dilapidated houses with air leaking on all sides and rain on the top.

However, in the center of these messy houses, there is a circular wood house with a very wide area.

This house is obviously formed by the merger of a large number of other houses. It can be said to be the most luxurious and magnificent building in the slum.

The blue clothed man entered the round wood house from the side door, he walked through the long round corridor and entered an empty Conference Hall.

There are only five middle-aged men in the Conference Hall.

Although they are wearing farmer's clothing, their complexion and temperament are not comparable to ordinary farmers.

"How is the situation, Zhou Dahao...has the information on our side been exposed?" one of the men who kept the beard asked.

The blue clothed man whispered: "Reporting back to Elder Ma, buck-tooth is dead, he did not...have not completed the task, and...the patrol team and the investigation team have joined forces, the investigation team seems Brought back a woman from outside the city. Someone on our side recognizes that woman. She is Zhou Dahao’s wife."

"It’s troublesome. The patrol team and the investigation team have noticed our existence, I am afraid...the king will be in danger!" Beard Elder Ma frowned, said in a low voice.

Weilipai was created by their king'Weiliwang' with the purpose of creating a world where everyone has superpowers.

Most of the time, Weili Wang is doing research on this.

What Weilipai needs to do is to provide funding for Weiliwang's research.

Zhou Dahao is not a member of the Weilipai, but with the persuasion of the Weilipai lobbyists, he has funded a lot of Weilipai, and he also knows a lot of Weilipai information.

So after Zhou Dahao’s bizarre death, the Weili faction was worried that he would be exposed, so they sent a buck-tooth to burn Zhou Dahao’s home. In addition, they set fire to Zhou Dahao’s shop.

"I'm going to see the king, you continue to pay attention to the movements of the patrol team and the investigation team." Elder Ma pondered for a moment, and then decided.

The blue clothed man responded: "Yes."

After the blue clothed man left, Elder Ma immediately went to see King Weili.

The structure of this house is very complicated, with a large number of family members and children living in it.

With the cover of these residents, even if it is awakened, it is difficult to find the position of King Weili.

However, Elder Ma is a core member of the Weili faction, so he knows which room Weili Wang will be in every day.

He walked through the chaotic corridors, passed through many levels, and finally opened a piece of blue cloth into a clean room.

There are a lot of test equipment in this room. At the same time, an old man in white clothes is adjusting the equipment. He heard the footsteps behind him, and turned around to say solemnly: "I didn’t say that, no Don’t bother me if something is important!"

"Wang, Dahao Zhou is dead. Both the patrol team and the investigation team are investigating this. Yaqiang used the flawed fire snake potion you gave. We have died in a glorious battle, we need your wisdom, please guide us along the way!" Elder Ma bowed slightly and said sincerely.

Wang Weili Wang’s eyes flashed with rays of light, he was frowned: "Zhou Dahao? He is also our Weili sect person?"

"Zhou Dahao is not a member of the Weili group, but he Is one of the sponsors." Elder Ma replied.

William Wang listened, walked back and forth in silence, and asked: "How much does he know?"

"Not much, but in order to win sponsorship, Fourth Elder used to go with him I have met once." Elder Ma replied.

Fourth Elder Cheng Xuegong is the youngest Elder of all Elders, and he is also the most perfect masterpiece of Weiliwang at present.

Because of the existence of Cheng Xuegong, the people of the Weili faction are convinced of the abilities of Weili Wang.

"You go down first." Weili Wang frowned, glanced at Elder Ma, and then said solemnly.

Elder Ma hesitated to speak and stopped, and finally obediently replied: "Yes, that Ma Cheng quit!"

He cautiously exited the room, which was so worried and sighed.

In the room.

Weili Wang’s wrinkled forehead saw slight sweat, and the major event felt bad.

He just wanted to cheat and drink among these farmers, so why did he get into the investigation team and the patrol team?

"No, you must run away!" Wang Weili secretly said in his heart.

In fact, he is not a scientific researcher, just a useless awakened, the ability is that the eyes will flicker rays of light.

This kind of rays of light is not lethal, and it is not particularly bright, and it can't make people blind because of the strong light.

The medicine he gave Weilipa was actually accidentally obtained from the black market, and he didn't know that these medicines came from who.

But through these potions, he succeeded in making several ordinary persons of Weilipa temporarily possess the ability, and even really created a fourth elder with good strength, so he took root here, cheating, cheating and arrogant. Make money.

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