In Pearl City, the ordinary person may not know how strong the three major organizations are, but awakened basically knows it.

William Wang, his real name is Wang Wei.

Because the ability is useless, so he is not much different from the ordinary person, at best, the physical fitness is slightly better than that of the ordinary person.

When he was young, he used to impersonate an appraiser. Later, he felt that he might have to wear a gang, so he escaped through suspended animation.

After that, he joined a detective agency, pretending that his eyes could see through the clues of the case.

Because his eyes can flicker rays of light, and he has found clues several times, so he actually stopped in the detective agency.

After working in the detective agency for ten years, he also learned a lot of detective abilities, so relying on the ability to flash his eyes, he caught a pretty widow who was much older than him.

With the funding of this rich woman, he opened a detective agency after leaving his job.

Unfortunately, the good times do not last long.

That pretty widow is also a romantic figure.

Not only hooked up with him, but also had an unclear relationship with several awakened.

One of the face leaders possesses the identification ability, so he was designed by the opponent, and the identity of the useless person was revealed on the spot.

Fortunately, the rich woman and the widow are not a big treacherous person. Although she is disappointed in him, she does not at all kill to the last one, but takes back the detective agency.

Wang Wei himself has no habit of saving money, so he became a pauper again.

In the following decades, Wang Wei has done various businesses.

Later, with a wealth of experience, he opened a stolen goods recycling shop in the black market to help some thief'clean' the stolen goods.

About five years ago, Pearl City conducted a "clean-up operation" on the black market.

When Wang Wei received the news, it was too late, so he was quickly arrested and he was put in prison for more than ten years after trial.

When he came out again, he had nothing left.

In order to be able to live on, he can only rely on experience to buy low and sell high in the black market, earning a meager living cost, until he accidentally buys a potion that can empower an ordinary person.

Although these medicines are full of defects.

But with his years of swindle experience, a bold idea came to mind.



Zhang Ping and Liu Sishan walked out of Zhou Dahao’s neighbors.

"Sister Sisi, are you going back to Guilou now?" Zhang Ping asked with a yawn.

Liu Sishan said indifferently: "Well, this case may become an unsolved case. Investigate for another day tomorrow. If there is still no clue, then temporarily seal it."

The unsolved case in Pearl City There are a lot of crimes with superpowers, it is very difficult to solve the case.

killing people like scything flax killer, cruel adventurer, sometimes because of some very small things, the unfathomable mystery is gone.

The most correct way is to respect powerhouse and don't let it die easily.

"Then I will walk around the city, and by the way, see if there are any thief who can't open their eyes!" Zhang Ping said with a slight smile.

Liu Sishan knows that Zhang Ping is to absorb fear and anger, nodded and said: "Go, now you are also a member of the investigation team and the sweeping team, you have the right to execute them when you encounter scum like Zeng Xiaofan "

"Hmm, I got it!"

Zhang Ping laughed, and then he entered an alley.

In an instant, his clothes turned into a cloak, the face of Death God covered his face, and the hunt began.


Wang Wei carried large and small bags and quietly left the slums through the secret road.

He ordered the Weili faction to build this secret road. It is estimated that the Weili faction did not expect that the real reason for him to build the secret passage was to be able to run away at any time.

He peeled off the wrinkles on his face as he walked, and then put the special beard he bought from the black market on his face.

This beard not only looks like a real beard, but also has a certain ability to confuse it. Now even if the Weili faction is face to face with him, it is estimated that he will not recognize him as the Weili King.

"Don’t blame me, I just want to eat, alas, if I can, I want you to live with hope forever." After Wang Wei changed his face, he looked back and thought. Exclaimed.

He knew very well that the Weilipa people just wanted a hope, and he gave hope to everyone in the Weilipai.

To be honest, he didn't want these to see the dreams of these lovely people.

But he knows very well.

The broken dream is destined.

Because hope does not exist from the very beginning, it is just a pie he painted.

This secret path is not long, and he quickly climbed out of the secret path.

Then he walked through the streets and escaped from the slums along the planned escape route, completely severing relations with the Weilipai.

The night is like water.

A cool breeze blows, and Wang Wei can smell a hint of wine.

He couldn't help slowing down, silently swallowed saliva.

In order to play the role of King Weili, he has not had a drink for a long time.

"Drink a drink, just drink a drink!"

Wang Wei thought silently in his heart, and couldn't help but walk in the direction of the fragrance of wine.

In dozens of minutes.

Wang Wei hiccups, walking crookedly on the road, cursing God from time to time, why is his ability useless?

After he got tired of scolding, he simply sat on the side of the road and said to himself from time to time.

"Actually, I also want everyone to be satisfied."

"But this is impossible, I am not King Weili, I am just Wang Wei, a liar..."

"Sorry, I don't want to do this, but I have to live."

"Money, it's a good thing."

Wang Wei is gradually lying on his knees Up, breathing becomes longer.


As close to two o'clock in the morning, Zhang Ping is still floating in the city.

He has kindly sent a few drunks home, and even secretly escorted a girl who had run away from home to her girlfriend's house.

Pearl City at night, you can see all kinds of emotions in the world, emotions of joy, anger, sorrow, and joy. It seems that there is a cover for the night, and they will no longer be concealed.

Zhang Ping absorbs the anger and fear of other people, and constantly transforms these emotional powers into Nethermist.

At present, his strongest ability is undoubtedly the gold swallower.

But because the gold swallowers are too strong, it is very difficult to make progress.

Moreover, the gold swallowers are not absolutely invincible.

It also has very obvious weaknesses.

Zhang Ping knows very well that with just one ability, it is easy to be targeted by the enemy, so he will improve other abilities when he has time.

Especially the body of Nethermist.

In terms of nature, it is actually very similar to a gold swallower.

As long as it has enough emotional power, its potential is not worse than the gold swallower.

"Wander around for a few minutes and go home to sleep!"

Zhang Ping yawned and walked forward lightly.

He is very satisfied with his current life. Without the threat of Heavenly Fox, he can do whatever he wants.

The only uncomfortable thing is that Zhu Family hides in the dark glare like a tiger watching his prey, so he always feels that he is not happy enough.

"Hey, man, wake up!"

At this time, Zhang Ping saw a man in front of him who was sleeping with a suitcase, so he stepped forward and patted him. The shoulders, hoarse opened the mouth and said.

The man was full of alcohol and obviously drank a lot of alcohol.

If you don't wake him up, when he wakes up in the second day, 100% of the suitcase will be gone.

Pearl City does not have cameras everywhere. The quality of the residents is high or low. Some people are very simple, but there are also many people who are cunning in nature and love takes advantage of them.

Once you lose something, the probability of getting it back is very small.

Most people, if they lose something, they can only recognize it.

"Wake up, your time is up!"

Zhang Ping saw that the man was still asleep in hu hu, so he patted his shoulder again.

At this moment, the man woke up in a daze. He wiped his eyes, and his gaze fell on Zhang Ping's face. At the next moment, he rolled his eyes and passed out directly.

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