It was three o'clock in the middle of the night.

Weilipai finally found out that King Weili was missing.

The entire Weili faction suddenly became a mess.

Some people suspect that the three major organizations secretly arrested King Weili, and some believe that King Weili was kidnapped.

"The king is our ordinary person’s only hope. We must find the king no matter what, even if we sacrifice our lives, we must save the king!"

"Yes, the king is The savior of our ordinary person, we can’t live without the king."

"Fourth Elder, what do you think?"

Conference Hall, everyone talking at once, and finally all looked at Fourth Elder Cheng Xuegong.

The main reason is that the others in the room are actually ordinary persons. Only Cheng Xuegong is the most perfect work of Weiliwang, possessing power no less than awakened.

Cheng Xuegong wiped his glasses, then put the glasses on the bridge of his nose. He looked around the crowd and said with a smile: "Don't worry, the king will definitely come back. We should believe in the wisdom of the king."


"Don't talk about such fake nonsense." Ma Cheng dissatisfied.

Cheng Xuegong said with a smile: "I'm just stating the facts, Wang...will be back!"

After finishing, he got up and left, although the others were very dissatisfied. , But no one dared to ask to stay.

"Damn it, Cheng Xuegong is nothing but good luck and ability. Now I don’t put us in my eyes. Next time the king’s potion, I’ll drink, I don’t believe I’m inferior to him. !" Second Elder Gong Qiang said angrily.

Ma Chengye's complexion is not very good, but he is actually a little uneasy in his heart. He suspects that King Weili has run away.

However, he did not tell everyone his guess, but silently considered retreat. If the Weili Pie is really over, what should he do?

After experiencing the taste of power, he does not want to be an ordinary farmer again.


Tangled and complicated paths in slums.

Cheng Xuegong walked slowly, he looked up at the dim moon, and couldn't help but sighed slightly.

"Wang Wei's acting skills are good, but unfortunately he is a little bit less timid."

Actually, he hasn't drunk any medicine at all, he was awakened.

He joined the Weili faction just to monitor Wang Wei, and by the way, for Wang Wei's platform to attract more little white mouse.

Unfortunately, the trial can only come to an end temporarily. With Heavenly Fox being solved, the sweeping team’s eyeliner will soon spread all over the city. All he has to do now is to sweep the last hand and return To the real master.

"Hey, the breath of Wang Guilou?"

Cheng Xuegong walked on, suddenly showing a sense of horror, and his gaze slowly stretched forward. Finally, I looked in the direction of Guilou far away.

This is not easy.

The investigation team even caught Wang Wei, and now I am afraid that the Weili faction has been completely exposed.

Cheng Xuegong thought for a while, and simply walked back, but after a few steps, he stopped, his face couldn't help but a wry smile, what can the Weiliist do, how can a group of people shake Zhang Ping? This big Buddha.

The ordinary person doesn’t know, but he knows very well that the Gui team with Zhang Ping can at least rank in the top three of the investigation team.

"This matter is troublesome, it seems that I can only report to the owner."

Cheng Xuegong sighed, then put his hands in his pockets, and slowly walked towards the opposite direction of the Gui team.

In fact, not far from the slums are the settlements of the middle class. Because they are slightly richer than ordinary farmers, they have the ability to renovate their homes, except for a few wood houses, such as tree houses and castles. There are also many houses.

Cheng Xuegong came to a square stone house, knocked on the door lightly, and then did not dare to breathe.

For a moment, the stone door slowly sank downward, and a hoarse voice came from the door: "Come in!"

"Master, the Weili faction has been exposed, and Wang Wei has been under the investigation team. Team Gui has been captured." Cheng Xuegong walked into the room, then knelt and said.

In the room, a weird person who was exuding black air and a large amount of liquid spattered from his body from time to time turned around. He stared at Cheng Xuegong, coldly said: "So...what about you? What have you done?"

"I was paying attention to the situation of a few little white mouse that took the master's potion... Subordinates, damn it." Cheng Xuegong wanted to explain, but halfway through Seeing that the killing intent of the weirdo's cloudy eyes became more and more obvious, he simply crawled on the ground and said tremblingly.

The dark green liquid on the strange man turned into a hand and grabbed Cheng Xuegong's neck.

He mentioned Cheng Xuegong and brought him in front of him, staring at Cheng Xuegong with muddy eyes, and said in a deep and hoarse voice: "You really deserve to die. You ruined my test field. A hundred deaths are not enough. , But I will give you another chance."

While speaking, he turned around and took out a potion from the table, and said coldly: "Add this to Weili’s drinking water, it will amplify Weili Send everyone’s inner anger, and bred the devil from the anger. You tell them that Wang Wei is in Guilou, and they know what to do."

", Gui..."

Cheng Xuegong was pinched around his neck, his face flushed, but he still tried to speak.

At this time, the strange man threw Cheng Xuegong on the ground. Cheng Xuegong suddenly coughed several times, and quickly opened the mouth and said: "Lord...Master, the Gui team has the giant Zhang Ping. I’m afraid I can’t help the Gui team."

In the dream of Yongyue, many people have seen Zhang Ping’s giant form. That stalwart and terrifying posture has made countless people fear and worship from the heart, so Nowadays, the awakened circle honors Zhang Ping as a giant in private.

In fact, even if you are proud and arrogant awakened, as long as you have seen Zhang Ping's horrible posture of more than a thousand meters, you will not be arrogant and think you can beat Zhang Ping.

Even if it is a flesh and blood body, it is extremely scary to be more than a thousand meters high.

What's more, Zhang Ping is not simply more than a thousand meters high, but a terrifying height superimposed on layers of metal coatings. It is unimaginable with great defense and power.

The weird figure suddenly stagnated. He had also seen Zhang Ping's giant form, and even went outside the city to check the footprints left by Zhang Ping's giant form. He concluded that: the horror is like this. !

"Zhang Ping..."

"The plan remains the same, but after you complete the task, leave Pearl City immediately. I will wait for you on Mount Everest. If you do not show up after a day , Then I will treat you as dead." The weird groaned for a moment, then clenching one's teeth and said.

Cheng Xuegong nodded and said: "As you bid!"

"Go." The strange man said lightly.

He watched Cheng Xuegong leave with the potion, and the next moment he started to pack his things.

Pearl City has become dragon's pool and tiger's den for him. Once Zhang Ping finds out his presence, he may not even be able to escape, so he must evacuate quickly.

"The sky treats Pearl City so kindly that he even gave Pearl City two people with infinite abilities."

The weirdo is very reluctant. After all, Pearl City is too suitable for experimentation. Whether it is the material needed for the experiment or the little white mouse, Pearl City is innumerable.

He didn't actually have much hope for the plan.

With Zhang Ping, even if the Weiliists gain power, it is impossible to have any impact.

His purpose is only to muddy the water.

When everyone's eyes are on the Guilou side, he can quietly bring more things and leave.

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