I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [020] The true purpose of the Fire Eaters

Outside the city, there is a rocky beach.

This was Zhang Ping's first time out of the city, and the biggest feeling he felt along the way was safety.

He originally thought that he would face endless dangers after leaving the city, but who knew that he had not encountered a single alienated beast along the way with Liu Sishan.

"Sister Sisi, what are we doing here? Didn't we say we were going to have special combat training?" Zhang Ping picked up a pebble and asked while playing with it.

Liu Sishan's back was turned to Zhang Ping, when suddenly a stream of water swept out from her side.

call out!

The pebble Zhang Ping was playing with suddenly split into two. Only then did he react, quickly threw the stone and backed away quickly.

"In order to ensure that my special training can be effective for you, you can attack me with all your strength next, and I will take appropriate action to test your limits." Liu Sishan turned around, looked at Zhang Ping who looked defensive, and slowly said Said slowly.

Zhang Ping frowned and said, "Sister Sisi, are you sure you won't make a mistake and accidentally cut me in half?"

"It's hard to say. You'd better pray that I don't miss it." Liu Sishan said calmly.

As she spoke, four floating water spheres appeared around her. These water spheres were rotating around her and could turn into water whips and cut everything around them at any time.

"bring it on."

Liu Sishan waved to Zhang Ping.

She was dressed in white and stood still.

Gradually, the surrounding water vapor filled the air, and under the refraction of the light, she looked like a Guanghan fairy.

Zhang Ping felt like he had no idea what to do. After thinking for a moment, he bent down and picked up a few pebbles. He simply used the pebbles as hidden weapons to test Liu Sishan's methods.

He raised his hand and threw the pebbles.

The water balls around Liu Sishan suddenly turned into flat shields to block the pebbles. Then many small water balls separated from the big water balls and shot towards Zhang Ping like bullets.

"not good!"

Zhang Ping hurriedly moved back, and the cobblestones in front of him were shot through by water bullets.

If a water bomb falls on a person, the consequences will be disastrous.

At this moment, Zhang Ping realized that Liu Sishan was serious.

He took a deep breath, then pulled out the Beauty Tears dagger and quickly approached Liu Sishan with ape steps.

The essence of Ape King pose is the footwork.

This footwork has endless variations and is very escaping. When you reach a certain level of practice, unless you have the ability to mentally lock in, it will be difficult to be targeted.

Zhang Ping's ape step is not a perfect one, it's just a beginner's level.

But Liu Sishan didn't attack with all his strength, otherwise the water bomb would be faster and have a tracking effect. With Zhang Ping's current strength, there would be no way to play.

Under Liu Sishan's release of water, Zhang Ping relied on ape steps to avoid the water bombs. However, when he approached Liu Sishan, he was swept five meters away by a huge slap made of water before he could attack.


Zhang Ping sat down on the cobblestones, grinned in pain, and couldn't help but gasp.

But Liu Sishan didn't intend to give him time to breathe. A series of water bombs came at him again, and he quickly rolled to dodge.

Next, he stood up and tried to approach Liu Sishan again, but the result was the same as before.

After a few times, Zhang Ping was out of breath and sweating profusely.

"Is this all you have?" Liu Sishan stopped his offensive and looked at Zhang Ping and asked.

Zhang Ping gasped, couldn't help but rolled his eyes after hearing this, and said angrily: "Sister Sisi, what do you think a third-level rookie like me can do?"

"But your strength now is not as strong as when you were attacked by Tianchang Fox. It seems... maybe I... haven't pushed you hard enough." Liu Sishan narrowed his eyes and said slowly.

As soon as she said these words, Zhang Ping's eyes widened and he had a bad feeling in his heart.

as expected.

The next moment, dozens of tiny water jets formed instantly.

However, this water whip does not flow at high speed and high speed.

The vibration is just a whip made purely of water.

Zhang Ping was caught off guard and was whipped. His hair stood up immediately, his eyes narrowed in pain and turned into cow's eyes. He even took a breath of cold air and trembled all over.

It hurts!

He felt his back was burning, and saw more water whips coming. He quickly stretched out his hand, and the fire element energy suddenly spurted out, forming a huge flame palm, which blocked all the water whips.

Next, the water whip is like the tentacles of an octopus, constantly attacking from various angles.

Zhang Ping danced, jumped up and down, and rolled left and right, but he still received several whips and grinned in pain.

During the confrontation, he had to abandon unnecessary thoughts and concentrate on fighting the attack from Liu Sishan.

Gradually, he entered a state without distracting thoughts and began to feel the rhythm coming from the wind.

No matter which angle the water whip attacks from, he can react first and block the attack with flame every time.

Liu Sishan looked at Zhang Ping, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, the attack speed of the water whip gradually increased, and the angle became more and more tricky.

One minute later.

The fire element energy in Zhang Ping's body was exhausted, and he suddenly fell down powerlessly.

"I can't do it anymore, I'm so tired."

He glanced at the water whips around him and said helplessly with his eyes closed.

However, the water whip did not fall. Instead, it gradually shrank to Liu Sishan's side and returned to the water polo form again.

Liu Sishan walked up to Zhang Ping and said, "You are actually very strong, at least among the junior awakened ones."

Whether it is reaction ability or ability control, Zhang Ping's performance is actually remarkable. His only weakness is probably the lack of long-range means, but this weakness can be gradually made up for in the future.

"Of course I know that I am very strong in my level. Sister Sisi, if you were at the same level as me, could you beat me?" Zhang Ping looked up at Liu Sishan and asked.

Liu Sishan said truthfully: "I can't beat him. Before the intermediate level, I only had defensive means. After the intermediate level, I gradually developed my combat power."

"How long did it take?" Zhang Ping asked.

Liu Sishan replied: "One year."

"How is that possible!" Zhang Ping said in shock.

Advance from beginner to intermediate in just one year?

Liu Sishan said: "Nothing is impossible. There is a huge difference in the speed of promotion of different abilities."

Her ability is to store water element energy by drinking water, so she is different from ordinary people. Most people will get water poisoning if they drink too much water, but her drinking water will only increase the water element energy. As long as the water element energy is released in time, she will You can hone your abilities by drinking a steady stream of water.

Ability becomes stronger the more you use it.

Compared with some abilities that have strict activation conditions, her ability's activation conditions are quite loose, so as long as you are willing to practice, you can advance very quickly.

Of course, this is also related to her amazing potential.

If there is insufficient potential, it is also impossible to advance so quickly.

Rested on the spot for ten minutes.

Liu Sishan asked Zhang Ping to get up, and then continued to move forward with Zhang Ping.

"Sister Sisi, where are we going now?" Zhang Ping asked while eating a compressed energy bar.

Liu Sishan said: "Do you know why Pearl City was built here?"

"Why?" Zhang Ping really didn't know the answer.

Liu Sishan replied: "Because there is Changsha River to the east of Pearl City, the Salt Mountains to the south, a large amount of iron ore ten kilometers away to the west, and endless mountains to the north. When building a city here, you don't need to worry about the lack of water, salt, iron, meat and other resources."

"Then we are in the south now?" Zhang Ping raised his head and glanced at the sun in the sky, then judged.

Liu Sishan nodded and said: "On the road leading to the Salt Mountain in the south, the investigation team and patrol team will clean up the alienated beasts regularly, so the alienated beasts are generally at a low level, which is just right for you to practice.

hand. "

"Now?" Zhang Ping said with wide eyes.

Liu Sishan replied: "Go to the camp to rest for half a day, and then start again at night."

"That's good, that's good." Zhang Ping breathed a sigh of relief.

His current condition is very poor. Not only has the fire element energy in his body been exhausted, but his physical strength has also been exhausted. Not to mention the alienated beast, even ordinary beasts may not be able to defeat it.

Salt Mountain is a place name.

It is actually a valley containing a large amount of salt deposits.

It takes about two hours to walk from Pearl City to Yanshan District.

Sometimes the salt transporters had no time to return to Pearl City, so they simply rested near the salt mountain, gradually forming camps.

The problem is that it's not safe to spend the night in the wild.

They are often attacked by wild beasts and alienated beasts in the middle of the night, and most of the deaths and injuries of salt transporters are related to this.

Later, some adventurers saw business opportunities and built better and safer camps near the salt mountain.

Guests only need to pay a small amount of pearl coins to stay for one night, and there are dedicated awakeners who are responsible for guarding and driving away wild beasts and alienated beasts at night.

Accommodation is not expensive and relatively safe.

People transporting salt gradually became accustomed to spending the night in such camps.

In the salt mountain area, camping has gradually become a pretty good business.

Two hours later.

Zhang Ping and Liu Sishan came to a camp.

The camp was built on a small hill, with a large pit dug in the middle. The pit was burning with blazing flames, a bit like a small volcano.

Around the bonfire, many tents are set up, and you can check in and rest with the corresponding number plate.

Zhang Ping and Liu Sishan's tents were very close to the campfire. Zhang Ping simply sat next to the campfire to absorb the flames and quickly recover his strength.

"Ask a question, can you eat the flames you release?" Liu Sishan asked thoughtfully when he saw this scene.

Zhang Ping was stunned for a moment, then tried it and replied: "Yes, it is possible, but it still consumes a lot, but this is a new idea!"

The main ability of the Fire Eater is to consume fire to restore physical strength.

After his physical strength is full, it will turn into fire element energy and be stored in the body. Therefore, after his physical strength is exhausted, he can completely restore his physical strength by releasing the fire element energy and then swallowing the flames formed by the fire element energy.

Could it be that this is actually the real use of fire eaters?

Zhang Ping murmured in his heart.

In fact, many awakened people are not clear about the true purpose of their abilities.

They all train and use their abilities according to their own understanding. Even if their understanding is wrong, the ability will gradually change into the shape that the awakened person is accustomed to through constant use.

Therefore, most awakened people do not think about whether their abilities are different from what they think.

"Since you can recover your physical strength by absorbing fire, don't be idle now. Do five hundred push-ups first."

When Liu Sishan muttered in Zhang Ping's heart, he immediately realized the true purpose of the Fire Eater.

Possessed of fire eaters.

Zhang Ping can definitely take the route of strengthening the physical body.

He doesn't need to worry about physical exertion at all. As long as there is flame, he can continue to exercise.

"Sister Sisi, five hundred is too petty. Let me give you five thousand first."

Zhang Ping said with a smile, and then ordered himself in his mind to start exercising.

When exercising next to a campfire, he could do push-ups while smoking the flames without feeling tired at all.

After doing 5,000 push-ups, Zhang Ping started leapfrogging around the campfire.

It was broad daylight.

The salt transporters were out looking for salt mines, and there was no one around to disturb them.

In the camp, apart from the crackling of the campfire, there was only Zhang Ping's panting.

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