Facts prove it.

Weilipai is just a bunch of mobs just like Zhang Ping judged.

When Ma Cheng squatted and raised his hands, all the members of the Weili School squatted down and raised their hands one by one.

The patrol team tortured away those incompetent ordinary persons, and those members who suddenly gained abilities were sent to Guilou for custody.

Half an hour later, in the detention room.

Zhang Ping sits in front of Ma Cheng, smiling at Ma Cheng who is brow beaded with sweat.


"Ma Cheng."




"45 years old."


"This...I'm not quite clear, but my tongue seems to have become More flexible and powerful."

"What do you want to do with Guilou?"


Ma Cheng sweats like rain, he Looked at Zhang Ping in horror.

When he opened his mouth to quibble, his entire face suddenly aged rapidly.

He screamed in pain, and the person fell from the chair to the ground, and the whole person was violently convulsed and twisted.

The long tongue fell softly from his mouth to the ground, and he was dying in just a few seconds.

Zhang Ping at first thought that Ma Cheng was acting, but soon he found that Ma Cheng's breath quickly weakened.

At this moment, Zhang Shouzhong opened the door and rushed in: "Zhang Ping, it's not good, those people are all...the same as him."

"Wait a minute!"


Zhang Ping squatted beside Ma Cheng, one hand turned into Wang Xue.

When his blood penetrated into Ma Cheng's body, he found that Ma Cheng's body was like a funnel, and his life was leaking rapidly.

"Sure enough, how can there be a free lunch in the world!"

In fact, Zhang Ping was a little confused just now. Is there really a perfect potion of ability in the world that does not need to pay any price?

At the beginning, Liu Sishan told him very seriously that there is no thing in the world that allows people to easily obtain abilities, and things like overwhelming majority require users to pay a huge price.

It turns out that these people will lively dragon and animated tiger after they get the ability, not like there are any repercussions.

Now, it seems that there are no repercussions, but repercussions have not broken out yet.

Zhang Ping tried to plug Ma Cheng’s “loophole”, but it didn’t work at all. The east side did not leak and the west side leaked, and as long as his blood left the “loophole”, Ma Cheng’s life would still be fast Drain.

"It's not saved."

Zhang Ping sighed helplessly, slowly withdrawing Wang's blood.

Actually, the'vulnerability' is just a description of the abstract in his perception. Strictly speaking, Ma Cheng is actually'burning' his own life to support his current superpowers.

As long as the super power still exists, the horse achievement will continue to burn until death.

"Am I... going to die?"

Ma Cheng looked at Zhang Ping in pain, and asked with difficulty with his mouth tilted.

"Do you have any last words?"

Zhang Ping looked at Ma Cheng, hesitated for a moment, and asked seriously.

He knows very well that the Weili School is only composed of countless ordinary persons who are unwilling to be ordinary. They just want to resist this damn fate.

It's just that this world is too cruel, and I have never treated these people kindly.

The world where everyone is equal is fundamentally impossible.

Unless, everyone has a button that can destroy the world.

"Cheng Xuegong...there is a problem!"

Ma Cheng's face gradually turned green, he looked at Zhang Ping with muddy eyes, and said with difficulty.

"I got it!"

Zhang Ping closed his eyes and nodded said.

At this moment, Ma Cheng's body twitched violently, his eyes were bloodshot, and he said in pain: "Trouble you, can you...give me a pleasure?"

He was afraid of death, but he was too painful. Every cell in his body was tearing apart, and countless small pains combined together, smashing his nerves like a tsunami. He was not alive now.

Knowing that he was going to die, he wanted to get rid of it sooner instead.

"Yes, and...I will avenge you!"

Zhang Ping took a deep breath, and his eyes flashed red light suddenly.

"Thank you!"

Ma Cheng smiled more ugly than crying, and then closed his eyes.

a beam of light instantly penetrated Ma Cheng's brain, and Ma Cheng, who had been twitching constantly, suddenly stopped moving.

Zhang Ping got up and looked at Ma Cheng's body, opened the mouth and said: "fatty, go and notify the patrol team, and search for the whereabouts of Weilipa Fourth Elder Cheng Xuegong!"

"Well, I'm going now!" Zhang Shouzhong glanced at Ma Cheng with a complex expression, then nodded and said.

Zhang Ping walked out of the detention room. People in other rooms kept screaming in pain. Zhang Ping took a deep breath, then opened the next room and walked in. The scream of pain stopped abruptly.

Next, he walked through the one by one room, and finally Guilou became quiet again.

"Zhang Ping, are you okay?" Cheng Xuejie asked worriedly.

Zhang Ping shook his head and said: "I'm fine. Although I also absorbed the purple mist, my ability should be related to the contract gem, not the effect of the purple mist."

"I didn't ask this, you know." Cheng Xuejie said helplessly.

Zhang Ping looked at the detention room and said seriously: "I promised them, I will avenge them, in fact, they did nothing bad, just a group of pitiful persons being used, maybe even... little white mouse."

He felt the anger of these people.

Their anger is pure, with a taste of a revolutionary pioneer.

When he was in school, he really considered being a farmer, so he could understand the feelings of these people.

If he is really useless.

Perhaps, he could not refuse the temptation of Weilipai.

Cheng Xuejie clenched her fists and said angrily: "Those people, their hearts are too bad, these people are already pitiful enough."

"I'll see Wang Wei." Zhang Ping Slightly clenched his fists, squinted and said.

He walked to Wang Wei's detention room and opened the door directly. In the corner of Wang Wei's detention room, he was relaxed when Zhang Ping appeared.

"My lord, outside...just now..." Wang Wei said in a panic.

He didn't finish his words, Zhang Ping coldly said: "Shut up, come and sit down, I have something to ask you."

"Yes, yes!"

Wang Wei quickly sat down in front of Zhang Ping.

He is a little uneasy. Although he doesn't know what happened, he knows that Zhang Ping is in a very bad mood now.

Zhang Ping closed his eyes, sorted out the information obtained during this period, and then asked: "How much do you know about Cheng Xuegong?"

"Cheng Xuegong? He is a Good luck guy." Wang Wei was taken aback, then replied.

Good luck?

Zhang Ping blasted the table in front of him with one hand, scared Wang Wei hurriedly retracted, and then the chair suddenly squeaked and threw him to the ground.

"You really don't know anything!" Zhang Ping stood up and bent over to lift Wang Wei, suppressing anger and said.

Although Zhang Ping is very clear that Wang Wei has only been used, but if it were not for Wang Wei, the Weili School might not be able to absorb so many ordinary persons.

Next, Zhang Ping told Wang Wei word by word what had happened outside. The more Wang Wei listened, the bigger his eyes opened, and he burst into tears.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I really didn't want to kill them. I told them that the medicine had side effects. I told them..." Wang Wei hid his face and cried bitterly, reproaching himself.

He suddenly turned around, walked to his suitcase, opened the suitcase, and took out the three potions.

"My lord, the rest of my medicine is here. If you have anything to ask, I absolutely know what to answer. Please, take revenge for them. I can do anything. I can do anything. I promise you."

He knelt in front of Zhang Ping and said with tears streaming down his face.

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