I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: Fox City [001] A Quiet Day

As a mentally mature adult, Zhang Ping would not be as startled as a young man when encountering such a situation.

He calmly entered the teaching building and found the teacher's room. However, when he saw one of the teachers outside the door who was also a fox in human skin, he walked past the teacher's room without changing his expression and did not go in to seek help. .

The teacher may not seem reliable either.

These foxes are obviously alienated beasts, and it is still unknown how strong they are in combat.

What if after being exposed, these alienated beasts would go on to kill each other in the school. If the teacher is unreliable, he will definitely be doomed.

Moreover, he has no evidence and his words are unfounded.

If the teacher doesn't believe him, he may alert the enemy and put himself in danger.

"What a surprise!"

Zhang Ping entered the toilet with a slightly complicated mood. He stood for a while and then came out again and walked towards the classroom.


There are actually two alienated beasts lurking in one school, so will there be more alienated beasts in the whole city?

Or even thinking in a worse direction, who is the master of this city?

Zhang Ping lay on the desk, squinted his eyes and opened a slit, looked at the scenery outside the window, and thought to himself: "It seems that there are still many things I don't understand about my abilities."

The human skins attached to the two alien beasts were very old, and it was obvious that they had been lurking in the school for more than a day or two.

But before swallowing the Greedy Gem, he, like most of his classmates, did not realize that Luo Shiyu and the unknown teacher were alien beasts.

Therefore, this change must have come from the greedy gem he swallowed.

Zhang Ping opened his hand and condensed a Greedy Gem in a blink of an eye. He squinted at the Greedy Gem, and after a moment he opened his mouth to eat the gem.

After all, there is no rule that a person can only eat one Greedy Gem. Since this change comes from the Greedy Gem eaten yesterday, what will happen if you eat another Greedy Gem?

After swallowing the gem, Zhang Ping's soul was completely different from yesterday's "unity of man and sword". This time he felt similar to "sympathy between heaven and man", and his whole person seemed to be sublimated.

A few minutes later, he opened his eyes and felt that the whole world had become bright and colorful.

He looked at the table not far away and smelled a hint of blood. Then a terrifying scene naturally appeared in his eyes: the teacher who was in class was talking on the podium, and a huge fox stood in the classroom, chewing After eating a student's head, neither the teacher nor the student realized it.

[Identification successful]

[Blood-stained desk: There was once a student with excellent academic performance who was murdered by an alienated beast without anyone noticing. This blood-stained desk faithfully recorded all of this. 】

Two lines of words suddenly appeared in front of Zhang Ping's eyes. He was slightly startled and immediately looked at other desks, but none of them stimulated this inexplicable ability.

He thought for a moment and looked down at himself. After staring for about a minute, lines of text suddenly began to appear in front of his eyes.

[Identification successful]

[Summoned Beast: Zhang Ping]

[Master: Zhang Ping]

[Race: Human]


【Lifespan: 89】


[Contract Gem: It can consume physical strength + mental power to condense the Contract Gem. Once the target voluntarily accepts the Contract Gem, the life, soul, and consciousness will be dominated by the Summoner, but at the same time, it will also be blessed by the Summoner’s potential and luck. After taking it for the first time , taking it again will slightly increase your own potential, and there is a 1% chance of awakening new talents. Note: Summoner Zhang Ping overdrafts the innate abilities obtained by his IQ, potential, and luck, although they are very powerful.

, but it also has some huge flaws. Being too ambitious seems not a good thing. 】

[Absolute command: You have absolute control over the summoned beast, and the summoned beast cannot disobey your orders]

[Absolute obedience: You absolutely obey the summoner’s orders, and you will faithfully execute the summoner’s orders]

[Unstable identification technique: The target can be identified, and there is a very small probability of obtaining target information. The smaller the strength gap between the two parties, the greater the probability of successfully obtaining information. Note: The natural abilities born from the thirst for knowledge of the summoned beast Zhang Ping and the summoner Zhang Ping]

It was really identified!

Zhang Ping's eyes lit up, he didn't expect to be able to identify the information.

However, when he saw that the summoned beast was himself and the summoner was still himself, he suddenly felt dumbfounded.

Can he be considered both his father and his son now?

Fortunately, this brings a new benefit, that is, he has absolute control over his own consciousness, which means that other creatures cannot affect his subjective consciousness.

Next, he carefully read all the identified information. Even though he was as steady as an old dog, he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly at this moment.

It turns out that his ability is not called the Greed Gem, but the Contract Gem.

The contract gem's ability was far more powerful than he imagined.

Awakening new talents, translated as awakening a second or even third or fourth superpower, is equivalent to unlimited possibilities.

Generally speaking, each person has only one ability.

Although with practice, this ability will continue to become stronger, and even the methods of use will be broadened, but in the final analysis, it is still just an ability.

However, contract gems can continuously improve the potential of summoned beasts and even inspire new abilities, which is very scary.

After understanding his own information, Zhang Ping felt roughly confident.

What he needs to do now is to live well. As long as he lives, there is hope.

But this does not mean that he does nothing. First, he must find out the real situation of the city. He does not need to know everything, but at least he needs to know whether it is humans or alien beasts who have the final say in Mingzhu City.

He does not want his desk to become a bloody desk.

At noon.

After class, Zhang Ping ate lunch hastily and then left school.

During class, he had already thought of an excuse to go to the patrol team to find Su Jingyao and see how many alien beasts there are in the city.

Walking on the street, he soon saw a human-shaped fox in a cold weapon shop eating a human arm while crossing his legs and reading a newspaper. Maybe in the eyes of others, this is just an ordinary middle-aged man, chewing chicken feet and reading a newspaper.

[Successful identification]

[Alienated beast: Tianchang fox]

[Race: Alienated fox]

[Potential: unknown]

[Lifespan: unknown]


[Cognitive distortion: It has the ability to distort biological cognition and can modify the target's cognition]

[Common sense subversion: When doing something that does not conform to common sense, it can subvert the target's common sense and force the target to not notice the abnormality]

Zhang Ping continued to move forward without stopping.

When he read the results of the identification, he immediately realized that the Tianchang fox might have infiltrated the entire Pearl City.

Fortunately, he did not report it rashly, otherwise it would definitely be him who died, not the Tianchang fox.

Next, he found many Tianchang foxes along the way. These foxes walked on the street in a swagger, and even talked to people in a proper manner. Even foxes would bargain and quarrel with each other.

They are intelligent, no less than humans!

Two hours later, he came to the patrol team headquarters. He walked to the information desk and asked, "Excuse me, I want to find someone."

"Hello, who do you want to find?" A Tianchang fox asked hoarsely behind the counter.

Zhang Ping said calmly: "Su Jingyao, she should have just reported here today."

"Let me take a look." Tianchang Fox nodded, and then checked the records.

After a moment, it looked at Zhang Ping and said: "Su Jingyao is still at the headquarters. Do you need me to notify her to come over?"

"Okay, thank you." Zhang Ping nodded.

[Identification successful]

[Alienated beast: Tianchang Fox]

[Race: Alienated Fox]

[Potential: Unknown]

[Lifespan: Unknown]


[Cognitive distortion: You have the ability to distort biological cognition and can modify the target's cognition]

[Common sense subversion: When you do something that is not in line with common sense, you can subvert the target's common sense and force the target to not notice the abnormality]

[Unexplained trust: Most creatures will spontaneously trust you]

The attributes of this Tianchang Fox are stronger than the previous Tianchang Fox!

Most humans have only one talent, but alienated beasts are not like that. They generally have more than two, and three are not rare. This is also the fundamental reason why humans can only hide in cities. Alienated beasts are much stronger than humans.

In this world, if humans are not intelligent, and know how to work together and use tools, they are definitely at the bottom of the food chain.

After a while, Zhang Ping heard footsteps, looked up, and a smile gradually appeared on his face.

Two Tianchang Foxes came over, one of which had Su Jingyao's human skin on its forehead. The human skin was bloody and looked extremely scary.

"Zhang Ping, why did you come to me?" Tianchang Fox walked in front of Zhang Ping and asked hoarsely.

Zhang Ping smiled and said, "I am mainly worried that you will not adapt to the patrol team. How do you feel? If you can't accept it, you might as well go to farm with me."

"Who will go to farm with you? I can become stronger in the patrol team, and go out to kill alien beasts in the future to avenge my parents!" Tianchang Fox said unhappily.

Zhang Ping sighed and said, "Okay, it seems that you have adapted well, so I am relieved."

"Are you really determined to go to farm?" Tianchang Fox asked.

Zhang Ping shrugged and said helplessly: "Who made me awaken useless abilities? I'm leaving. It will probably be a long time before we meet again."

"Well, see you next time." Tian Changhu nodded, then turned and left.

Zhang Ping calmly walked out of the patrol team headquarters, looked up at the blue sky, and sighed for a long time. He looked like a boy who had broken up.

Next, he entered the restaurant not far away.

This restaurant just happened to see the gate of the patrol team headquarters. He ordered a cup of tea and then sat by the window.

Bravery does not mean recklessness, and anger does not mean indulgence. Zhang Ping was a member of the rescue team in his previous life, so although he was holding back a fire in his heart, the more angry he was, the calmer he was.

After an afternoon, he got the information he needed and returned to school.

There was no living person in the entire patrol team, all of them were Tian Changhu.

This was the conclusion he came to after observing for an afternoon, that is, no matter who it was, as long as they joined the patrol team, they were sentenced to death.

The patrol team has been completely controlled by the Tianchang Fox. For the Tianchang Fox, Mingzhu City has become an undefended hunting ground, and all people are their livestock.

No wonder Tianchang Foxes appear even in schools, because Mingzhu City has long fallen.

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