[Successful identification]

[Name: Wang Wei]

[Race: Human]

[Factor: Weilipai · Chief (???)]

[Potential: ⭐]

[lifespan: 81]

[level: primary level awakened]

[Level: 6]

[innate talent]

[starlight flashing: consumes a small amount of spirit strength, can make the eyes flash starlight, as gorgeous as a starry sky. 】


Zhang Ping blinked, then wiped his eyes again.

It took a while before he accepted the facts. He seemed to scare the leader of a certain force.

"Weilipa, what kind of broken organization is this?"

Zhang Ping has never heard of Weilipa, but Pearl City has a lot of tangled and complicated forces, but these All the forces have to be shiver coldly in front of the three major organizations, not worth mentioning at all.

"Don't pretend, or I will kill you!"

Zhang Ping looked at Wang Wei who was in a coma, then said in a low voice.

Although Wang Wei's acting skills are very good and his coma is very lifelike, Zhang Ping's eyes are full of loopholes.

He doesn't even need to use his mind power to know that this is acting.

This guy has a problem!

Whether it is the funny Weili pie or pretending to be in a coma, Zhang Ping feels something is wrong.

"My lord, forgive me, I'm just a Little Old Man who died soon, please, please spare me." Wang Wei swallowed his saliva, then sat up in a chattering manner, and begged for mercy.

Zhang Ping stared at Wang Wei and said hoarsely: "Are you the leader of the Weili School?"

"My lord, I really didn't want to lie to those pitiful persons, but I really have nowhere to go. "Wang Wei didn't expect this terrifying existence to directly break his identity. He suddenly turned pale as if was struck by lightning, and then knelt down almost instinctively, and said in horror.

Zhang Ping squinted his eyes and bluffed: "Be lenient in confession, strict in resistance, and tell all the bad things you have done."

"Yes, sir, I Never dare to hide from you." Wang Wei said trembling with fear.

The deterrence of Death God's face is too terrifying for ordinary persons.

In fact, after seeing Zhang Ping's Death God, Wang Wei's reason has disappeared.

Next, he will tell how he got the potion, how to use the potion to deceive the ordinary person, and finally how to set up the Weilipai one after another.

"If this is the case, why are you running away?" Zhang Ping finished listening and asked indifferently.

Wang Wei brow beaded with sweat, and his face flushed replied: "Because one of our sponsors, Zhou Dahao, died, two of the three major organizations are investigating the cause of Zhou Dahao’s death. Sooner or later, the Weili faction It will be exposed."


Zhang Ping didn't expect to go out night watch by himself, but he even caught a person related to Zhou Dahao.

"How did Zhou Dahao die?" He immediately asked in a low voice.

Wang Wei was breathing fast, his eyes drooping slightly, his eyes fixed on Zhang Ping's shoes, replied: "My lord, I don't know how Zhou Dahao died, but it must have nothing to do with Weilijiao."

"Come with me, you'd better pray that everything you said is true." Zhang Ping thought for a while and decided to take the person back to Guilou first.

When Wang Wei heard that Zhang Ping was about to go, he rolled his eyes.

This time is really unconscious.

In fact, his state just now was very wrong, like an animal entering a state of stress.

At that time, he was nervous, the sympathetic nerves were over-excited, the adrenaline flow in the blood was too large, shortness of breath, blood pressure increased, oxygen consumption increased, muscle tightening, and the whole person was on the verge of collapse.

So Zhang Ping said a little, and he went into a coma.

"Am I that scary?"

Zhang Ping touched the face of Death God, thinking of the face of Death God, he himself couldn't help getting goose bumps.

Next, he carried Wang Wei in one hand, a suitcase in the other hand, and Wang Wei's large backpack on his back, and walked slowly towards Guilou.

According to the patrol team guarding the goal, the man who attacked Zhou's house today did drink the potion and was killed by the backlash of the potion.

Zhang Ping originally suspected that the people behind the scenes were controlling the fire snake to kill a witness to silence them.

But according to Wang Wei's confession just now, this is a flaw in the Fire Snake Potion itself. Once the user is timid and has the idea of ​​surrendering, the Fire Snake will automatically attack the user.

So, there is no one behind the scenes.

If it is not the Weili faction or Zhao Lili who killed Zhou Dahao, then the only suspicion is Yuju Zhu Family.

In fact, Zhang Ping also felt that Yu Beast Zhu Family was the most suspicious. After all, everyone who came out of Yu Beast Zhu Family was frantic. It was normal to kill a partner who might expose him.

In the middle of the night.

Guilou has a gloomy atmosphere.

Actually, people in Pearl City don't like to be near Guilou.

Mainly in the language of Pearl City, Gui and Gui are also homophones. Gui team is the ghost team, and Gui Lou is the ghost building.

Chen Shuang and Cao Bing currently live in Guilou. During the day, they usually provide Zhang Ping with tea, fruits, and occasionally help with cooking.

At night, they are mainly responsible for guarding the safety of Guilou.

When Zhang Ping appeared outside Guilou, Chen Shuang and Cao Bing noticed Zhang Ping.

"Why did Master Zhang Ping come to Guilou at this time?" Chen Shuang whispered when he saw Zhang Ping.

Cao Bing said in a low voice with a smile: "Maybe the adults want to attack Senior Sister at night. Didn't you find that adults like Senior Sister's long legs?"

"Large People don't know how to do this kind of thing. If you talk nonsense, I can't spare you." Chen Shuang said while staring.

Cao Bing just smiled, and didn't say anything to stimulate Chen Shuang.

"I'll open the door!"

When Chen Shuang saw Zhang Ping approaching the door, he said inwardly.

She doesn't know whether she should open the door for Zhang Ping, what if Zhang Ping really told Cao Bing?

But when Zhang Ping knocked on the door, she knew she had to open the door. After all, Spirit Physique did not need to sleep. Zhang Ping must know that she and Cao Bing were not asleep.

She gently opened the door, glanced at Wang Wei in Zhang Ping's hand, and whispered: "Master Zhang Ping, Sisi and Senior Sister are all asleep, are you tonight?"


Zhang Ping handed Wang Wei to Chen Shuang, said with a smile: "This is a very important clue. You put him in the detention room and I go home to sleep."

" That lord walks slowly." Chen Shuang took Wang Wei and bowed slightly.

After Zhang Ping left, she closed the door again, staring at Cao Bing, said ill-humoredly: "I said that adults are not that kind of person. You just killed them."

"I'm just talking about, who told you to take it seriously." Cao Bing said with a laugh.

On the other side, Zhang Ping walked to the street, looked back at Guilou, and finally laughed helplessly.

In fact, he heard the conversation between Chen Shuang and Cao Bing just now. After all, although his ears have not evolved into Shunfeng ears, his hearing is much better than ordinary people.

But in his opinion, this is a good proof of the recovery of the two of them, so even though he was suspected, he was very happy.

The two can get out of the haze.

Really very good.

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