Zhang Ping feels that the eyes are itchy, and the next moment the eyes have a gushing sensation.

He was in the crowd. Some people all around turned into crocodile-headed monsters, some had huge double horns on their heads, and some opened their mouths and spewed flames.

"Everyone, run away, I can't help it!"

Zhang Ping loudly roared, subconsciously raised his head suddenly, two red beams from his eyes, the clouds in the sky Was shot through two big holes in an instant.

Many people were shocked when they saw this scene.

A guy with a bull's head was stunned, and it took a while to mutter to himself: "So fierce!"

These two light beams shot for half a minute, Zhang Ping Only when I felt the switch, the red light in the eyes of the next moment gradually shrank, and the light beam disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"What's the matter, you all awakened?" Zhang Ping looked at the others in surprise and asked.

The Ox Head Man, a shivered, shook his head quickly and said: "I don't know. I also suddenly felt that my head became very heavy. I don't know anything."

"Your The head is so big, it must be very heavy." Zhang Ping nodded said sympathetically.

His pupils are still undergoing new changes at this time, sometimes turning into round pupils, sometimes into snake-like vertical pupils, and even double pupils, star pupils, heart pupils...

But these eyes do not have any special functions, and...

Zhang Ping is a squint!

So other people didn't notice that his pupils were constantly changing. Only when the light beam was just shot did everyone know that he also changed.

At this time, everyone reacted and checked themselves one after another, and then many people cried and cried.

"What the hell is going on?"

"Wu wu wu, my head becomes a pig's head, how can I marry someone?"

"My hand turned into a sickle, the five girls are gone, I'm so miserable ahhhh..."

"Why do I have tails on both sides, where is my big baby?"

"Fortunately, I just got sharp teeth. Ouch, I bit my tongue."

"When I talk, I will breathe fire and spray. Who will tell me how to control it? Switch?"

"Man, you burned my second head, it's so hot!"

Zhang Ping all around Qun Demon Flurry, the worst is a woman with a hot body , But his head turned into a pig's head. At this time, he was kneeling on the ground and crying. The problem is that the pig face is really sympathetic, does not raise.

At this time, Zhang Ping has fully identified his own attribute , His attribute panel does have one more ability, but this ability is a bit weird.

【Mutated eyes: Every second, the eyes have a mutation. If the same mutation occurs, the formidable power will be enhanced. All the eyes from the mutation will be automatically activated according to emotions.

Remarks: Is the air so bad now? 】

Zhang Ping is no longer a rookie at the beginning. Although he doesn't know how many kinds of mutations have occurred in his eyes, he can feel that different emotions can faintly correspond to certain switches.

This feeling is very strange, probably just like you want to poop and feel it must be the fart. In the eye, what you want to pee must be the biological urination organ in the front.

Zhang Ping's mood swings can correspond to different abilities.

Cha-cha, Zhang Ping has a strong ability to control emotions. He is happy if he wants to be happy, angry if he wants to be angry, and sad if he wants to be sad.

At this moment, he changed his mood slightly, his eyes gradually exuded red light, and the people around him who were still crying and crying backed away in terror.

"Don't be nervous, I'm just trying my ability!"

Zhang Ping's red light eyes dimmed quickly, squinting at the crowd, said with a smile.

When he was happy, his pupils suddenly turned into the shape of stars, and at the same time circles of golden patterns appeared, and he found a little purple in the mist.

He looked in the direction where the mist was floating, and immediately found the source of the purple mist.

Reminiscent of'Is the air so bad now in the ability remarks? ', he squinted his eyes, immediately wrapped himself with thought power, and quickly flew above the source of the purple mist.

"Wang Wei bought a potion of unknown origin on the black market, which can give other people abilities. Now that the Weili faction is about to attack Guilou, it just happens that the purple mist that makes people mutate appears..."

This is definitely not an accident, and even Wang Wei himself is just a piece of the opponent's chess piece.

Not right.

That guy Wang Wei is not qualified to be a chess piece at all. At best, he is just a scapegoat.

At this time, a large number of members of the patrol team quickly surrounded from different streets, and the members of the Weili faction panicked.

"Brother, come down quickly, assemble, and prepare for the battle!" Ma Cheng finally shrank his tongue back into his mouth, then shouted.

Others were also very nervous, watching all around uneasy one by one, and some even took out daggers and sticks, preparing to work hard.

Zhang Ping is a bit speechless. Now the members of the patrol team are all senior adventurers drawn from various dojos. Do these mobs really think they can compete with the patrol team?

"Brothers, don’t panic, we also have a lot of capable people here. We have the power to fight, for the king, we don’t hesitate to fight!" Ma Cheng shouted at this time, and after the roar, his tongue was subconsciously pop up.

I have to say that Ma Cheng's roar really boosted morale. Many people who had just mutated roared one after another, and Little Giant bulged up his muscles and beat his chest constantly.


A red light shoots out from top to bottom, forming a scorched black trace on the ground.

All of the Weili faction were taken aback, and then looked dumbfounded at Zhang Ping above.

Zhang Ping squinted said with a smile: "Whoever steps out of this line, I will shoot someone to death."

"You are not our brother? Who are you?" Ma Cheng complexion slightly changed and shouted loudly.

His voice has changed a bit, a bit like a frog's call, but because of this change, his voice is much louder.

Many people scolded and glared at Zhang Ping.

Zhang Ping doesn't care about these verbal abuses. He looked at Ma Cheng and said with a smile: "You are going to my site to make trouble, and you are asking who am I?"

"You are..."

Ma Cheng realized Zhang Ping's identity instantly, and his face turned pale.

At this time, Bai De stepped forward and shouted solemnly: "Everyone squatted down and raised their hands. If anyone dared to stand after a breath, execute without any mercy!"

All the Weiliists fell silent, looking at Ma Cheng and the others one by one.

Ma Cheng wanted to be loudly roared, and then went to war with the patrol team, but Zhang Ping, who was located at a high place, gave him a great oppression, as if he only dared to make changes, next The moment will be shot by the red light.

He swallowed his saliva and was about to squat down, but Gong Qiang, the Little Giant next to him, yelled: "Afraid of an egg, everyone will rush to me!"

Qiang exerted force under his feet and rushed directly to Bai De, but as soon as he crossed the black line drawn by Zhang Ping, a red light suddenly appeared and shot through his ankle. He screamed and fell to the ground.

"Next time I won't show mercy again, I will shoot my neck!"

Zhang Ping looked at the Weilipai, his eyes flashing red light and said.

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